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Angel Abby Tribute Day Shows How to Help Heal a Broken Heart

The Tripawds community spirit sparkled earlier this week, when five members gathered at the Fiesta Island Off-Leash Dog Beach in San Diego, California.

They were there to honor the spirit of Tripawd Warrior Princess Abby, a special girldog who left us far too soon on Tuesday afternoon, when she found the perfect set of wings to help her soar through the heavens.

Tribute to Abby Day

Abby’s momma Jackie, who less than 24 hours earlier unexpectedly had to say goodbye to her princess, somehow found the strength to bravely meet up with everyone.

Perhaps it was because Tripawds members who were there had all been through the heartbreak of losing a pup to bone cancer and knew what Jackie was going through. When your grief seems unbearable, maybe being surrounded by people who can empathize is the only thing that can ease the pain, just a little?

Tribute to Abby DaySpirit Maximutt’s people, John and Diane, their infamous Bernie Bin Laden and sweet pup Linda, were there to support Jackie on her first day without Abby, along with the notorious Tripawds Spokesdawg Wyatt Ray and my pawrents, Jim and Rene.

The afternoon was dubbed “Tribute to Abby Day” and instead of everyone individually mourning the loss of one of the all-time greatest Tripawd Warrior Princesses ever, the power of the pack came together to watch fun, crazy canine antics take place between Wyatt, Linda and Bernie. What a beautiful day it was, on one of Abby’s favorite places on earth.

“If you’d told me I’d go back to Fiesta Island the day after losing our girl, I’d have said you were crazy,” said Jackie, in Angel Abby’s blog. “But that’s what I did today. And I’m so glad I went.”

Later, the gang went to In ‘N Out Burgers after, to salute Abby at her favorite restaurant, with her signature Flying Dutchman hamburger.

One of the best parts of the day was when Jackie presented my people with her handmade version of ME! My Momma got all watery-eyed when she saw it, it looks so much like me.

That’s me and Angel Abby. Aren’t we a match made in heaven?

Tripawds Members are There for Each Other

That night, my pawrents reflected back on the days following my initiation into Spirit Dog status. They recalled how alone they felt as they sat in their RV and cried through many dark, rainy nights in the Pacific Northwest.

And then they remembered . . . the only thing that made them feel better during that time, was meeting up in Washington with a fellow Tripawds member, Rocco.

Rocco and his pack made my Mom and Dad’s hearts sing once again! He was such a beautiful dog, and his people were so gracious to my grieving pawrents. The meet-up gave them the strength to smile and see that life does get better after the heart wrenching loss of a best friend. They hoped that Jackie felt the same way after their Tribute to Abby Day.

How to Help a Grieving Tripawd Pawrent

We lose far too many Tripawds to cancer, and each time, a human’s heart shatters into millions of pieces. As a bystander, it’s natural to feel like there’s nothing you can do to ease their pain, but you know what? There IS one way you might be able to help:

Reach out and ask a grieving Tripawds member if they would like some company, either on the phone or in person.

While everyone grieves differently, some folks would love to have an empathetic person to lean on, to listen and share the memories of their very special family member.

We will miss Angel Abby so much, but it’s great to know that her dazzling spirit will live on in so many ways, like how Tripawds members so often reach out and help one another.

Jackie, we know your heart still hurts, but we hope this day helped ease your grief a little. Thank you for  your kindness and meeting us on the beach, we’ll never forget it.

6 thoughts on “Angel Abby Tribute Day Shows How to Help Heal a Broken Heart”

  1. How is it possible to miss someone you have never met so much? Sharing what we do here at Tripawds creates bonds that will never be broken, even if we never meet each other face to face. The love we each have for our dogs creates an incredibly strong common bond, especially when so many people out there ‘just don’t understand’. This is a place we can share our hopes and dreams and fear and anguish and know that no one will think we are ‘wierd’. Jackie, your words and photos of Abby totally did her justice. If she was any more beautiful and spirited than what came to us over the internet then I think I would just have to explode! If your love for her, and hers for you, shone (shined?) any brighter then all of San Diego would be blind!
    Just lovin’ you and Abby and the whole Tripawds community tonight, oh Yesh we are!
    Codie Rae and The Oaktown Pack+1

  2. Jackie,

    Tripawds people are the best, and as you said, they “get it.” I am glad that you had many of them with for Abby’s Tribute and hope that your heart is starting to heal. Although many of use didn’t have the pleasure of meeting Abby, she was truly a Warrior Princess that we all respected and admired.

    Much love and healing thoughts,

    Barb and Spirit Hope

  3. Abby’s was one of the first blogs we started reading when we started our Tripawds journey. Her spirit and courage helped us through those first few terrible weeks. I will never forget how her stories helped us in our most dire time. I will never forget that warrior princess….

    Hugs to you Jackie

  4. I do so wish you could have met Abby. I’m not sure my words and pictures did her justice…

    We wish we could have given Abby a belly rub too, very much so.

    You may not feel the photos do here justice, but we can tell, she was a very super special sweet Tripawd Warrior Princess.


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