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More Animal Communication and Spirit Healing SUN 01/08/12 3:00pm PST
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On The Road

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23 December 2011 - 12:20 pm
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Back by popular demand! Our first interview with professional animal communicator Stacy Krafczyk was so popular, we've asked her back for another question and answer session with Tripawds members.

Tune in or join us in our chat room with questions about our furry friends.

Date: Sunday, January 8, 2012

Time: 3:00pm PST (4:00 MT, 6:00 Eastern)

Duration: 30 min.

Call In Number: (310) 388-9739*

Tune In Here: More Animal Communication and Spirit Healing with Stacy Krafcyzk

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*You do not need to call to hear the show. Listen live here and join us in the chat room or call (310) 388-9739 with your questions.

Stacy is a professional animal communicator from West Allis, Wisconsin. You're welcome to ask her questions about your alive or deceased animal in this topicor call in live to this Tripawd Talk Radio episode on 01/08/12. Just tell Stacy about your animal friend and post your question or call in.


Animal Communicator Stacy

Stacy Krafczyk works as a Professional Animal Communicator, Intuitive Reader, Medium and is a Reiki Master. She has worked with animals for over a decade doing humane work on a professional level and has assisted thousands of animals, domestic and wildlife, throughout the years.

Stacy has always had a strong bond and passion for animals since a child and is now being carried throughout her professional and personal life.

Her unique approach and gentle guidance will give you great perspective and understanding in all areas of your life and help you reach your greatest potential.

Also experienced with Energy healing modalities, Stacy is a Reiki Master Practioner and uses essential oils that are 100% natural and safe for humans as well as animals to help them overcome emotional and/or physical ailments.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

knoxville, tn
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12 February 2010
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23 December 2011 - 2:59 pm
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wonderful, can't wait!!  thanks for bringing stacy back for an encore.


charon & spirit gayle

Life is good, so very, very good!!! Gayle enjoyed each and every moment of each and every wonderful day (naps included).  She left this world December 12, 2011 – off on a new adventure.

Love Never Ends


Madison, WI
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5 December 2009
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31 December 2011 - 8:28 pm
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Gerry has been a tripawd since 12/16/2009.

He was a shelter dog with a mysterious past and an irrepairable knee injury.

Videos and pics of Gerry's pawesomeness can be found at:

Greater Western Washington area
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25 August 2010
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1 January 2012 - 8:38 am
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I am really excited!  Can we ask about two dogs?  No one is allowed to make fun of my voice, just sayin... 🙂

Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in the right front leg 8/23/10,

leg fractured 8/27/10,

leg amputated 8/30/10


I couldn't begin to say how special Sammy is to us.  Living and laughing with and loving this wonderful boy is priceless.

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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1 January 2012 - 8:41 pm
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fightingforsammy said:

Can we ask about two dogs?

Sure! Just try to call early and keep it brief, we had lots of callers last time.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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7 January 2012 - 11:08 pm
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Just a reminder to tune in tomorrow (Sunday) at 6pm Eastern to talk wtih Animal Communicator Stacy Krafczyk. See you there!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Los Angeles
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2 November 2009
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8 January 2012 - 8:52 am
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Stacy is awesome! So glad she's back - thanks tripawds!

My sweet golden Mackenzie.  She became my angel on Dec 29, 2010 at the age of 8 1/2  although she was always my angel from the time we brought her home.  She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in Sept 2009 and officially became a tripawd (front leg) on Nov 5, 2009.  She will be forever in my heart and now she's running free with all of our other tripawd heroes.  I love you Mackenzie!

Greater Western Washington area
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25 August 2010
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8 January 2012 - 9:22 am
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I am soooo bummed 🙁  I forgot my husband made plans for us this afternoon with some friends..  I hope they cancel!  If not, can anyone ask for the questions for me? 

I really need to know where Sammy's pain is.  He isn't walking again.  He falls and seems to crumple to the ground when he tries.  I think maybe it is in his front leg, but I am not sure.  He cries alot, but I don't know if he is "faking it", with the crying.  I know she connects through us and our mental images of our dogs, so I don't know if it will work if someone else asks.  (well, I guess that is how she does it.. 🙂  )


Elizabeth and Sammy

Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in the right front leg 8/23/10,

leg fractured 8/27/10,

leg amputated 8/30/10


I couldn't begin to say how special Sammy is to us.  Living and laughing with and loving this wonderful boy is priceless.

Greater Western Washington area
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25 August 2010
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8 January 2012 - 12:15 pm
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they cancelled, yay!

Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in the right front leg 8/23/10,

leg fractured 8/27/10,

leg amputated 8/30/10


I couldn't begin to say how special Sammy is to us.  Living and laughing with and loving this wonderful boy is priceless.

Madison, WI
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5 December 2009
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8 January 2012 - 12:21 pm
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Haha!  Hurraaaaaay!!!


Just wanted to throw out this thought to anyone who's interested in asking a question through Stacy, but maybe can't think of one (I know most of us have too many questions to choose from, haha).  Having had a couple sessions with Stacy, I wanted to advise that usually what Gerry has to say all on his own, before we get to any questions from me, is the most interesting.  So, you might want to just ask the very general question of whether [insert your dog's name here] has anything he/she wants you to know, or has any questions for you.  big-grin

Gerry has been a tripawd since 12/16/2009.

He was a shelter dog with a mysterious past and an irrepairable knee injury.

Videos and pics of Gerry's pawesomeness can be found at:

Member Since:
8 December 2011
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8 January 2012 - 3:47 pm
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That's an awesome point Gerry's mom! Sometimes they blow our minds with what "they" have to say!! Thanks for the referrals and please give Gerry a big squeeze for me!!! 🙂

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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8 January 2012 - 3:52 pm
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Thanks Stacy! Your future forum posts will not require moderation.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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8 January 2012 - 4:40 pm
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Listen to the audio archive of this show below and stay tuned to the Downloads blog for podcast and transcript highlights!

Listen to internet radio with tripawds on Blog Talk Radio

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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8 January 2012 - 4:44 pm
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Just close the ad that pops up if audio does not play right away! cool

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Greater Western Washington area
Member Since:
25 August 2010
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8 January 2012 - 4:48 pm
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Wow, she really made me feel like she was communicating with Sammy.  I only have so much money to figure out what is happening with him.  I can either diagnose it, or I maybe treat it, but don't have the funds to do both.  So, I am going with my gut and her suggestion and first do chiro, then acupunture with him.

I was going to do it before, but then Titan needed some medical stuff so I was back to hoping Sammy could last til the end of Feb when I would have the funds again. Then a couple of days ago he started back with his issues. He can't walk now, so I will get him the help he needs. 


Thanks Sooz for offering to let us go first, you rock 🙂 


Elizabeth and Sammy 

Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in the right front leg 8/23/10,

leg fractured 8/27/10,

leg amputated 8/30/10


I couldn't begin to say how special Sammy is to us.  Living and laughing with and loving this wonderful boy is priceless.

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