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What Tri-Pug Maggie’s Mast Cell Tumor Amputation Taught Karen

Tripawds members come and go through the years, which is understandable. But a few have stayed on-board for years and become integral parts of our community. Karen Riley, aka “krun15” is one such member.

Meet Your Tripawds Pal: krun15

three-legged canine nosework champ
Elly has come a long way from the shy rescue dog Karen adopted!

Pet parents facing amputation for their dogs and cats find lots of help by joining the Tripawds community. They often make quick friends with others who understand exactly what they’re going through. These Tripawds Pals point new members to helpful resources, while offering advice, comfort and support. Karen is one member who has been there for others for almost a decade.

In the first edition of our new “Meet Your Tripawd Pals” Tripawd Talk Radio podcast, you’ll meet this paweseome pet parent, Tripawds Forums moderator and Tripawds Helpline host. Karen is a California dog mom who has been an exceptionally supportive member of our community since October 2009! That’s when her senior Pug Maggie needed a mast cell tumor amputation. 

Tripawds Helpline

Today, Karen is mom to four-legged Obie the Pug, and Elly, a “Tri-Puggle” Rescue Mutt who is becoming a world-class canine nosework champ. 

Tune in to Tripawd Talk Radio below, to find out how Karen made it through Tri-Pug Maggie’s mast cell cancer tumor amputation. And you’ll learn how that experience helped her prepare for life on three legs with Elly.

Share Your Tripawds Story!

If you want to share your Tripawds story to help new members going though the amputation journey, contact us! We would love to feature you on our next “Meet Your Tripawds Pals” episode.

4 thoughts on “What Tri-Pug Maggie’s Mast Cell Tumor Amputation Taught Karen”

  1. Karen was amazing helping the whole family through an extremely traumatic time. All the way over here in Australia we found a truly wonderful, caring person.

  2. A wonderful well deserved way to pay tribute to an INVALUABLE , LOYAL, COMPASSIONATE, KNOWLEDGEABLE long term member! She’s always in the front line willing to help others. I know I’ve been the recipient of her generosity of spirit many times, starting with my Hapoy Hannah, and carrying on through Frankie and Merry Myrtle..

    I refer to Stubborn Pug Maggie too many times to count when I want to offer inspiration and hope. to others. I always encourage mothers to read about her journey. For one thing, you will always get a chuckle as you get to know Pug Maggie and all the ways she earned the name “stubborn”. Reading about Rani and Obie, and of course Elly…….enlightens is on so many levels!!

    I haven’t had a chance to listen to the Radio Podcast yet ( it sure if tablets can do that), but Ioooooved watching Elly do her nosework! She nailed it! I love how she kept double checking and kept showing Karen where the prize was

    Thank you Pug Magfie, for bringing us Karen. So much about what is good about this site is because Karen is such a major component of it

    Love and light❤
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. What a great interview! Loved hearing the questions and the answers Karen gave. Was also good to put a “voice” to the name. Can’t wait for more episodes of this


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