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Update with Coco
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24 January 2023 - 5:07 pm
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Coco continues to be happy, unfortunately she fell coming up the steps and it feels like her tumor which was really growing large feels like it has ruptured internally. With the nature of this cancer seems like once it lets loose it goes everywhere it can. I feel the end is unfortunately closer than anticipated. I have done all I can do. Im beside myself. Even though I know I have been blessed with another 1yr and a month from her, its still gonna be very difficult. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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24 January 2023 - 10:10 pm
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Oh no! I hope with all my heart that this isn't her time. How did she do today?

It's hard not to think the worst, and fall apart when you know in your heart what lay ahead. I cried hourly when we knew Jerry's time was approaching. It was difficult to hide my emotions from him, as much as I tried.

Just try as hard as you can to focus on her joy that she feels in the moment. Her big wide tail wags, her happy smile, her booty shake. She is such a love and still has plenty to give to you so make the most of it here and now like I know you are doing.

We are sending tons of hugs and love for more good moments together. Keep us posted.

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25 January 2023 - 4:48 am
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*Update* Talked to vet this morning and he said he wasnt overly concerned about the tumor rupturing as long as she is acting normally, keep on keepin on. He said realistically the cancer has probably already spread to other places and we just don't it yet.

She is still her happy self. Unfortunately there seems to be fluid building beneath her skin. Last night it was kinda down towards where her incision was. This morning it seemed to be all around her neck. She still wanted her ear scratched and her bellied rub this morning and continued on with her normal morning routine. I believe if she didnt fall up the steps that day her tumor although still growing would have not broke. Our cat was at the top of the steps which makes her nervous and trying to avpod the cat she lost her rythmn coming up and face planted right on her tumor. Im gonna call the vet today and see what he says. I will keep a close eye on her the next few days. I fear she is bleeding internally, which I dont think there is anything that can be done at that point. I believe the cancer was contained in the tumor and now that, thst has ruptured the cancer can now go wherever. Ive been dreading this day for a long time. I pray I have the strength to make the difficult decision when it is time. The last thing I want her to do is be in pain and suffer. Her just being still so happy only makes that decision harder. for you kind words and support.

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 January 2023 - 1:38 pm
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I'm so glad you were able to connect with the vet. And I hope that she continues to hop along and keep doing what she does best, which is make the world smile!

I would think if she was bleeding on that level, that it would be more apparent. I'm not a vet so FWIW. Have you done a capillary refill test on her? That's one indicator that some bleeding is happening. But again do keep your vet in the loop.

Right now it sounds like she is not in pain or suffering. You don't want to let things get to the point where she is miserable, and I know you won't do that because you always put her needs first. That old saying "better a day too early than a day too late" is very true. It's so hard to make that decision when they still look good and happy. But use your gut feeling: if she still seems happy to you, and enjoys activities that make her day, then she probably isn't quite ready.

But just keep an eye on those symptoms and let the vet know what's happening. You can do this. You are doing it.


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25 January 2023 - 3:12 pm
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Agree with Jerry, if Coco had any massive internal bleeding, she would NOT  be feeling so well, so alert and engaged.    Certainly  no expert at all, but I don't  think a "burst" tumor is necessarily  the way that crap disease "spreads" per se.  As your Vet said, she may have the disease elsewhere  anyway, but not as a result of her tumble. 

The swelling may have ,nothing  to do with this.  Check with your Vet on that.  Could be something  completely unrelated.

Continue to follow Coco's lead and, most importantly,  stay in the NOW.  This time of Coco still being Coco  is so valuable.  She's not wasting it....and I know you won't  either.  Let us know all the ways you are spoiling  her.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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25 January 2023 - 5:19 pm
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Thank you for your comments. So she has some bruising on her side where she fell, but what is more concerning to me is she has a bunch of fluid below her chin. She looks like she has a double chin. I am gonna try to get her to the vet tomorrow for a look over. He wasnt over concerned but fluid under her skin, but the large amount under her chin concerns me more than the bruising.


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25 January 2023 - 9:07 pm
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I know it's easy to say "try not to worry" and "try not to jump to bad scenarios"..  You'll have some answers on the fluid tomorrow.  Coco is still doing well....hang onto that for now, okay?  Heck, the fluid under the chin could be aomething as simple as a bad tooth infection and not related to anything else.  So might as well  just go with that for now👍

Sending pawsitive  energy out to sweet Coco.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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26 January 2023 - 2:45 pm
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The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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26 January 2023 - 7:07 pm
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Sweet girl, you still look full of life and love. You do not look ready, I can see that too. I mean that tail is full of energy! And your hop is still happy!

I'm hoping that the vet was able to figure this out. Please let us know OK?

Sending lots of sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

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26 January 2023 - 8:00 pm
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So we had our vet visit and the doc said she looks really really good for having a very aggressive cancer. He said we have already beat the statistics other than her face being swollen. He has not seen very many make it past a year with histiocyctic sarcoma and all our decisions have been correct thus far. He seems to think that since she took a hard hit there was to much inflammation for her lymph mode system to handle since it dealing with the cancer as well and thats why the fluid has been unable to go anywhere. He put her on an antihistamine(dihyphendramine) and said try it for a week to see if that helps it go down. If not he said he has a couple more ideas if that doesnt work. As a last resort if all else fails we will try predinisone, now in the past she has been very sensitive to that, so I always try to stay away from it because she will pee all over the place. He did say however that they make a drug to help counter react the potty mishaps. He also said that predinisone has been proven to be effective for slowing cancer. So that will be our last resort to try to bring down the swelling. Fingers crossed the antihistamine works.The strength and will of this dog is incredible. I've been dealing with this vet Dr. John for over 20yrs, which I rarely get to see anymore is one of the best and most compassionate and understanding I have ever dealt with. The strength and will of this dog is incredible. Hopefully more pics to come

The Rainbow Bridge

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27 January 2023 - 10:22 am
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Oh thank goodness! I love your vet! Dr. John rocks! Makes total sense about the fluid.

That sounds like a really good plan to help with the swelling, and then hopefully slow down the cancer.

She is such a role model for making the most of every day. You are too! This is a really good update ... I was very worried for you guys last night. YAY!

Cheers to more tail wags and belly scratches 🙂


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27 January 2023 - 8:19 pm
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Honest to goodness, those videos speak volumes about how Happy she is.  Totally  unconcerned about anything that may ve going on woth  her "health wise".  She's a prime example of how to ve more dof.

IAnd add me to your Vet's Fan Club!!    It's always reassuring to hear how you are doing, and have done, everything possible to ensure  Coco 's quality and well being.  And the way he has identified  the reason behind makes perfectly good  sense!.

The strength and will of this dog is incredible.

So true!!!!

Keep in keeping o  Coco! You are such an inspawration  to us all!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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29 January 2023 - 1:22 pm
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Just a quick update. Fluid and swelling is almost completly gone.Yay!

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The Rainbow Bridge

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29 January 2023 - 1:32 pm
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WOW! It's miraculous and wonderful and soooo hopeful that even when we think we are in the darkest days, miracles happen. smiley_clapsmiley16sp_hearticon2 Coco continues to show us that she is loving life! This made my day, thank you. Now go spoil that girl rotten! 

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29 January 2023 - 5:34 pm
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Thank you all. It has been a year of an emotional roller coaster rise thats for sure. Im sure glad I found an outlet with such great support. I honestly believe this place keeps me grounded. 

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