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Soon to be Tripawd Dog Mom
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Member Since:
9 September 2023
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10 October 2023 - 6:53 pm
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We received Boot’s ashes back today. It has been very difficult these last few days. We still can’t believe she is gone and we still expect her to be here when we wake up or come home. Our 2 other dogs are adapting and lay in the spots that Boots would frequent. We have moments of anger/sadness and moments of peace knowing she is not in pain or suffering. Regardless, we love her every day and will always miss her. She was our baby for the past 14 years. RIP our beloved Boots…


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22 February 2013
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10 October 2023 - 8:04 pm
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Was not able to catch up on Boots u til just now.  To say I am stunned and shocked at how things unfolded so quickly and tragically is an  understatement. It breaks my heart to read this.

This disease is so brutal and cunning.  No matter the best efforts, the best diagnostics,  the best  medical   intervention, sometimes the script has already been written  by this horrific disease. 

You did everything  possible that should...should.   have resulted in a positive outcome.  You approached this path for Boots with every reason to be hopeful that things would turn out well.  Uou tried and that's what Boots wanted too.  She wanted you to try

And when it became clear to Boots that she didn't  need to fight anymore, she decided  she would transition on her own terms and in her own home with the hoomans she loved by her side♥️. 

As privileged as you felt to have her in your life all these years,she felt just as privileged to be loved by you💖

I know you have a rough road ahead and the void will seem unbearable.   I'm sure your mother two dogs still feel the spirit energy and Boots and still feel her presence in thos special spots where Boots had been.

She will send you signs....she will connect with you jn a very "Boots specific way"..Pay attention.   It will happen.  May happen quickly, may take awhile, but it will happen.

If you would like, it would be my honor to post some pictures of Boots for you.  I'll PM my email address to you and you can send me some pictures if you would like.  We are here formyou jn a y way we can.  W feel in love with Boots with your first post.  And your love and bond was soooo clear to is all.

Surrounding you with the eternal light of Miss Boots

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!.

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


Member Since:
4 July 2023
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11 October 2023 - 7:45 am
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I am so sorry. And I can only echo what Sally has said so well. You both and your pups will be in my heart.sp_hearticon2 ((((((hugs)))))))

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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11 October 2023 - 10:40 am
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That is such a tough thing to go through. Getting the cremains back is closure but it hurts all over again. I wish I could lessen that heartache for you somehow.

As your family grieves, try to remember the good years she had with you. There were many good times I'm sure, little and big events you shared that will never leave your heart. Nothing can ever take them away. 


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9 September 2023
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12 October 2023 - 7:55 pm
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Thank you all for the kind words and condolences. Today marks a week since Boots passed and things are not any easier. My wife is taking things especially hard. I know time heals all wounds and this is definitely going to take some time. Thank you again for the kind words and support. 


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22 February 2013
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12 October 2023 - 9:33 pm
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Thank you so much for checking back in.  

We have all been so devastated  for you and Eica and the shocking way everything  unfolded. What happened with Boots  just isnt something that is on our radar, especially  when everything  seems to be going well and all work ups were clear.dar after work, recovery seemingly normal. 

We had another member  whose dog's name waa Harmony who experienced something similar.  If I recall, Harmony was doing okay, then unexpectedly went  downhill.   It was a liver/spleen cancer undetectable  but with a cunning quickness ravaged her body.  I believe she was gone within eleven days of the amputation.  Not sure why I'm sharing this other than to say again, the best preparation, the best diagnostics, the best medical team.....sometimes this horrible sneaky disease does what it wants regardless.

Your post reminded me of a favorite quote of mine from Rose Kennedy.  To me it makes more sense than believing all wounds heal completely  or that there is such a thing as closure.  


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Sending love to you and Erica and a knowing that Boots is hapoy and free and so grateful to have been loved by uou....and the joy of loving you back.💖

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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12 October 2023 - 11:52 pm
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You are so welcome. Yes, grief is brutal in that there's no way to get it behind you except to go through it in time. All you can do is allow yourself to feel the loss, talk it out, be there for each other, and remember that you are not alone in this.

If it helps, please do feel free to share more of Boots' story in our Coping with Loss story. Write a tribute, create a photo collage, whatever kind of creative effort helps you feel better can aid in the healing.

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