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Preparing for Copper's Amputation
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21 November 2022
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22 November 2022 - 1:38 pm
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Hi there, my name is McKenzie, and my 4yo vizsla, Copper, is scheduled to have a rear limb amputation next week. 

A little back story, back in June of this year we noticed Copper start to limp while playing fetch. So, we decided to rest him and he went back to the energetic pup that he is. Then the same thing happened in July and then again in August. The occurrence in August was the last straw, and we took him to see our wonderful vet. Physical exam didn't come up with why he was having the issue, so we did x-rays. Those came back possible signs of hip dysplasia or infection. We then moved to do a bone biopsy, which lead us to an inconclusive diagnosis of Chondronoma or Chondrosarcoma. That took us to the oncologist, who referred us to surgery for amputation. This whole process has been a fast paced whirlwind of emotions and logistics. So, as we're coming to the day of surgery we are trying to prepare as much as possible. We've gotten runners for our hardwood floors, and some CBD treats to help keep our bird dog relaxed post-op. 

My questions: What can we expect post-op? Any tips or tricks that you learned to assist your pup with the change? Anything that would be helpful to keep a hunting breed calm post-op? Is doggie physical therapy worth the cost? Any specific DOs/DON'Ts that we should be aware of? What will help make car rides easier? How to make the first car ride back home post-op easier?

While this has been an emotional journey for us and our young puppers, we are remaining positive and hopeful that this will lead to a long/happy/healthy life. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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22 November 2022 - 1:59 pm
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Hi McKenzie and Copper, welcome to the club nopawdy wants to join! We are sorry you have to but glad you found us and we'll be with you every step of the way.

You've left no stone unturned to find out what's going on. I hope that gives you the confidence you need to know that if amputation is the only option to help him feel good again, you did everything right to make sure of that.

Be sure to check out our What to Expect articles , and the Tripawds Recovery Shopping List . Also, Jerry's Required Reading List is helpful too.

There are so many things to know so I don't want to overwhelm you too much. It sounds like you're taking all the steps necessary to ensure a good recovery. To answer your questions:

What can we expect post-op? Any tips or tricks that you learned to assist your pup with the change?

Aside from the info in the links above, I'd say that keeping an optimistic and positive attitude is the best medicine for Copper. It's our attitude and good pain management that makes or breaks a recovery.

Anything that would be helpful to keep a hunting breed calm post-op?

My biggest suggestion is interactive brain games . Scent work, food puzzles, anything that tires the mind is very helpful! 

Is doggie physical therapy worth the cost?

Absolutely! Dogs who go to rehab recover better. That's why the Tripawds Foundation will pay for your first rehab visit .

Any specific DOs/DON’Ts that we should be aware of?

Oh that's such a big question and it reminds me we should do a post to cover it. The biggest DO is to keep a good attitude, and know that all dogs recover at their own pace. The biggest DON'T is to compare his recovery against others. Copper is unique, and will recover on his own timeline.

What will help make car rides easier? How to make the first car ride back home post-op easier?

For now, the car ride home and back to the vet for a re-check are easier if you have help. Knowing Vizsla's he probably won't need assistance but if you have a high clearance vehicle it's helpful to have an extra set of hands to lift him in and get him out. We love the Ruffwear Flagline for this purpose too, and since he'll be missing a rear leg, he can start wearing it soon after surgery.

I have to run for now but I hope this helps. Stay tuned for feedback from others and keep us posted!

PS Consider checking out the Tripawds e-books library for more helpful info 🙂


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22 November 2022 - 8:22 pm
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You are a wonderful  advocate for Cooper and kudos for your well thought out questions.

Jerry has addressed  everything  so well, as usual.  I can only say ditto.

We know this is a time of uncertainty, lack of sleep and lots of worrying.  The more you arm yourself  with information,  just like you are doing, the more  you will be the strong and confident pack leader Cooper needs.

The only thing I would add is that, when you to go pick him up from the clinic,  don't even bother  to draw att to the incision.   All Cooper needs to see is you looking  into his druggy eyes, smiling and telling him he's going home!

When he gets home, drink and peeing  are important,  but eating and pooping may be off a few days.  He'll pro be sent home with Gabapentin,  an anti-inflammatory and an antibiotic.   Some come home with a Fentynal  patch too.  

The bliss of being  dog is not worrying  about a thing!  Cooper is just gettin' on with gettin' on and could care less about "statistics " or whether he has three legs or four. All he cares about mis veing pain free and veing  with the hoomans who adore him😎

We're  right here by your side all through  recovery and as Cooper celebrates liv9ng ,life mto mthe fullest....and he will!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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21 November 2022
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23 November 2022 - 8:31 am
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Thank you both so much for the information! This is all extremely helpful. 

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23 November 2022 - 10:10 am
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Hi there!  I’m sorry to hear about Copper, as it’s so stressful and heartbreaking. But you will all get through this! My Corgi, Shadow, was only 2 1/2 when he was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma. Similarly, he had been on and off limping for 6 months or so, and we just assumed it was the crazy corgi playing.  

All the links you have already been sent were super helpful to us!  I’d only add/emphasize a couple of things….first, keep him on all the pain meds!  Don’t scrimp. Dogs hide their pain well, so sometimes we might think they don’t need it…but this is a giant surgery and I know my guy did better once we just stuck with the regular pain med schedule. One additional benefit of staying on the pain meds is because they often make the dog sleepy, it helps with keeping them from wanting to be too active.  As I recall, within a couple of weeks he was feeling pretty darn good!

We had best luck with one of the donuts, rather than the cone, to keep him from licking. So much more comfy!  Also…it’s easy to be almost ‘traumatized’ by seeing the incision, and also the horrible bruising and “sagging” around the incision that comes as it heals.  It’s ugly, but as long as there is no infection, it is just part of the process…it does go away and the fur does grow back!  

Anyway…just a few more thoughts for you. Best of luck to you and Copper!

Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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23 November 2022 - 2:07 pm
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Hello and welcome.

You have received great advice on surgery and recovery, I thought you might like some inspiration.

Bart was a Vizsla and long time cancer survivor who won his AKC Master Hunting Title AFTER front limb amputation!

Bart's Blog  The first page of the blog

Bart Wins AKC ACE Award

Good luck with surgery next week and keep us posted!

Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls and Boy

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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1 December 2022 - 2:17 pm
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Thank you everyone for the well wishes and insight. It's all already been super helpful!

Copper boy's surgery went without any major issues, he did have some bleeding during, but nothing too out of the norm. Doc said that she was happy with the result. They told us he did great over night and was, as to be expected, very sleepy. We picked him up this morning and he's now resting at home. They sent us home with an antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory, some pain meds and two sedative meds, and ALL the at home care instructions. 

We're so happy to have him back home! 

The Rainbow Bridge

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1 December 2022 - 10:02 pm
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You are so welcome. I'm super happy Copper's surgery was uneventful! That's as good as it gets. now that he's home, he has the best medicine for a good recovery. Your vet sounds great by preparing you with the instructions and sending him home with good pain management .

I hope you have a restful night and easy Friday/weekend together. Keep us updated, and just enjoy the time snuggling and knowing you made it past this big hurdle. YAY!

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28 November 2022
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4 December 2022 - 1:55 am
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I'm so pleased to hear everything went so well. How are things going now he has been home a few days? 


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8 December 2022 - 9:18 pm
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WELCOME HOME COOPER!!!  Slow and easy for now, okay sweet boy?

Sometimes there's bit of a crash once all the strong  hospital  pain meds are out of their system.  Not always, just don't  be alarmed.  Often a tweak in the pain med dose and frequency  is all ot takes to smooth things over.

Soak up the spoiling  Cooper!  Hoomans love to spoll tripawds!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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13 December 2022 - 2:13 pm
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Hi everyone - I wish I was writing to tell you all that we just got back from our recheck appointment and the stitches are out and everything looks great, but this will be a very sad post. 

On Monday last week (5 days post op) Copper was very painful, so we took him in and he got a fentanyl patch and seemed to do better the rest of that day and Tuesday. Then on Wednesday we got him up to go potty and noticed oozing from the site and called the vet immediately, and after reviewing some photos, wanted to see him the next day but to call again if things got worse. Well they did and in a big way. By 11:00 that morning the oozing got worse and the swelling was soo bad. We took him in and he had developed a severe infection. Our vet gave us two options, be aggressive and go into surgery again to clean it out with months of open wound care, or be conservative and flush it and give stronger antibiotics. Rather than put our poor boy through ANOTHER surgery in just a week, we went with the conservative route and prayed for the best out come. 

Thursday we took him back in for a recheck and the infection completely filled back up and some of his skin was starting to die. Our vet was very kind and transparent that his chances living past this were low and she didn't think surgery would be a good option anymore. We didn't want to see our sweet puppy dog in anymore pain, and made the incredibly tough decision to let Copper go. We were laying with him giving him all the cuddles and kiss as he went. 

Our hearts are broken, but we find peace in knowing he's got four legs again chasing all the squirrels and most importantly, pain free. Thank you to everyone for your support through this. 

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13 December 2022 - 4:44 pm
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Hi there…I am so very sorry to hear about Cooper. But just like you’ve loved and cared for him his whole life, you did what your heart told you was best in this difficult situation.  He was lucky to have such a wonderful family. I am confident he is running and playing in a better place, and will await the day he can greet you again. Take care of yourself and give yourself the time to grieve. ❤️

The Rainbow Bridge

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13 December 2022 - 6:54 pm
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McKenzie, my heart breaks for you, I'm so sorry! This is such a terrible shock to all of us. I can't even begin to fathom how you even found the strength to update your topic. Thank you so so much for taking time during your grief to come here. I just wish we could do something to ease the heartache of such a sudden loss.

If it's any comfort, you did right by your boy. You made the best decision possible and for whatever reason he was called to the Bridge way, way sooner than anyone wanted. In the time that you were together, I'm sure you had some incredibly beautiful and unforgettable moments. If you feel up to it at some point, we would love to know all about Copper, maybe in a Coping with Loss tribute? No pressure at all. We just want to honor the journey your sweet pup had with you before amputation, and celebrate the way his very special spirit touched the world.

Please know we are keeping you in our thoughts and sending tons of love your way. All of us are deeply sorry.


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13 December 2022 - 8:43 pm
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Stunned  Shocked!  Gutted!    Cannot even begin to wrap my head and my heart around this. So hard to comprehend  right now.

For now, all I can say is you put your beloved  Copper's best interest first by not putting him through more surgeries,  more pain, more endless Vet visits....all with no guarantees  anyway.  Sometimes "the script is already written" and there is nothing  that can ve done.  The unforeseen often gets ahead start and no ,medical  intervention  can change that course..

The days ahead will be tough.  Your grief will be deeper than you could ever have imagined.   That's  because your bond  with Copper is so Soul  deep, eternal and unbreakable .  You and Coppwr are one heart and right now that heart hurts.  

For you to recognize Copper is indeed running free, chasing squirrels  and is pain free is truly an enlightened  Soul.  I have no doubt that Copper is telling all his new friends at The Rainbow Bridge what a delightful  time he had with you while in his earth clothes.  He is bragging non stop about how you spoiled him and how you laughed at all his silly antics.  

We know there are no words.  We can only help support you with an understanding  of how deep your love for Copper is and how devoted  you are rpto him. We are with you.  We are here for you in any way that could help.  When you can, we would love to hear more avout your Squirrel chasing Cooper.  

We are surrounding  you with our l9ve and with a knowing  Copper felt like he was the luckiest dog in the world to be with you♥️

Love and light 

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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