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Tripawd Tuesday: Teddy’s Getting Stronger, Faster

How wonderful that our recent Tripawd Tuesday Call for Entries resulted in more stories! Don’t forget to send your story to Jerry today. But now, it’s time to grab a cup of tea and check out Teddy’s story. He’s a large, lightening-fast Tripawd pup who can’t be stopped from having a ball. Here’s what his mom Amber told us:

Tripawd Teddy: Back to Being a Puppy

Teddy, Mastiff, Ridgeback Tripawd

My partner and I adopted a Mastiff/Ridgeback X puppy named Teddy (now nearly 7 months) at the end of August. About 3 weeks ago, he was running and tripped, snapping his elbow joint in half. Our best option to assure his quality of life, without early on-set arthritis, was to have the leg and shoulder amputated on his right side. We were devastated. Although apparently it is a common fracture for larger pups.

We waited two awful days for the operation and when we went to pick him up post-surgery, he jumped out of his cage, he was so excited to see us! He even tried to chase a bird he saw out of the car window. Morphine eh? The first week however was tough as he experienced phantom pains and had lots of stomach issues. We ended up put him on a neurological drug, which really helped and luckily his mobility has always been fine, which is incredible!

A photo posted by teddy the tripod (@tripodteddy) on

It wasn’t all sad, in the first week he was able to jump into the car and onto the bed without us helping, and in less than two weeks he was back to his old self. A few days ago he dug his first hole and he is back to chewing bones and playing with other dogs, being his little puppy self. He is getting stronger and doesn’t understand why he can’t play all day when we force him to have naps. He is absolutely remarkable, as he doesn’t seem to notice he has one less leg. He can run full sprint in the grass and romp around in long grass no problem, he gets tired quickly, but it doesn’t seem to bother him.

As hard as it has been for me, he is amazing and each day he seems to do something more. In another month I don’t think we’ll notice a difference. He is the best dog ever and we are so happy we have him.

Follow him on Instagram @tripodteddy.

Send Your Tripawd Tuesday Story: It’s Easy!

Each Tuesday, Tripawd dogs and cats from around the world can enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your Tripawd’s story and you’re entered to win! On every Tuesday of the week, tell us about your three-legged hero. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. In a short paragraph or two (or longer if you’d like!), describe your three-legged hero’s story.
  2. Include photos and any YouTube or Vimeo video URLs.
  3. Include a link to your Tripawds Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog, social media handles, etc.
  4. Email your story and photos to us.

All entries must be received by Saturday at 11:59 pm. One Tripawd story will be selected in the order received to be featured the following Tuesday.




2 thoughts on “Tripawd Tuesday: Teddy’s Getting Stronger, Faster”

  1. I’m happy to read these stories. After a two month roller coaster with a repaired fracture that wasn’t healing, we made The Decision. She’s 10 and a half and we are assured she will be good despite her age. I visited her yesterday (one day post op) and my heart broke. I found myself wondering if it wouldn’t have been more merciful to let her go. More assurances that she will go on to live happy for as long as she has, but I’m still struggling with, oh dear God what have we done to our baby! This site is a good place for advice and reassurance.

  2. What a beautiful boy Teddy is!!! I loooove his coloring and the way his gorgeous eyes and smoochable mug have black velvet surrounding them!

    What a delightful story!! This young pup sure won the Puppy Lottery when he picked you as his human!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing this vibrant bundle of joy with us!!! He is such an inspawration for anyone concerned about how well tripawds will do! He runs like the wind!

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!


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