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Ashley wrote: The diagnosis
A little over a year ago one of my moms noticed a bump on my leg. I didn't even realize it was there! It wasn't bothering me at all but they made me go to the doctor anyway. The vet poked it with one of those sharp things, which kinda hurt, but I'm t (More)
valmaya wrote: Her Final Chapter
Our sweet Maya is no longer with us. We had to put her down 2 weeks ago. A new tumor had appeared on her side. It was very hard and growing fast. It appeared to be another aggressive fibrosarcoma, just like the one on her leg. We took her into the ve (More)
lawrah326 wrote: Grief Over A Lost Friend
It has been almost 2 days since Rockie's spirit left his body. I made the emergent decision to have him put to sleep by the veterinarian after learning that his cancer recurred. The cancer this time was invading the cavity that housed his heart and l (More)
rsdtlc wrote: Final Biopsy Results.
It is official it is Fibrosarcoma. Have to make decisions on treatment. Radiation, long term chemo, or wait and see. Have to have some discussions about this. (More)
jerry wrote: Vaccine Associated Sarcoma Cats Share Stories and Information
Vaccine Associated Sarcoma (VAS) in cats is supposed to be a rare cancer. But it's not unheard of in the Tripawds Nation. You may have also heard it called "Feline Injection-site Sarcoma" (FISS). Unfortunately many feline Tripawds members lost a leg (More)
jerry wrote: Limb Cancer, Amputation and Pet Paralysis Facts About Dogs and Cats
May is Pet Cancer Awareness Month and today we're teaming up with our friend Sharon from Lessons from a Paralyzed Dog to share facts about limb cancer, amputation and pet paralysis. Like Tripawds, Sharon offers support to worried pet parents. Her (More)
myah wrote: ABOUT (pre-op)
Background: Myah is a nine year old Golden-Doodle. Her full name is: "Oh Myah goodness She's Magic" She lives with me in the foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountain front range. We are located not far from both metro cities of Boulder and Golden, (More)
greytmom wrote: Hello Tripawds!
Hello Tripawds! My dog, Omaha, has been a tripawd for almost 9 months. I want to share his story because it is a little unique and I hope it may help someone else facing the same tough decisions that we did. We adopted Omaha in 2012 an (More)
jerry wrote: Sketch Beats MRSA Infection with Amikacin Topical Spray
You may have heard about "Super Bugs" making it hard for humans to beat infections, but did you know these antibiotic resistant bacterial infections can happen to our pets too? In fact, "MRSA" or "Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus" is becom (More)
jerry wrote: How Scapulectomy Surgery Treats Dogs and Cats Scapula Tumors
Scapula cancer tumors in dogs and cats are rare but if your pet has one, be sure to ask your veterinary surgeon if a "scapulectomy" is an option. This procedure is complicated and not all pets are candidates, but if yours is, a scapulectomy can save (More)
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