Exciting developments in pet cancer therapy happen because pet parents around the globe enroll in clinical trials for pets. If your dog or cat is coping with a disease like cancer, diabetes or another conditions, clinical trials are one way to get cutting-edge, more affordable care and participate in scientific advances. It’s a win-win!
Why This Important Research Matters to Everyone

Imagine if your dog or cat won the Nobel Peace Prize because they cured cancer. Sound crazy? Maybe not. Every day, dog and cat clinical trial participants are actively helping scientists in the human and veterinary medical fields uncover new therapeutic treatments for a variety of diseases.
Many promising human therapies started as clinical trial treatments for dogs. And some day, trials like the Vaccination Against Canine Cancer Study may just hold the key to preventing or even curing cancer in all of us!
What Pet Cancer Clinical Trials are: Important ways to help pets receive innovative medical therapies at affordable costs.
What Pet Cancer Clinical Trials are Not: Research that puts the health, well-being and quality of life of a pet at risk. In a clinical trial, your pet’s happiness is the number one priority.
Clinical trials are great but they’re not always the right choice for everyone. Studies require pet parents to follow strict sets of rules. For instance, you may not be allowed to feed your pet a raw food diet, or certain medications.
But, if your pet is lucky enough to qualify for a trial and you are willing to meet the criteria to stay enrolled, the ability to receive free or low cost care on promising new therapies makes the process worthwhile!
Clinical Trials for Pets with Cancer are as Close as Your Computer

Want to know more about enrolling in a clinical trial for pets? The American Veterinary Medical Association Animal Health Studies Database is the best place to begin.
The AVMA database connects pet parents with active veterinary clinical trials reported by researchers. Here’s how to find a study:
Step 1: Search for studies. You’ll find many for pet health issues, such as diabetes, arthritis, and cancers such as lymphoma, osteosarcoma, or hemangiosarcoma. You can narrow your focus to studies near you.
Step 2: Print a copy of the study you are interested in.
Step 3: Take the information to discuss with your veterinarian.
If you decide to enroll your Tripawd in a clinical study, let us know, we would love to hear about your experience.