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Why the Burley Bark Ranger Dog Stroller is Tripawd Approved

Did you know there’s a really cool way to take your three-legged dog on longer walks? Not with a wheelchair, but something far less complicated and more fun for everyone: the Burley Bark Ranger™ Dog Stroller and Bike Trailer!

Nellie in the Burley Bark Ranger Dog Stroller and Bike Trailer.
Nellie goes places in the Burley Bark Ranger Dog Stroller and Bike Trailer.
Don’t miss our review of the Burley Bark Ranger Ski Kit Accessory!

It’s normal to miss taking your three-legged dog walking without worrying about how far they can or should go. We felt the same way after our Jerry lost his leg to cancer. Over in our Discussion Forums, members often wonder “How can I help my Tripawd go on longer walks?”

Tripawd parents are usually surprised to learn that an awesome set of wheels like the Burley Bark Ranger™ Dog Stroller and Bike Trailer are all that’s needed to keep the adventures going strong.

Here’s Tripawds Spokesdog Nellie giving it a spin.

Nellie tries out the Burley Bark Ranger Dog Stroller and Trailer

Why This Tripawd Approved Dog Stroller is So Pawesome

In the Tripawds Gear Shop, you’ll find a number of “Tripawd Approved” products tested by members, or us. In our community, The Burley Bark Ranger stroller often earns praise. But it wasn’t until now that we received a Burley demo unit for our own review. We and our 3.5-legged Nellie were eager to see if it measured up to others we have tried.

TRIPAWD TIP: Always make a slow, careful introduction to any new gear, but especially a dog stroller. This Burley stroller training video includes great tips to begin training!

dog stroller introduction tips
Nellie needed a slow stroller introduction, too.

We took a couple of days to get Nellie familiar with the trailer. Soon she was ready to hit the road! After giving the Bark Ranger a thorough test here in rural Alaska, we are confident saying that we have found the most durable, well-built, portable stroller for dogs with three legs or four!

A full review of why the Bark Ranger works for Tripawd dogs.

Six Reasons Why the Burley Bark Ranger Dog Stroller Earns the “Tripawd Approved” Seal

Out here in the wild North Country, anything riding on the road takes a beating. Could the Burley survive on dirt and gravel? We were about to find out.

Testing the Bark Ranger dog stroller on dirt and gravel.
Testing the Bark Ranger on dirt and gravel.

Well, Nellie’s been riding it in for a couple of months, and the stroller has more than lived up to our expectations. It shows no signs of wear, and rides as smooth as it did the day we took it out of the box.

  1. Made with high quality construction materials; the same used for Burley’s human kid trailers and strollers.
  2. Low center of gravity; three-legged dogs will have an easy time getting in and out.
  3. It’s the only dog stroller with a Ski Kit for snowy weather.
  4. Available for in 2 sizes: one for dogs up to 75 pounds, one for dogs up to 100 pounds.
  5. Dogs can ride in a variety of positions, standing, sitting, and laying.
  6. Use it as a kennel when traveling: sits flat by detaching wheels.

The Bark Ranger can attach to a bicycle for towing, and used for stroller pushing in the same trip. The wheel flips up for towing, and comes down for strolling.

This ride comes with a Burley Support and Service guarantee! The aluminum frame / roll cage has a five year warranty, and the fabric comes with a one year warranty.

Get the details from Burley.

Burley makes the best assortment of dog stroller accessories, too.

Don’t miss our review of the Burley Bark Ranger Ski Kit Accessory!

These Burley Dog Stroller accessories are ready make your rides together even more fun. From a plush dog bed, to 16″ fat tire bike wheels, a rain cover, the two-wheel conversion kit for maneuvering in tight spaces, a light kit, and even a Ski Kit (which we will review as soon as we have enough snow on the ground).

Shop Burley for Bark Ranger Dog Stroller and accessories.

Any dog stroller allows your dog to take longer “walks” and enjoy longer distances than they ever could on their own or in a wheelchair. But only one stroller is as good as the Bark Ranger!

three and a half legged Alaska dog
Nellie’s adventure in Alaska is just starting!

We love strollers for Tripawds because they keep the physical demands on a three-legged dog’s body low, and quality of life high. And we believe the best dog stroller to help three-legged dogs go on longer walks and enjoy the world is the Burley Bark Ranger. As Burley’s newest affiliates, we hope you will give it a try too.

If you try or already own a Burley ride, please comment and let us know how it helped your Tripawd go on longer walks, too!

6 thoughts on “Why the Burley Bark Ranger Dog Stroller is Tripawd Approved”

  1. We love ours! Instead of leaving Booey behind in the car once he got tired he can now keep walking with us! We also purchased the ski kit! Used it several times and loved it! Great work out too!


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