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Happy Birthday To Me!

Grand Teton Ntional Park Gros Ventre CampgroundThere’s a reason I’ve been hangin’ in there … Today is my birthday! Well, this month is since we don’t know the exact date.

I am now 10 years old! With plenty of reason to celebrate. For starters, I’m getting a big steak for dinner and carrot cake for dessert.

My people also gave me a new pill – Albuterol. It’s supposed to help me breathe easier. Which I suppose it did, but the side effects make my heart race so I’m panting like crazy. Or maybe I’m just excited about my special birthday dinner.

20 thoughts on “Happy Birthday To Me!”

  1. I just now got to view the Nature show on Why We Love Cats and Dogs. The relationship between Jim, Rene and Jerry is very touching. We have a large dog who just turned 11 this year (we also have two cats), and we are blessed that she is still so healthy and energetic. Before I met my husband, I had a wonderful cat who was like a child to me (I don’t have any children). He got cancer, too, and I had to euthenize him at the age of 16–it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And even though that was 5 years ago, I still tear up thinking of what a wonderful relationship we had and how much I miss him. I’m sure Jim and Rene will always treasure the relationship they had with Jerry, and will always have a little hole in their hearts over his loss. Thank you for sharing this touching story.

    • Thanks for taking the time to read more about Jerry and leave such a heartfelt comment. Yes, we will always have a hole left by Jerry’s passing. But knowing that he touched so many people out there makes it just a little bit easier to fill.

  2. Woof woof WOOF WOOF WoooooooofFFFFF!!! Translation: Happy Birthday Jerry! I’m still younger than you if only by 3 months! ~ your bud, Eisen!

  3. Hey Jerry,

    Woohoo! Happy Birthday big guy! It was my birthday yesterday too! I turned three. My mom hopes maybe I will finally start to act like a grown up girl but I think maybe not. I only got stew meat for dinner but it was so good I inhaled it in 2 seconds flat! And watermelon for dessert–Yessss!

    I am so glad I share a birthday with you Jerry G Dawg. And I am so glad you are continuing to feel OK. Loved your popcorn video!

    Lots of love and kisses,

    Codie Rae

  4. What kind of steak?

    Are you kidding? We’re in Wyoming. This is Beef Country – as the billboards clearly state – where we fillet ’em right in the field.

  5. Hey Jerry,

    Happy Birthday, Jerry!! Congratulations!! My German Shepherd dog, Eik, is ten years old and asked me to tell you happy birthday for him!

    You’re looking great! Glad to hear that you are more stable now and that you got steak for dinner! I took that drug once and it made my heart race, too, so that is a common symptom with that drug. I never took it again, but I know what it felt like when it did happen. Kind of like you are running a marathon!

    Again, Happy Birthday/Happy Birthmonth!!


    Sandra, Eik, Kora, Eik Jr., Natasha, Katrina, Eika, Xena, Sasha, Heidi, Otto, Bodo, and “Angel Luna”

  6. Unfortunately, the albuterol can affect his heart rate. I have been taking it for years and I do know that this side-effect does go away. Perhaps you could try cutting the pill in half. It shouldn’t take much to have the needed effect on Jerry’s breathing. Love, Blazer & Mom

  7. HOOOOOWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERRY!!! Hope you enjoyed the day and that you feel much better very soon!! Lotsa Love, Dee xxx

  8. Happy Birthday Jerry!

    If you don’t know the exact date, tell your pawrents to celebrate everyday this month … steak and dessert for the next 30 days!

  9. You’ll have to imagine that we’re sending this using our best singing voice ….

    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday dear friend Jerry
    Happy birthday to you!

    Enjoy your steak, cake and all the love,

    Linda and Barney B


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