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The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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22 February 2024 - 1:28 pm
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Hi Katie,

You are so welcome! Glad the call helped.

I'd love to hear what the physio suggests. That's a tough one because you don't want them to lay on that side, but you know dogs, they'll just do it even if it hurts sometimes. Helping a bigger dog up from that position is tough!

As her core muscles develop she will get stronger and it won't be such a struggle. I know that doesn't help you right now, but in the meantime, all I can suggest is that when an incision area isn't tender, the harness is a huge help for lifting a dog from that position. Nobody wants to leave it on all night of course, but if it's not constricting her it may be your best assistive tool right now. 

Member Since:
2 February 2024
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23 February 2024 - 6:32 am
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Horrible turn of events for our poor girl. It breaks my heart to write this. We were struggling with some pain management and yesterday there was lots of heavy breathing and panting even with extra meds on board. We reached out to the vet and they had some lab results that were not good. Turns out she has osteosarcoma within her peripheral nerve, very rear that it be in the nerve. They said the cancer would be fast spreading and we would have very little time (maybe a week, a few months with extreme interventions to manage her pain). We made the heartbreaking decision to put her down before she was in more pain.  She was already struggling and we could not watch her suffer knowing things would only get worse. She didn’t deserve this. She has been by my side every day for 7 years (she was a trained service dog that provided comfort for crime victims I worked with, and brighter the day of many first responders). She was the best and softest girl. Our hearts are broken.

Member Since:
30 January 2024
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23 February 2024 - 7:50 am
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Oh Katie! I'm so, so sorry to hear this news. I was logging on today in part to see how things were going for your girl. I can appreciate how heartbreaking that decision was. I am glad she is no longer struggling and suffering, but so sorry for your loss. I didn't know she was a service dog. Thanks for sharing that. I am glad she provided so much comfort to you and others over the years. My deepest condolences. 

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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23 February 2024 - 11:58 am
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Noooooo! icon_cryKatie, I can't even believe what I read, I had to go over it twice. In all our years here I've never even heard of that type of osteosarcoma. This is just unbelievable. I am so very, very sorry! 

It took so much strength to come here and let us know. Thank you for that. I just wish there was some way we could help you right now. The heartache you are feeling after being hit by this has got to be unreal, I can't even fathom this level of grief. Please, if there is anything we can do to support you, we are here for you. Please call the Helpline if you want to talk, Gayle is on today and she is a dear. 

When or even if you are ready, let us know how things are going. We are here to honor sweet Marion's life and all that she meant to you and everyone she touched. 

We are keeping you in our hearts, always. 

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Member Since:
22 February 2013
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23 February 2024 - 5:26 pm
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No, no, no!!!  Stunned and shocked beyond words! Absolutely  gutted.  So completely unexpected.

We were so honored to meet you and Marion, not only here, but on the Zoom call. I was so excited to know you and Marion were there  and I'm soooo glad we did get to meet uou both.  The love you jave for jer came through loud and clear.  Such a beautiful  bond.We got about a second glimpse of her as she lay by your side..Such a lovely Soul.  

There really are no words right now, we are all so shocked.

I do want to come back when I can stop crying but for  now all I can do is send you all the love in the world through cyberland♥️

Surrounding you with Marion's eternal love and light

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Livermore, CA

Member Since:
18 October 2009
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24 February 2024 - 2:02 pm
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I'm so sorry Katie and family.

Cancer is such a nasty unfair beast. Sometimes, somehow it is even more unfair.

It was so nice to meet  you last week, there was so much hope for the future.  I hope you take comfort in the knowledge that you did everything for your girl. 

The special ones never really us, they live on in our hearts and are always by our sides.


Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls and Boy

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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