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K9 Medicinals, Morris Animal Foundation Help Tripawds Present at Greyhounds Rock 2012

On November 4th, K9 Medicinals and the Morris Animal Foundation will sponsor the morning keynote session given by Tripawds founders Jim Nelson and Rene Agredano, at the 7th Annual Greyhounds Rock “Take a Bite Out of Canine Cancer” conference in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

The Tripawds breakfast keynote session will be an inspirational discussion about living with canine cancer and coping with ailing or aging dogs.

K9 Medicinals generously helped cover the cost of getting the Tripawds crew from Colorado to Virginia to attend this event, which directly benefits the Ohio State University’s Greyhound Health and Wellness Program.

As a breed, Greyhounds are disproportionately affected by bone cancers that originate in limbs, such as osteosarcoma. The OSU program plays a vital role in the advancement of canine cancer studies in greyhounds, which ultimately contributes greatly to the health of all dogs.

K9 Medicinals Helps Get the Word Out

Tripawds founder Rene explains that “we are so honored to represent K9 Medicinals, distributors of K9 Immunity Plus mushroom therapy supplements. You see, Tripawds founder Spirit Jerry experienced great success when fighting cancer with K9 Immunity, after his forward-thinking oncologist recommended mushroom therapy and entered him into a clinical trial she was conducting. We believe that K9 Immunity helped give Jerry seven more months of stable disease and a great quality of life.”

Three Paws Up to Morris Animal Foundation

Tripawds also wants to give a big “Three Paws Up!” to the Morris Animal Foundation, who also helped get them to Greyhounds Rock in the Tripawds mobile headquarters. For the last several years the Tripawds community has rallied for the Morris Cure Canine Cancer Campaign and raised thousands of dollars to help this wonderful organization that supports the work of brilliant researchers who are working to find the causes and cures for all types of canine cancer.

Morris is the oldest animal health organization in the world, and they continue to make huge strides toward creating a healthier world for dogs and every other animal on the planet. We love Morris and encourage you to learn more about the fascinating studies they support.

Dr. Dressler Chips in Too!

Tripawds won’t be arriving empty-handed at Greyhounds Rock, thanks to the generosity of the team at The Dog Cancer Survival Guide.

Tripawds has three copies of this indispensable resource to give away before, during and after the conference! Stay tuned to the Tripawds featured blogs for more details about our Dog Cancer Kit giveaways.

Tripawds will post updates about this big event, the first of it’s kind for us to attend. be sure to check the discussion forums and our Tripawds Facebook page for more information.

Thank you very, very much to K9 Medicinals, Morris Animal Foundation and the crew at Dr. Demian Dressler’s Dog Cancer Survival Guide, Tripawds couldn’t be there without your generosity!

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