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Tripawd Tuesday: Meet Super Stu the Musical Tripawd and His Tribe

The Tripawds Nation is full of talented people and pets and today’s Tripawd Tuesday spotlight is dedicated to one of the best yet. Meet Stewie (aka Super Stu) and his humans, Petra and Paul, also known in Canadian musical circles as Allensong.

These gifted musicians perform around their home base of British Columbia, Canada. Wherever they play Allensong shares beautiful music infused with the folk, pop, rock, jazz, blues and reggae tunes that make people smile.

Super Stewie
Super Stu the musical Tripawd hero

Although Petra has been Paul’s number one fan for over 25 years, it was just two years ago that the two began performing together. “We found that our voices blended beautifully and It was in 2016 that ‘Allensong’ was formed,” she explains. Petra also writes poetry and music for the band.

Musical Tripawd Pack Makes Beautiful Tunes

Both Petra and Paul have well-established backgrounds in the musical life. Paul has been a musician since he was eight years old and Petra comes from a family with a deep love of country and folk music. “Mum used to sing naughty Irish ballads to us and she had a lovely voice,” says Petra. As a child she learned to play the violin and piano.

musical Tripawd
Petra and Paul Allen of Allensong

Of course animals greatly influence the music Allensong creates. “Our animals play a huge part in every aspect of our lives and therefore indirectly, they play a huge role on our emotional well being and therefore how we portray the music and Paul’s songs,” Petra explains.

“They even act as our audience members during practice and I swear I can see them smile. If they could clap, I’m sure they would! We constantly joke that Stewie and Chester would make perfect road managers! Miss Lily would be a great backup yowler! And Spike would be an excellent bouncer! They would all pull in great crowds for sure!”

One of Allensong’s videos even features Stewie. “He was so happy just walking up and down his path to the lake with his Mum and Dad!” says Petra. “The song and video really encompasses everything that is important to us… our music, our family, our fur babies and our love for each other!”

A Tripawd’s Lessons to the Hoomans

Stewie has always been a muse for the couple but even more after losing his leg to cancer. Like all pet parents, Petra and Paul were nervous about their big dog’s amputation recovery. Stewie says he knew all along that they were super strong and courageous enough to handle it. “I’m a pretty big fella to look after when I’m poorly and they did a brilliant job of looking after me during my recovery.”

Super Stu!,
a poem by Petra Allen

Super Stu! Super Stu!
Does what any old dog can do!

Spins around, jumps up high
There’s just no stopping him…

He’s a very Hoppy guy!

“Stewie watches us quite intently sometimes when we’re singing and will come and sit between us. There are times that we will be singing songs of life and love and we will sing to Stewie and become very emotional,” says Petra.

Not to be outdone, Stewie’s other animal mates help out too. At the end of the couple’s song “My Worst Fear” you can even hear Chester meyowl. “We recorded a CD at home and we told all of our fur Babies that they needed to be REALLY QUIET, but Chester is a typical teenage kitty and wanted his part on the CD & DVD,” Petra says. “We absolutely decided to keep it on the track! He sings at the very end of the video.”

Today Stewie is thriving on three legs sharing what he knows with the pack. “I’ve taught them that dawgs are a lot tougher than we let on,” he says. “They didn’t know that I had this Tripawd hopping thing down pat, even before my surgery!”

Super Stewie and Chester Molester
Chester and Stewie make great band mates!

With his recovery behind him and a long hoppy life ahead, Stewie’s Tripawds blog shares his wisdom with the world. He says that the three greatest life lessons everyone needs to remember include:

  1. Dawgs think like Einstein: Time is irrelevant. Time is only short when Hoomans think on it too much!
  2. “Cancer’ is just a word, it has no meaning to us.
  3. Even if you think you love someone as much as you possibly ever could, there is always more to give!

On this Tripawd Tuesday we’re hoppy to give lots of extra love to this talented and wonderful pack that always brightens our day with things like this fun tribute Petra composed just for all of us. Enjoy!

Tripawds Tribute!

By Petra Allen

There’s times we are given the gift of four paws
But some choose to hop on just three!
No matter our breed, big, tall or small
We all leave an imprint too large to see!

All those who know us are always in awe
Our single minded hoppiness, so much to adore!
We even have Bipawds… that you’ll HAVE TO AGREE

There are also some felines that hop on three paws
They surely are feisty, these kittens we adore!
They jump, they hide, they climb mountains high
And at the end of the day they all make us smile!

So let’s put our hands together & thank Eh!
For giving us the chance to learn to hop, love and play
For the chance to show the world what a joy life can be
When your happy and hoppy and living on Two or Three!

Visit Allensong Music and hear more beautiful music
from a pawesome Tripawds pack!

talented tripawd

Read All Tripawd Tuesday Stories

Your Pet Can Star in Tripawd Tuesday

Each Tuesday, Tripawd dogs, cats and other critters from around the world can enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your Tripawd’s story and you’re entered to win! On every Tuesday of the week, tell us about your three-legged hero. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. In a short paragraph or two (or longer if you’d like!), describe your three-legged hero’s story.
  2. Include photos or links to videos already uploaded to YouTube.
  3. Include a link to your Tripawds Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog, social media handles, etc.
  4. Email your story and photos to us.

All entries must be received by Saturday at 11:59 pm. One Tripawd story will be selected at random to be featured the following Tuesday.

Is your pet a Tripawd hero?


14 thoughts on “Tripawd Tuesday: Meet Super Stu the Musical Tripawd and His Tribe”

  1. Hi Jim, Rene & Wyatt Ray!
    Hoping all is Hopping well along and that you will be able to take some time off at Christmas for a good romp into the hills!
    I was wondering if it is possible to update our new website here? This will give the link to our new Album. Thank you.

    We hope you have a Very Hoppy Christmas and Stewie and I look forward to spending more time with this incredible community in 2018!

    All the very best from The Allen Clan. X

    • Thank you so very much for updating the links to our new website Rene & Jim! Stewie is celebrating with his pawrents over here!
      Again we say thank you, not only for the support in our music, but most importantly for the continued support that is shown to our Stewie boy,
      Hoppy Holidays from Super Stu and his pawsome band, he calls his furmily!!! x

  2. This is such a beautiful story on so many levels. You embody love, compassion, and the beauty that this world needs. This can be heard in your music as well as being seen in your presence here.

    Thank you for sharing this.


    • Gina, thank you for your very kind words! Paul and I are very touched! Paul is definitely appreciative of the feedback… thank you!

      Thanks to Rene & Jim, our music is being heard by all of you and thankfully being enjoyed too!

      I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to reply… I have only just found time to come back to this post.

      Sand paper kisses to your Rusty the Best BunnyMan evah! And hugs to you! X

    • Stewie would like to say thank you! He is very much aware of his good looks I’m afraid and is not one to be shy about his good natured self with people, whether they like it or not! Hehehe…

      Paul and I are thrilled that you enjoy the music! Thank you!

  3. We are now! The comments got spammed, likely because the first one did, perhaps because of the XO and multiple emojis… we only had to search for them among 987 recent spam comments. 🙂

  4. Sally, you choke me up sometimes! Your words touch my heart! Thank you! You really do have a way with words. Paul said that you have a songwriter in you!
    We do hope to touch people with our music and have them relate to a place and time in their lives, to make them feel good! Paul loves the feedback as to how it affects them.

    If I can just add a side note… I added a reply this morning and I don’t see it right now, but it could be because it had those nasty emoticons in them!!! (I’m trying really hard not to push that button that gives me the angry face!!!) so I am going to behave and not add any nasty, angry, ugly emoticons!!! Sally you wouldn’t believe the new choices we have on the iPad emoticons!! They’re a blast! If this reply shows up, I will write another reply to the brilliant folks below…

    Thuper Thtu thaythz I RUV YOU Thally!!! (Heart, hugs & kisses!) Admin is going to be so proud! Ha!

  5. AND….I’m mesmerized bynyour beautiful misic…the words…the harmony…the beart 🙂

    The poem tribute rooTRIPAWDS is absolutely lovely!!
    Thank YOU for all YOU do!! 🙂


    We always say this journey is not “just about the amputation”. It bombards of with life lessons, Soul’s growth opportunities and it releases our ability to love with no judgements, no limitations! We are free to BE MORE DOG and just give and receive love so selflessly!!

    CLEARLY you and Paul were handpicked “many kives ago” to be with Stewie on this journey! You’ll never know how many kives he touches through your music and your poetry.

    It’sw hard to see this journey as a “gift”, but on a Soul level that had no ending, it is a divine gift chock full of wisdome from our dogs and cats. Seeing their purpose, seeing their mission, their true selves, is the silver lining that no other experience could give us.
    Of course, we all wish we never had to be here, but being able to travel by Stewie’s side with his pack is a “gift of love” shared with us all! 🙂

    Thank you so much for allowing us to celebrate this very special smoochable doggy and his hoomans and mittybpals!! 🙂 🙂

    Much love
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too

  7. Wow!!!! Thank you Rene & Jim!!!

    Me thinks that a Tripawds Tribute should be written for the two of you!!! If it wasn’t for the two of you and your beautiful Spirit Jerry, there would be no Tripawds community and a lot of people’s lives would not be the same as they are today! Thank you for giving us all inspiration on so many different levels!

    Like Jackie said, this was a brilliant Tripawds Tuesday to wake up to! We are totally blushing this morning!

    Michelle I will say you’re more than welcome, but honestly it is my pleasure to lend a shoulder, as with everyone here, we do what we can across the miles for each other right?!

    Purrrrrkins, I am so pleased that you love our music! I will have to warn you though… there are a couple of songs on our new album “Eternal Soul” that will require the box of tissues to be close at hand! Thank you!❌⭕️

    The Tripawds tribute is for us all! There are so many days that we need to put a smile on our faces and poetry can do that for me! I can not however take credit for the song and music writing, that’s all Paul! I am truly honoured everyday to be part of Allensong! I never thought that my childhood dreams could come true!

    Thanks to everyone for being part of such a brilliant community!

    Love and hugs to all
    Petra, Paul, Stewie, Spike, Chester & Miss Lily

  8. This is a beautiful Tribute. Thank you for letting learn more about Stewie and his famous family. Thank you Petra for sharing your beautiful poem. 🙂 Thank you for being here and helping out with the new people here.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  9. Bravo Petra, Paul, Stewie, Lilly Chester, & Spike our hands our together !

    Thank you for writing this piece & featuring such a wonderful team! Listen to the music!! Wheels of Fortune & Everything changes our a few of my favorites. Grab a tissue for the Epilogue.

    Petra Tripawds Tribute LOVE IT! We will need to print that! We thank you for all that you do for sharing your SuperStewie for the help you have generously given back & being such a great fun spirit!! Thank you! Petra, Paul, SuperStew, Lilly Chester, & Spike
    Much love to All❤️

  10. What a wonderful Tripawds Tuesday to wake up to! You have all done such a pawsome job and are just the best parents and friends. Even though it has only been a few months since Stewie’s surgery, you manage to come in and help others in stressful times when sometimes you are just overwhelmed that you just need a hug and reassurance. Beautiful story, great job!
    Big hugs,


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