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Tripawd Tuesday: Snoop’s Legacy

A Tripawd journey is filled with so many unexpected pawsitive lessons, even while facing something as heart-breaking as cancer. Today on Tripawd Tuesday we’re spotlighting the special lifelong blessings that new Angel Tripawd Snoop gave to his pack, which his Mom Esther so eloquently shares in this letter she sent to us:

Tripawd Snoop, Cancer Hero Forever in Our Hearts

Since July 10 2014, With the loss of my Snoop, I’ve been looking back at this entire journey. This is from the time of Snoops diagnosis to our last kiss, our last hug and cuddle, our last everything physical.

This all began last May 2013, it all began with a limp, or so we thought. So begins our journey with all the vets and the specialists. I remember clearly hearing the doctor say Snoop had osteosarcoma in his right front leg, hearing those words and truly comprehending them at that time didn’t go hand in hand. Overwhelmed to say the least.

We asked how could this have happened. Here was an extremely healthy, fit dog, how could he of been diagnosed with bone cancer. After the flood of emotions from overwhelming to disbelief, knowing that life isn’t fair sometimes and things just happen. Knowing you’ve just got to try deal with it the best you can and move forward. So we did……

Tripawd Tuesday Hero, Snoop

We were told our options, there was no evidence of mets in the lungs.So we talked and weight out what to do. Is this fair to him or is it selfish. Well hell it may be selfish but we wanted to be. We wanted more time with Snoop.

So we amputated that bum front leg, and we never looked back. Did we have moments of wondering if what we did was fair? No we didn’t, he handled it like a pro. The first month is a process but we were fortunate with no complications. He was amazing, as he always was.
We opted for 6 rounds of carbo and Snoop did well with that. We continued with metronomic therapy. We were fortunate which I know.

We had fourteen beautiful months. Months filled with loving him. No regrets, just thankful for the time.

Lessons from Tripawd Snoop

So what did I learn. I learned my Snoop was one of the best and most amazing teachers I could of ever asked for in the lessons on how to live life. He lived it with enthusiasm, joy and endless love. He showed me how wise he was, just being in the moment, how to enjoy what’s in front of you. He never worried about tomorrow. He was patient with all and everybody. His capacity for loving was boundless. He was a soulful boy, talking without speaking. He was truly amazing.

My hope is that in his memory and honor that I can pay it forward.

  • Being kind
  • Live as generously to others as possible
  • Don’t take anything for granted.
  • Being able to open my heart to new love with another dog.

He would be proud….

My Snoop, you are forever in my heart…

Read All Tripawd Tuesday Stories

Get Featured on Tripawd Tuesday

Each Tuesday, Tripawds from around the world can enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your Tripawd’s story and you’re entered to win! On every Tuesday of the week, tell us about your three-legged hero here in the Tripawds Discussion Forums or on the Tripawds Facebook page. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. In a few short sentences, describe your three-legged hero’s story.
  2. Include a photo or video.
  3. Include a link to your Trpawds Facebook page, Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog (if applicable)

All entries must be received by Saturday at 11:59 pm. One Tripawd story will be selected at random to be featured the following Tuesday.

Is your dog or cat a Tripawd hero?


4 thoughts on “Tripawd Tuesday: Snoop’s Legacy”

  1. We have always had a soft spot around here because Snoop and our own 4-legged Smokey B could be almost be brothers! Such a wonderful life you gave him and such great lessons he gave you. Thank you for sharing your journey with Snoop with us and for being a part of the Tripawd Nation!
    Codie Rae and the Oaktown Pack


    Andyou bet he’s proud GUARAN DARN TEED he is SO PROUD!!!

    We all love that boy…that strong and gentle boy! I’ve told you before, he knew exactly.what he was doing when he made you stop the car and pick him up…EXACTLY!

    We are so privileged to be on this journey with you and to share in a life so well.lived and so well loved!!! Snoop will continue to inspire and touch lives with his lessons.

    And you, my dear one, have mastered his lessons brilliantly!

    Sending love to you, Don and Abby and sweet Snoop too!

    Sally and Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle

  3. Thank you Esther for sharing your “lessons learned” with us. Snoop truly was – and continues to be – a wonderful teacher.

    Many hugs

    Linda and Tucker


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