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Tripawd Pawty: Los Gatos K9 Cancer Walk!
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10 October 2010 - 3:43 pm
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So Chloe and I got to meet other tripawds and tripawd members today at the K9 Cancer Walk in Los Gatos!!! Here are a few pictures from the event, but make sure to stop by my blog to see VIDEOS and MORE PICTURES!!! I am sure the other participants of the walk will chime in to tell their tale and to hopefully post photos they took!

Chloe and Avvy! (Spirit Cherry's family's new dog)

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(Picture 2) The pugapalooza (Tripug Maggie's family)

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(Picture 3) The Tripawd Pack!  Yes, we even got to meet the biggest boy, Cemil!  Honey's family was also there!

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We had a PAWSOME time meeting everyone and Chloe had NO problem with the 2 mile walk!!!

(Picture 4) This is Chloe's face for who ever said Tripawds can't do things they used to pre amp!  And to cancer!

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Remember to check out my blog!

Chloe became a rear amp tripawd on 7-29-10. Another tumor was removed on front leg 2-20-14. Found 3rd tumor on neck 2-2015, but she's still kicking cancer's butt at age 14. Chloe's blog

Greater Western Washington area
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25 August 2010
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10 October 2010 - 6:10 pm
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these pictures are great and I loved the video clips on your blog, WAY TO GO Chloe and Chloe's mom superstar

Elizabeth and Sammy

Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in the right front leg 8/23/10,

leg fractured 8/27/10,

leg amputated 8/30/10


I couldn't begin to say how special Sammy is to us.  Living and laughing with and loving this wonderful boy is priceless.

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26 November 2008
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10 October 2010 - 6:26 pm
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It was so wonderful being able to see (almost) all of our NorCall Tripawd friends. They are so pawsome getting the word out to one and all. The weather was very nice and the cause is great. While that little white fuzz ball is not an official Tripawd, her heart is in the right place and she wants you to know just how much we all support the tripaws.

We were able to meet at least two other new tripawds that had not heard of this wonderful community and would more than welcome some support and advice. Never hurts to advertise and broaden our experience base even more. If there are any decent photos from Emily, I will post them here as well.

Spirit Cherry's Dad

Pullman, Washington
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10 April 2010
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10 October 2010 - 7:15 pm
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It would have been wonderful to be able to join you there, but since we couldn't, we walked in our neighborhood with our neighbor, our new quadpawd Zip, and his hound friend Hazel. My hubby and I proudly wore our shirts. Thank you to Chloe and Chloe's mom for designing the shirts and for walking on behalf of our wonderful canine heros! I know our angel boy Max was watching proudly.


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Jeanette, Angel Max's mom

Proud mother of Max, an 11-year-old Border Collie mix who was sure he was a Real Boy.

Diagnosis of osteosarcoma of the left rear leg and lymphoma in February 2010.

That annoying leg was removed April 7, 2010 and was never missed. 

Max left for the Rainbow Bridge on July 29, 2010 and is now running free. We love you!


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10 October 2010 - 7:18 pm
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 we walked in our neighborhood with our neighbor, our new quadpawd Zip, and his hound friend Hazel. My hubby and I proudly wore our shirts. Thank you to Chloe and Chloe's mom for designing the shirts and for walking on behalf of our wonderful canine heros! I know our angel boy Max was watching proudly.


Yay for Tripawd spirit!!! So glad you guys did your own walk, that's so awesome!  Plus you guys wore the tribute Tees, even better!!! You guys look great in them and we were glad to walk for your angel Max today!!!

-Chloe's mom

Chloe became a rear amp tripawd on 7-29-10. Another tumor was removed on front leg 2-20-14. Found 3rd tumor on neck 2-2015, but she's still kicking cancer's butt at age 14. Chloe's blog

11 October 2010 - 9:08 am
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Hi all,

We had a good and rewarding time yesterday too.  I must admit that I got a bit choked up when I was checking in- looking at the stack of 'Survivor' bandannas and thinking about Maggie...

But- off we went to look for our tripawd friends old and new- first we ran into Chloe and her mom- nice to meet them and see the famous T-shirt in person!  Bob was with them with the new pup Avvy (who I think now is Chloe too!). Emily came up with her arms loaded with free loot.

The rest of this is in random order:

We did the short walk (.25 mi), the 2 mile walk is too far for quad pug Tani because of her arthritis.  We got back to the main area and found Travis Ray and Martha- representing  both Tripawds and the GSD rescue organization.  Travis is a really cool GSD!

I feel like I have become a tripawd stalker!! I am always on the look out for tripawds we don't know.  We met Daisy Mae and her huge pack.  Bob and I talked with them awhile- Daisy is not to far past her amp.  I gave them a Tripawds card and bandanna and Bob encouraged them to find us here.  I also met a Boston named Abby (I think).  She had the same amp as Mag, but is fighting OSA.  The had never heard of us (how can that be?!), they got a card and bandanna too.  We also met Major and his pack.  He is a big boy, maybe a husky?,  front amp, who I think was only 5 weeks past his surgery.  His dad had been looking at this site but has not posted...yet!  I told him that I knew of a front amp dog with OSA who was even bigger than Major, our pal Cemil.  Not too long after that we found Mary and Cemil.  Cemil and Major met and Mary was talking with his pack- it was good for them to see another front amp BIG boy doing really well!  Major also got a bandanna and his dad got a card.

And my stalking doesn't end with Tripawds- I also found some folks wearing Tripawds gear and acosted them big-grin.   It turned out it was Honey's pack (honeygurl).  Honey just left us in September so the walk was hard for them, but it was awesome that they were there. 

A good day spent with new friends and old friends, Tripawds, and Spirit Tripawds, and even some of those funny looking quad dogs.


Karen and the pugapalooza

11 October 2010 - 10:33 am
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I thought of you yesterday as you walked in memory of my girl Ruthie.  It looks like it was a pawsome event!!!  A big thanks to everyone, two legged, 3 legged and 4 legged!

Pat, Angel Ruthie & Tess

On The Road

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11 October 2010 - 11:23 am
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Oh WOW you guys, what a terrific day! Thank you so much for spending the day together and walking in honor of all our cancer heroes. We wish we could have been there but believe me, we though of you all yesterday and hoped that everyone was having fun.

And MANY thanks to everyone who was there getting the word out about Tripawds!!!!!

It's so cool and amazing and touching that so many people care enough to help Morris beat their goal by nearly twice as much as they had hoped for! Morris was shooting for $40k and so far it's up to $80k and counting! Yeay!

Love the pics, thank you for sharing.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

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11 October 2010 - 11:28 am
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Oh by the way, does anyone have a Team Tripawds group photo?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
30 July 2010
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11 October 2010 - 11:34 am
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No... we didn't take one...the closest one is the picture of the dogs in Picture #3.  I really like the picture of Chloe and Avvy/Chloe with their tripawd bandanas and I was wondering how I could submit that for the Tripawd Bandana pictures?  I forgot where to submit that on this site...and it's been driving me crazy trying to find it!

-Chloe's mom

Chloe became a rear amp tripawd on 7-29-10. Another tumor was removed on front leg 2-20-14. Found 3rd tumor on neck 2-2015, but she's still kicking cancer's butt at age 14. Chloe's blog

Member Since:
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11 October 2010 - 2:16 pm
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Chloes mom said:

I really like the picture of Chloe and Avvy/Chloe with their tripawd bandanas . . .

 Unfortunately, there never really was a Team Tripawds photo. My understanding is that the closest was one taken by Honeygurl's Pack, but even that did not include the two Chloes or Travis Rae.

It truly was a time of joy and a time of some tears. I only called out "Cherry!" once during the day. Mary just looked at me as we both realized that it was just a reaction. For those of us walking in memory of our loved ones, it was great to see their name on the Moris Foundation board. Tears once more.

The day would have been Allie's 16th birthday, and we did not forget that it was Cemil's fifth. Yea for Cemil – What a wonderful BIG soul – What a great fighter – More inspawration. Rapidly approaching another great ampuversary milestone, Cemil is definately a survivor and truly a cause for celebration – MORE ICE CREAM!!

Spirit Cherry's Dad

Member Since:
23 July 2010
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11 October 2010 - 3:28 pm
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Hi all,

My sisters and niece had such great time yesterday. They enjoyed meeting Tripawd friends there were lots of goldens to hug!! They did get a few pictures and are happy to put them up. Stay posted!!

Dx Osteosarcoma  3/31/10.  Amputation 7/21/10. Honey put up a valiant fight and lost her battle 9/22/10. Missing her and treasuring 9 years with our Honeygurl.

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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11 October 2010 - 3:43 pm
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Oh Cemil, hoppy birthday big boy!!!

Would it be OK if we posted Honeygurl's photo of y'all here? Just wanted to make sure you're all OK with putting your mugshots up here. If you're not, no biggie, just let us know. Thanks!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
23 July 2010
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11 October 2010 - 4:37 pm
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Here are some pics from yesterday.  Love the Tripawd gear!!

Picture 1 – HoneyGurl's Family (Susan, Tita, Alida)


Chloe (Avvy's new name -Cherry's Dad's) - ADORABLE!!

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Chloe's Mom's back & Awesome T-Shirt!

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We have a few team pics and would love to post them if OK with everyone.

Dx Osteosarcoma  3/31/10.  Amputation 7/21/10. Honey put up a valiant fight and lost her battle 9/22/10. Missing her and treasuring 9 years with our Honeygurl.

11 October 2010 - 5:06 pm
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I'm fine with any pics you guys want to post.  I carried my camera around and never used it. 


Thanks for posting the pic with all the names.  It's cool that Maggie's name is in red since that was her color. 



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