TRIPAWDS: Home to 25293 Members and 2183 Blogs.

Free Tripawds Blogs Now Available!

Jerry and Sami, a 14 year old tripawdFirst, there was, where my people shared the story of my own osteosarcoma survival for nearly two years.

Then came the Tripawd Discussion Forums, which offered even more support and resources for those coping with canine amputation and bone cancer from our growing number of members. Next we introduced the Live Tripawds Chat.

Today, we are hoppy to announce the new and improved Tripawds Blogs community – a special place where anyone can share tails about their own three legged dog adventures!

Whether your pup is three legged from birth, by accident, or because of bone cancer, we hope you will come join our community of Tripawds Blogs to share his or her story today. Simply sign up for your Tripawds Blog now and you’ll be dog-blogging in no time!

Three Legged Dogs Calpurnia and Jerry on Colorado TrailTripawds Blogs are an easy way to share your amazing dog’s story and photos with the world. And best of all, it’s free!

In just a few minutes you can start your own blog which will appear at Just sign up and select the blog name of your choice and give it a title. Or, just type your desired blog name into your browser and see what happens!

Existing Tripawds users are already a member of this blog. Just be sure to log in before signing up and you will be automatically recognized and asked to create another blog.

Jerry meets Eisen at his Colorado home in for a six legged dog party The upcoming series of posts here in the main Tripawds News blog will cover all the new Tripawds Blogs features and discuss avatars, plugins, widgets, upload space, Supporter blogs, and much, much more. For now, you may find our WordPress tutorial videos helpful in getting started and making the most of your new blog. Please post any questions in the Tripawds Technical Support forum.

My people have been working extremely hard behind the scenes here for the past few months to make this happen. But this exciting new community wouldn’t be pawsible without the generous support of our Tripawds pack. Earlier this year, they helped us acquire the hosting resources needed to maintain this new and improved website. Thanks to their kindness, your inspawrational stories can now help us show the world that … It’s better to hop on three legs than limp on four!

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