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Tripawd Tuesday: Meg’s Spot-On Truth About Tripawds

Nearly every day, experienced Tripawd parents welcome new members into our Discussion Forums community. When sharing their story they know they walk a fine line between hope and the whole truth about Tripawds’ amputation recovery and life on three legs. Today’s Tripawd Tuesday feature is in honor of Meg’s excellent description of life on three legs.

Tripawd Meg, surgery, amputation, recovery, truth about, mast cell cancer
Meg shares nothin’ but the truth about Tripawds. Photo:

MeggyMoo’s Truth About Tripawds Reality Check

Want a great link to share with new Tripawds members? Send them to Meg’s Truth About Tripawds post. Meg lost her leg to mast cell cancer last August. Here’s just a few of several accurate descriptions about Tripawd life that Meg shares. Be sure to read the entire post and share away!

“Your Dog will still be Awesome”

Truth about Tripawds, recovery, dog, three-legged
Meg recovers from amputation surgery.

Worried your pet’s quality of life will disappear? Fear not! Here’s what Meg’s pack says:

Your dog is still going to be the same dog once they lose a leg, actually, if anything they’ll be even better. They won’t be suffering from a leg riddled with cancer or broken bones, or they’ll be free of pain from a traumatic accident. The first few weeks can be difficult, and recovery is different for every dog. . . .

If you’re worried that a surgery will change your dog, personality wise or physically, there is a good chance it won’t. Even if its a giant dog losing a front leg, or an old stubborn dog who will throw a tantrum that life has changed, all the tripawds stories I’ve read and videos I’ve watched on youtube says that isn’t really the case. Even if it is, YOU’RE DOG WILL /STILL/ BE AWESOME.

“Even though humans notice your three legged dog, other dogs don’t”

We’ll never forget the first time Tripawds Founder Spirit Jerry met his first Tripawd pal, Morris, pictured below.

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Tripawds (Morris and Jerry) meet for the first time.

We assumed he and Morris would act like “Hey buddy, I’m special too!” Of course they didn’t. And Meg’s mom reiterated what we have always experienced too:

Truth about Tripawds, dogs, amputation, recovery
Meg has fun at the dog park

Not even other tripawds will care (which disappoints me greatly any time Meg meets another tripawd). Furthermore, your own dog won’t feel insecure, or care, or worry about that missing leg. They just want to sniff another dogs behind and get on with their day!

“Tripawds need special care”

Meg’s mum also got this one exactly right. Tripawds definitely aren’t “disabled” but they do need parents to be extra conscientious about their activity and overall health. We couldn’t agree more when she says:

they can do anything a four legged dog can. Which is true to a point. People always ask me if Meg struggles with anything or can’t do things she could do before. . . 

Meg can do everything else, but that doesn’t mean I let her. I’ll help her on and off the couch if it looks like the jump is a struggle, she isn’t allowed to climb in and out of the car by herself anymore, and I absolutely hate when she leaps off the bed. You need to protect their remaining limbs, they’ve already lost the spare after all. I’ve found dog physios and chiros for when Meg needs it, I’ve looked into dog injury rehabs, we purchased Meg a special bed so her joints don’t hurt, and we got her a special harness that helps her balance when she needs it. Tripawds cost more money than normal dogs, and you do need to put in more effort.

The journey to becoming a Tripawd parent can be scary. We’re incredibly grateful when Meg’s mum and all our other Tripawds Community members take time to give the whole truth about Tripawds. Thank you everypawdy!

Read All Tripawd Tuesday Stories

Now It’s Your Turn: Send Your Tripawd Tuesday Story

Each Tuesday, Tripawd dogs and cats from around the world can enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your Tripawd’s story and you’re entered to win! On every Tuesday of the week, tell us about your three-legged hero. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. In a short paragraph or two (or longer if you’d like!), describe your three-legged hero’s story.
  2. Include photos or links to videos already uploaded to YouTube.
  3. Include a link to your Tripawds Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog, social media handles, etc.
  4. Email your story and photos to us.

All entries must be received by Saturday at 11:59 pm. One Tripawd story will be selected at random to be featured the following Tuesday.

Is your dog or cat a Tripawd hero?


4 thoughts on “Tripawd Tuesday: Meg’s Spot-On Truth About Tripawds”

  1. I can’t help but feel sad for my dog he is an older(9-10) large boxer. After two surgeries in less than a year to remove fast growing, benign tumors in his front right leg, We decided, along with the doc that the only alternative was amputation. The look in his eyes , (maybe imagined), makes me so sad. To see him struggle to get up, aww, I am just sad for him. I feel like I failed him somehow. I am no stranger to pet leg amputation as many years ago I had a young pit mix that I rescued, who eventually had the same leg amputated after being hit by a car. He healed and did so well, ran like “Mighty Dog”. I suppose I feel a bit fearful as Diego is a large old dog, but, very healthy. I apologize if this is an improper post here. I just signed up and I am pouring things out here through tears. Thank you so much for this site, Much love and peace to all <3
    Sincerely Diego's mama

    • Diego and family, welcome. We know how difficult it is to cope with amputation surgery and recovery, so there’s no need to apologize. We hope you’ll come by the Forums and talk to others who have been there and whom you can lean on for support. We send all the love to you Diego and hope he has many, many more great years ahead.

  2. MEG!!! What a bundle of joy you are!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 OMD!! 🙂 🙂 So cute!!

    That soccer ball doesn’t have a chance against you! Seeing you so happy, so full of joy, just lights up my world! 🙂

    Your Mom nailed it when it comes to the Tripawds Reality check! Spot on indeed!!

    Thanks so much for sharing such an inspirational dog and for sharing so much invaluable insight!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!


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