TRIPAWDS: Home to 25293 Members and 2183 Blogs.

A Lot of Help from Our Friends

Please join us in giving Three Paws Up to the generous Tripawds members who have kindly chipped in to help rebuild the Tripawds operational fund!

As you probably know, last week we appealed to the Tripawds community for assistance in rebuilding the fund that pays for things like website hosting, technical expertise, outreach materials and more, after we incurred unexpected expenses for improving server performance and security.

If you haven’t yet had a chance but would still like to help, remember it’s never too late, and no amount is too small.

Since our appeal was made a few days ago, an incredible group of folks have already stepped up for the cause with an amazing $815! and we would like to publicly thank them here.  If we have left anypawdy out of this list, please forgive us and let us know. And of course we send a big Thank You to Tripawds’ regular monthly supporters who are also helping to rebuild the fund!

3 Paws Up to Tripawds Operational Fund Supporters

Shari Watson, aka Spirit Dakota’s Mom . . .

Shari dedicated her generous gift to these Tripawds members and said:

“In honor of Michelle Doner (Sassy) and Erica Berse (Jill). Because they are hugely important to providing a calming welcome to new members, and without them many would not see the hope that is there.”

Julie Wolf, mom to Super Dog Angel Hunter.

“In loving memory of Super Dog. Thank you Tripawds”

Mary Hirsch, whose adorable Tripawd Freckles earned her wings in April 2012. Mary is a Swell Gal whose talented writing and performance career is worth checking out.

Freckles Hirsch

There are many ways you can help keep Tripawds online!

Kaat Waterschoot from the Netherlands, whose three-legged hero Jip is an inspawrational, 14-year old, 14-month osteosarcoma survivor.


Sam Sankaran. Her Tripawd Kwala (pictured right) is an osteosarcoma survivor who is kicking cancer’s butt even with lung mets.

Luanne Cutler (aka FourMiniPups). Her Tripawd Shooter is proof that even when the going gets ruff, the Tripawd still kicks butt. Luanne says:

“What you have all done to help us is priceless so anything we give is never going to be enough. I found the site when I was desperate for a life line and now try to pass that help along to others that come on the site. Thank you so much for giving us all a place to come.”

Tripawd Mom Mica Donnelly. Mica’s very special girl Roxy is fighting cancer like nobody’s business!

Summer Rozear, in honor of Tripawd Westley, who could charm everyone he met.

Shop online to support Tripawds!

Tripawd Kitty Mom Chantal Davis, who’s three-legged fabulous feline Fang was the first Tripawds Cat Blogger! Chantal says

“I can’t think of an organization I’d rather support.”

Ann & Gary Richardson, pawrents to the amazing Angel Tripawd Elgin.

The beautiful KBear, whose Momma says

“You rescued me from the edge many times during her journey, and I will never forget your kindness.”

The Extradorinary Vizsla Bart and his Mom, Darcy Duval, who says “Tripawds Rules!”

AKC Master Hunting Tripawd Viszla Bart

Penny Wells-Thomas, whose lovely Angel Maggie is cheering for all of our Tripawd heroes from doggie heaven.

Tracy Fort, who told us:

“My pitbull mix, Angel,  who is ten years old, was diagnosed with bone cancer, and her front leg  is being amputated tomorrow. I have been so panicked and upset, so finding the Tripawds website has been helping me feel more knowledgeable about cancer and amputation. It also let’s me know I am not alone in this.”

Andrea Hayken, whose Tripawd Angel Arlie Bear recently earned his wings after a heroic cancer battle.

Ann Gehin, from Tennessee and last but not least, Charlotte Fisher, from Quebec, Canada.

From the bottom of our hearts to the tips of our tails, thank you to everyone who supports this community in so many different ways. We are very grateful for your assistance and promise to continue working hard to be there for pawrents when they need it most.

If you haven’t contributed yet but would still like to, it’s never too late!

In addition to monetary contributions, there are various ways to help support this community. For those of you who have already contributed, thank you! You can continue to help by encouraging others to join you in keeping this community online. Post in the discussion forums or spread the word on the Tripawds Facebook page!


6 thoughts on “A Lot of Help from Our Friends”

  1. Thank you Shari for honoring Sassy, Jill, Erica & me. It means a lot to have a great friend and a wonderful community here. I feel honored and teared up at seeing this.

    Michelle & Sassy

  2. We’ve got some loving, wonderful, supportive folks here, huh? To our pups and kitties! HIP HIP HORAY! They fight such hard battles and at time suffer without knowledge, yet pain, confusion, and frustration. They look to us to comfort and heal, and wouldn’t you know it – while we’re trying to support our furbabies, they come full circle and support, love, and comfort us! To all our amazing Tripawd warriors out there.
    ~ Katy & Jackson

  3. This just brought tears to my eyes. I cannot always help out financially around here, so Shari your donation in mine and Jills (and sassy and michelle!) honor is humbling, special and means so very very much to me. Thank you. I feel incredibly honored and this just warms my heart.


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