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Paws Up to the Northern CA Crew for a Newsworthy Tripawds Party

Northern California Tripawds made history on Saturday when their gathering made the headlines of several Bay Area newspapers, including the Marin Independent Journal which filed this story:

Tripawders Gather for Friendship and Support

First, we want to extend a sincere appreciation to everyone who drove to the Mill Valley Dog Park and make this day so special! Over a dozen Tripawds were there, including those who arrived in time to be in the group photo:

Paw Patch Pastries Makes Tripawds Drool with Delight

We are honored that Carla Ocfemia, owner of Paw Patch Pastries, generously donated a delicious array of custom-made Tripawd treats, pawty favors and even a dog cake made with real bacon and cookies that spelled “Tripawds Rule”!

She even arrived with a shade canopy for tired pups. The treats were a huge hit and all doggies went home with full bellies and even more treats for the next day. Thanks Carla!

Paw Patch Pastries specializes in healthy organic dog treats made with no soy, corn, gluten or wheat. Her treats are all made in San Francisco and are especially ideal for dogs facing health issues. We encourage all Tripawders to support her business by shopping online at

 David Oliver Captures the Magic

Another big shout out goes to Bay Area photographer David Oliver, who also donated his Saturday afternoon to documenting this historic event. We hope he’s not too tired from trying to keep up with our three-legged heroes!

This fabulous pet photographer is generously giving all of his photos from the afternoon to anyone who wants them.

If would like copies, please contact Tripawds Member Travis Ray through our Discussion Forums Private Messaging system or email him here.

And of course if you are in Northern California and looking for a great animal photographer, contact David today!

A special thanks to The Oaktown Pack who told Carla and David about the pawty.

The Magic Continues

The Nor Cal Tripawds Chapter is our most active face-to-face group in the world. Members like Lylee and Spirit Maggie’s Pack, Karen, Obie and Tani, often get together to share stories about life on three legs, and just be among other dog-centric friends.

Of course, it’s also a fantastic way to celebrate the incredible stories of long-term cancer survivors like Cemil, who is now nearly three years out from his osteosarcoma diagnosis. This big boy is a three-paw miracle!

Some folks, like Spirit Maximutt’s pack, John, Diane and quadpawds Bernie and Linda, even travel all the way from Southern California (about 10 hours away) to reunite with old friends who helped them get through the cancer journey.

When new members join in, the circle grows and the bonds grow stronger.

Hold Your Own Tripawds Pawty

Join in and share in the fun! If you want to create history in your part of the world and share the joys of living life on three legs in person with others, read:

Tripawds Blog: How to Create Your Own Tripawds Pawty

For more fabulous photos of this historic event, check out:

Lylee’s Blog: The Most Best-est Fab Tripawds Pawty Ever!
Ruby’s Blog: NorCal Tripawds Pawty!
Travis’ Blog: Travis Ray Reporting In

5 thoughts on “Paws Up to the Northern CA Crew for a Newsworthy Tripawds Party”

  1. All the pics look awesome. The tripawds “movement ” is snowballing and getting huge. I can’t feel it! With Bruno gone, I miss being a tripawd owner and would welcome the challenge all over again any day. It isnt for the faint of heart, but Ilearned so many wonderful, amazing life lessons. The tripawds community is a blessing and I now live each day according to tripawds lessons and laws of love which I learned through its lifestyle and journey. I LOVE the cake with bacon! Everything is better with bacon. And, Congrats to The happy couple. Thanks again to Jim, Rene, the starter of it all, Jerry, Wyatt Ray, and each of you who have the courage to pour out your hearts and share your stories.

    Maricela and Spirit Bruno

  2. Yo! My mom downloaded all the photos. She will burn them all on CD for you OR you can go to David’s website to look at all of them, write down which ones you want, and she can send you just those ones.

    Go to:
    Go to:
    client area -> Tripawd Party April 14 2012 — the password is tripawd

    Write down which ones you want and PM my mom!

    Still savoring the day! We know how to P.A.W.T.A.Y!
    Travis Ray

  3. It looks like a fabulous time was had by all! I second what Sue said: I wish we lived closer!!! But I am looking forward to the Western WA chapter meet-up this coming weekend! Can’t wait to see everypawdy!!!

    Rio’s momma, Micki

  4. Awwww…. this looks like so much fun! Oh how I wish we lived in California so the Queen and I could have come to this. I agree, there is a very special bond between Tripawd pawrents. We had a blast at our Midwest Tripawd Reunion last year in Michigan…. this is giving me the incentive to get something scheduled this summer.

    CEMIL! It’s so wonderful to see you so hoppy and healthy!

    Sue and Queen Nova


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