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Tripawd Tuesday: Feta’s Three Legged Cat Rehab Therapy Journey

Most people don’t know that three-legged cat rehab therapy even exists, but Feta is proof that not only is it available, but it makes a big difference in a Tripawd cat’s life. Today’s Tripawd Tuesday spotlight gives 3-paws up to Feta’s people for all they are doing to help this three-pawed hero feel good and stay fit!

TriKitty Feta’s Marvelous Mobility Milestones

rehab therapy, cats, tripawd, tripod, amputee
Feta shows three-legged cat rehab is totally pawsome!

“In summer 2016, Feta was found by Jersey City Animal Control along the side of the road, sickly, injured, presumably having been hit by a car, with a badly broken leg and a litter of nursing kittens at her side,” her foster mom Cheesecat told us.

As she appeared to be very friendly, and therefore potentially adoptable, the decision was made to go ahead and try to save her, even though it would be an expensive undertaking.

Three legged cat rehab therapy
“Um, this is supposed to make me feel GOOD?”

The broken leg was amputated, but it got infected. She eventually healed but her strength did not return. Her foster mom took advantage of the Maggie Moo Fund for Tripawd Rehab so a professional could help Feta get strong and become adoptable. 

Feta’s people found Dr. Fellen and rehab nursing manager Jenn Stoller  at the Westfield Veterinary Group in Westfield, NJ. 

” . . . by feeling particular areas around Feta’s spine, Dr. Fellen was able to figure out areas of discomfort,” Feta’s people told us. They went on to describe Feta’s first rehab therapy evaluation and said: 

“For Feta, the most important things for her right now are stretching and exercising that leg, to get the muscles looser and more relaxed, and getting her re-used to the sensation of weight bearing on the leg, even if it’s not done in perfect form.”

Feta’s rehab therapy is ongoing and she still has a ways to go but she’s made tremendous progress.

Want more TriKitty tips? Get $3 OFF Cool Tips for Tripawd Cats with Coupon Code: CHEESECAT

Read more about Feta’s TriKitty rehab therapy in the Tripawds Foundation:

For now, here’s what her foster mom says:

Despite all of this unpleasantness, Feta Cat remains truly delightful, kind, and gentle. All in all, I think she is enjoying life, even if I make her do ouchy exercises and switched her to the “fat cat” kibble!

Throughout it all, Feta’s foster mom has been so generous with her helpful tips for three-legged cats, like in her blog post, “Litterbox Mods for Severely Disabled Cats” and in this post “Feta’s Claw Conundrums.”

To keep her entertained and working at least a little bit while on “medical leave,” I picked up a couple of puzzle toys for her to force her to work for her food (even if she wasn’t using that leg). Here you can see her using it, with the “help” of one of my foster kittens!

Keep up the great work Feta and Cheesecat! Your long journey is hugely helpful to all of us and future three-legged cat members of the Tripawd Nation. We can’t thank you enough for educating all of us.

Cool Tips for Tripawd Cats book

Want More Helpful TriKitty Tips?

Download Cool Tips for Tripawd Cats for fast answers to common concerns about feline amputation. Get vital information about recovery and rehab, plus plenty of recommendations to help your cat love life on three legs – from the best nutrition to tips for making a Tripawd-friendly litter box, and much more!

Use Coupon Code CHEESECAT for $3 OFF Cool Tips for Tripawd Cats!

Read All Tripawd Tuesday Stories

Your TriKitty Can Star in Tripawd Tuesday

Each Tuesday, Tripawd dogs and cats from around the world can enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your Tripawd’s story and you’re entered to win! On every Tuesday of the week, tell us about your three-legged hero. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. In a short paragraph or two (or longer if you’d like!), describe your three-legged hero’s story.
  2. Include photos or links to videos already uploaded to YouTube.
  3. Include a link to your Tripawds Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog, social media handles, etc.
  4. Email your story and photos to us.

All entries must be received by Saturday at 11:59 pm. One Tripawd story will be selected at random to be featured the following Tuesday.

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2 thoughts on “Tripawd Tuesday: Feta’s Three Legged Cat Rehab Therapy Journey”

  1. Feta, you are the nicest, most patient, loving kitty ever! I’m always happy to see your updates.

    Hugs to the black beauty and Cheesecake,

    Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona


    You’re melting my heart over here! 🙂

    And you were soooo brave to put up with those exercises that were big owweees to you!! I applaud you…And your Mom…for staying the course! I’m afraid I would not have been quite as brave and determined!

    You are not only brave, vut you are a GENUIS!!!! It takes a very smart kitty to figure out thst kitty game so quickly! You knew EXACTLY what you were doing! And you knew how to get every singke morsel that fell out too!

    We’re cheering for you Feta! Looking forward to more good updates WITH pictures of your beautiful self! 🙂
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!


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