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Caring for a Three Legged Dog or Cat

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TAKEN: Ruffwear Flagline Harness, LG/XL
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On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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13 May 2021 - 11:43 am
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Folks, we have an incredibly generous Tripawd mom who has donated two Ruffwear harnesses to us, for a Tripawd parent who cannot afford to buy one for their dog. Here is the first of two she sent to us:

Ruffwear Flagline in Teal, size Large / Extra Large (girth = 32"-42"). Please measure carefully. Interested? Reply below or message me.

Tripawd Flagline HarnessImage Enlarger

This harness is a gift from Rufus.

He would like to introduce himself, here is his story:

Rufus.jpgImage Enlarger

Hello! I am Rufus. I am an old dog and I do not like to learn new tricks, unless they are tricks that I invent on my own! I will be 13 this coming August.

Something happened to me this January that made me only want to sleep and I couldn’t walk or eat for days; Mom called it a “stroke,” I think. I really didn’t care if I lived or died, but Mom nursed me back to health, even feeding me from a spoon when I had trouble eating. The picture shows that I am now fully recovered, enjoying a hike! Before that, I could hardly stand up without falling over, let alone walk.

Truth be told, old age was causing me trouble with my back legs even before the stroke, and I am a bit weaker in the hind limbs now. So Mom bought me a really nifty Ruffwear Flagline harness thinking that it would help to have some lift support. Unfortunately, I had been in a “less than desirable” situation before being rescued and that left me scarred emotionally. Because of that, I am fearful of certain types of harnesses. Mom thought this one would be okay, but I did not agree.

So when Mom suggested we donate it to a dog who would feel more comfortable in it, I readily agreed! I think any dog will be happy with it, because my tripawd sister loves this particular harness and prefers it to any other type. As for me, I will stick to what I know and Mom will use a home-made sling to help me when I need it.



Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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22 February 2013
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13 May 2021 - 8:50 pm
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RUFUS!!  You are melting my heart handsome boy!!💖    You and your hooman are soooo kind  to want to help other dogs with your generous offer.

So glad you are doing better.....clearly love is the best medicine👍


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too !

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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30 April 2021
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22 May 2021 - 11:31 pm
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Hi I'm Rachel and my best friend is a senior red nose pit bull terrier named Max. He is the most gentle and kind natured dog I've ever had. Unfortunately, something awful happened to Max in February: my boyfriend's twin brother accidentally ran over Max's front paw with his Ford Expedition. I could not afford the veterinary bill to reconstruct the multiple fractures to his toes (using pins to reconstruct his paw).I recently got laid off from my job due to covid-19, I applied for a loan to cover the cost to just amputate his front leg, I cried so many years when he returned home after his surgery.... He struggles every day with learning how to hop around without losing his balance& he has always worn his leather collar but now that he is a front leg amputee he definitely needs. nice harness..if it's still available please consider donating the harness to my sweet Max.. thank you

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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23 May 2021 - 11:33 am
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Hi Rachel and Max. I'm replying to your other post in this forum....

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

20 October 2021 - 6:25 pm
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Sweet boy!   Our Saint just had an amputation yesterday and if this is still available we would be so grateful!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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21 October 2021 - 9:24 am
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Yes Afton, we still have it. Do you know what your Saint's girth measurement is? I'm guessing the size will fit him but since many Saints have girth measurements over 42" we should be sure it fits. 

Sorry to hear your pup lost a leg. Please consider registering as a member and starting a new topic in Size and Age Matters so we can help you and your pup in this journey!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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29 December 2021 - 5:54 pm
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This harness is still available to anyone who wants it. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
3 February 2022
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3 February 2022 - 12:17 pm
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Hi my name is Emma and my mom adopted me 8 years ago. I became mom's service dog. When she found me she was worried she wouldn't be able to have me because you see, mom is in a wheelchair and she didn't know how she could help me from her wheelchair . Well she realized from my bio that it isn't about what one can't do it is all about what one can do and she adopted me. It was love at first sight. I waited 9 months in rescue to find my furever home and my mom adores me. I'm wondering first, is this vest still available? I'm sometimes having trouble with my one back leg and I think this might help mom help me up when we are outside. If it is available, how do I tell her to measure me?

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 February 2022 - 3:38 pm
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Hi Emma! Thanks for joining us here. Your future posts won't need approval so post away.

You have such a great story to share! Consider starting an all new topic elsewhere in the Forums so that we can follow along with your journey.

Yes the harness is still available. To measure for your size, you want your mom to get a measuring tape or string, and wrap it around the widest part of your ribcage. Like this:

Measure Dog Girth for Best Harness Size

Also, have your mom take you to a canine rehabilitation therapist. The Tripawds Foundation will even pay for your first rehab visit ! That way you can find out why you are having trouble with that back leg, and your mom can learn what to do to help you get strong and stay there.

Nice meeting you! Let me know if the harness fits.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
3 February 2022
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8 March 2022 - 8:25 pm
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Hi Jerry:

Mom finally got some help and we measured me this past weekend. Looks like the vest will fit! If it is still available I would love to have it. Thanks too for sharing about rehabilitation. We are going to look further into that too!

Let us know what we need to do next. 

Thanks bunches


On The Road

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24 September 2009
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8 March 2022 - 9:28 pm
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Oh fantastic! Yes it's still available. Private message me your mailing address OK? 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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