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Post Op, Day 2, Gus, Male Rottie, 80#, Osteosarcoma, Amputation Right Front Leg
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9 November 2015 - 9:47 pm
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GUS! You take it slowly and no more srumbling, okay? Things like that scare us humans!

Glad his recheck went well and his incision is healing nicely.

The first couple of days home Gus still had the hospital lain meds in his system. They're all out of his system now and he maybe feeling the pain of the surgery a bit more now. You'll want to make sure his pain meds are given consistently so the pain doesn't get ahead start. For now Gus just needs rest and potty breaks. His muscles are probably a little sore and he may need some gentle massaging.

Gus will figure out his mobility issues and make necessary adjustments. In a very short time he will be managing on three legs as though he was born that way. And one all his fur starts growing back you won't even notice he's missing a leg!!

The worrying?? Oh yeah, we all get that! You'll learn very quickly though to not give those kinds lf thoughts any energy. This whole journeynis about BEING MORE DOG and living in the moment...just like Gus. Stay in a confident and empowered state and Gus will feed of off that great energy. Everytime we let those worrisome thoughts push aside our positive thoughts, our relationship with oir dogs is interrupted. LET NOTHING INTERFERE WITH YOUR TIME WITH GUS!

Now grab a bag of CHOCOLATE, take a few deep breaths snd go snuggle with Gus. It will make both of you feel better

Sending love and hugs!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

PS. Check out the site for core strength building tips snd ways to keep Gus fit and strong. I have an adopted tripawd (front legger) and...shhh....our secret....I DO have moments where I just cringe when I see him jump off the sofa, or over his ramp railing rather than taking two extra seconds to go all the way down the ramp! I do have him on joint supplements.

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

New Milford, CT
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7 November 2015
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10 November 2015 - 7:39 am
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benny55 said
GUS! You take it slowly and no more srumbling, okay? Things like that scare us humans!

Glad his recheck went well and his incision is healing nicely.

The first couple of days home Gus still had the hospital lain meds in his system. They're all out of his system now and he maybe feeling the pain of the surgery a bit more now. You'll want to make sure his pain meds are given consistently so the pain doesn't get ahead start. For now Gus just needs rest and potty breaks. His muscles are probably a little sore and he may need some gentle massaging.

Gus will figure out his mobility issues and make necessary adjustments. In a very short time he will be managing on three legs as though he was born that way. And one all his fur starts growing back you won't even notice he's missing a leg!!

The worrying?? Oh yeah, we all get that! You'll learn very quickly though to not give those kinds lf thoughts any energy. This whole journeynis about BEING MORE DOG and living in the moment...just like Gus. Stay in a confident and empowered state and Gus will feed of off that great energy. Everytime we let those worrisome thoughts push aside our positive thoughts, our relationship with oir dogs is interrupted. LET NOTHING INTERFERE WITH YOUR TIME WITH GUS!

Now grab a bag of CHOCOLATE, take a few deep breaths snd go snuggle with Gus. It will make both of you feel better

Sending love and hugs!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

PS. Check out the site for core strength building tips snd ways to keep Gus fit and strong. I have an adopted tripawd (front legger) and...shhh....our secret....I DO have moments where I just cringe when I see him jump off the sofa, or over his ramp railing rather than taking two extra seconds to go all the way down the ramp! I do have him on joint supplements.

Good morning!  Thank you SO much for all these wonderful inspiring words!!! You are EXACTLY right about the negative thoughts and energy!!  It's just really really difficult....especially when you are tackling this by yourself!!  I will continue to try!!

Gus's pain seems to be ok.  Not really sure how to tell.  He is eating.  He doesn't cry or whimper when he's hanging out or walking.  I've been giving him 2 Tramadol every 6 hours.  I was actually thinking about weaning back, but guess I will wait.  He also gets Metacam once a day.

Biggest hurdle right now is that he is SO upset that I won;'t allow him on the couch!!!  That's where he spent most of his day!!  (Gus is 10.5 years old and blind, deaf and diabetic - he's not really active) He did enjoy a long walk thru the field out back twice a day, but way too early for that!  He crys to get up on the couch(which I have barricaded off)...he just looks at me like "what's the matter with you mom??!!)  I'm sure, in time, my vet will allow him on the couch again, but right now it's too's not supportive enough...and he can't get around well enough.

So, I've been sleeping on the couch by Gus since the surgery.  Last night I blew up this inflatablt bed that I have and we slept together on it.  Gus was in HEAVEN!!  My, not so much.  I kept waking all night, worried he would try to jump off. Gus slept rock solid for 7 hours!!

I work from home, so I am VERY lucky to be able to be here with Gus.  We just lost my other rottie, Red, who was 13.5 years old about a month ago.  It was a terrible heartbreak to both myself and Gus.  We were still grieving about Red and then Gus started limping and then the diagnosis.  Horrible.  We are trying to be brave.  It's just so hard.

OK, going to take Gus out for potty break.  He actually started mastering lifting his leg to pee yesterday!  It's painful to watch, but I know he can do it.  Gus has had SO many obsticales so far in his life, we can do this.

Thank you all.

Alice and Gus      

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10 November 2015 - 8:31 am
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Murphy has had his share of falling.  The first winter I was a total wreck one night because he went out the back door and totally wiped out on a sheet of ice on the deck.  I was sure that I was the worst mom in the world!  I came on here and wrote about how bad I felt and everyone here lifted me just like we always do.  We always keep some Rimadyl handy just in case Murphy needs it, and whenever he takes a spill or if he's walking a bit stiffly we give him one.  Our journey has been 2 1/2 years now, so I don't freak out as easily, so not too long ago he wiped out pretty good chasing after a ground hog who's set up it's home under our deck and my husband & I started laughing when he did it.  Of course we gave him a Rimadyl when he came in because we knew he'd end up stiff later, but he didn't even care that he tumbled, he just wanted that stupid ground hog!  One of the things we've found that helps when we go to the vet's are the Pawz boots.  They are sort of like balloons that you can slip on their feet and they are great for traction .  They're not really meant for long-term wear and they're not insulated like some boots, but they work well for just a short day trip.  You can find them on Amazon and it tells you how to measure to find the right size.  I got Murphy's foot wet & put it on a piece of paper, then measured that & I got the perfect ones.  Here's a link:  qid=1447169092&sr=8-2&keywords=pawz+boots   (hope that works!  lol)


Donna, Glenn & Murphy 

Murphy had his right front leg amputated due to histiocytic sarcoma at 7 years old. He survived 4 years, 2 months & 1 week, only to be taken by hemangiosarcoma at 11 1/2 years 6/12/17  
Read about Murphy's Life on Three Legs


Schofield, WI
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13 August 2015
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10 November 2015 - 8:47 am
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Alice Alice Alice!  Sweetie you didn't let Gus fall yesterday it just happened.  It does happen sometimes.  I'm guessing the reason Gus was a bit off yesterday was because of the whole trip to the vet. That kind of activity takes a lot out of them.  He was probably just super tired and beat.  And he's VERY early on in this journey.  I'm going to share a story with you.  About day four when we took Max out he managed to lightly fall on a tomato cage that was on the side of the house and started bleeding.  We called the vet who came out to the house and by the time he got here the bleeding had stopped and vet said he was fine.  I felt terrible like it was all my fault.  Then two days later he bolted through a rocking chair we had in the doorway and actually opened his incision enough to have to be restiched.  Now back in that time I had not learned to Be More Dog .  I panicked.  I blamed myself for not taking better care of him.  I was just sick.  But you know what even through all those setbacks Max did fine.  Those two incidents taught me to not panic and stay calm because Max fed off my emotions and if I was calm so was he and after I learned that we had smooth sailing. Look how far you have come already!  You have so much to celebrate!  As Sally said don't let the worrying rob you of the joy of today!  Take each today and truly live it just like Gus is doing.  Don't let anything rob you of your today's!  Much love and hugs to you and Gus!

Linda & Max

Livermore, CA

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10 November 2015 - 9:08 am
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Hi Alice and Gus,

I wanted to second the PAWZ bootie idea. My quad pug Tani had mobility issues as she got older and could not walk at the vet. Although she was small enough to carry she hated it, PAWZ worked great for her. My house was a maze of yoga mats which kept her upright at home, the only time I used them was for vet visits.

And, you and Gus will soon be able to enjoy a throwback Tripawds tradition...Couch Day!

When you have a moment you can read all about Couch Day Here.


Hang in there, it gets better!


Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

New Milford, CT
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7 November 2015
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10 November 2015 - 9:49 am
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linda8115 said
Alice Alice Alice!  Sweetie you didn't let Gus fall yesterday it just happened.  It does happen sometimes.  I'm guessing the reason Gus was a bit off yesterday was because of the whole trip to the vet. That kind of activity takes a lot out of them.  He was probably just super tired and beat.  And he's VERY early on in this journey.  I'm going to share a story with you.  About day four when we took Max out he managed to lightly fall on a tomato cage that was on the side of the house and started bleeding.  We called the vet who came out to the house and by the time he got here the bleeding had stopped and vet said he was fine.  I felt terrible like it was all my fault.  Then two days later he bolted through a rocking chair we had in the doorway and actually opened his incision enough to have to be restiched.  Now back in that time I had not learned to Be More Dog .  I panicked.  I blamed myself for not taking better care of him.  I was just sick.  But you know what even through all those setbacks Max did fine.  Those two incidents taught me to not panic and stay calm because Max fed off my emotions and if I was calm so was he and after I learned that we had smooth sailing. Look how far you have come already!  You have so much to celebrate!  As Sally said don't let the worrying rob you of the joy of today!  Take each today and truly live it just like Gus is doing.  Don't let anything rob you of your today's!  Much love and hugs to you and Gus!

Linda & Max

Hi Linda and Max.  Again, thank you for sharing your story.  I can't believe that everyone else has the same issue with the couch!!!  That makes me feel so much better!  I know that Gus doens't understand why I've got the couch barricaded off...he is so upset!  Especially, since he has a front leg jumping would be even more scary than a rear leg! 

Was Max bandaged?  For how long?  My vet replaced the pressure bandage with a light wrap yesterday. I wnat to keep it wrapped, as I'm afraid that if he falls down it will get dirty.  At least until sutures are removed.  It sounds like some come home with NO bandage.

Your story really helped me.  Thank you.  Gus seems in better spirits today.  I'm sure you are correct, that he was wipped out after vet yesterday.  I havve to remember to stay strong.....I seem to get more upset over Gus's amputation than he does!  Thank you again!


Alice & Gus

New Milford, CT
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7 November 2015
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10 November 2015 - 9:52 am
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krun15 said
Hi Alice and Gus,

I wanted to second the PAWZ bootie idea. My quad pug Tani had mobility issues as she got older and could not walk at the vet. Although she was small enough to carry she hated it, PAWZ worked great for her. My house was a maze of yoga mats which kept her upright at home, the only time I used them was for vet visits.

And, you and Gus will soon be able to enjoy a throwback Tripawds tradition...Couch Day!

When you have a moment you can read all about Couch Day Here.


Hang in there, it gets better!


Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls

Karen and girls,

Hi.  Thank you so much for your post.  I cried like a baby when I read the story about the couch.  I had no idea.  Gus is really really upset over it.  He thinks I've lost my mind...barracading off the couch or putting ladders on it!!  LOL!!  I'm going to look into the booties. Not sure he will tolerate them, but i'll try.  One day at a time.....that's our current motto

Alice an d Gus

New Milford, CT
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7 November 2015
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10 November 2015 - 9:58 am
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midnighter94 said
Murphy has had his share of falling.  The first winter I was a total wreck one night because he went out the back door and totally wiped out on a sheet of ice on the deck.  I was sure that I was the worst mom in the world!  I came on here and wrote about how bad I felt and everyone here lifted me just like we always do.  We always keep some Rimadyl handy just in case Murphy needs it, and whenever he takes a spill or if he's walking a bit stiffly we give him one.  Our journey has been 2 1/2 years now, so I don't freak out as easily, so not too long ago he wiped out pretty good chasing after a ground hog who's set up it's home under our deck and my husband & I started laughing when he did it.  Of course we gave him a Rimadyl when he came in because we knew he'd end up stiff later, but he didn't even care that he tumbled, he just wanted that stupid ground hog!  One of the things we've found that helps when we go to the vet's are the Pawz boots.  They are sort of like balloons that you can slip on their feet and they are great for traction .  They're not really meant for long-term wear and they're not insulated like some boots, but they work well for just a short day trip.  You can find them on Amazon and it tells you how to measure to find the right size.  I got Murphy's foot wet & put it on a piece of paper, then measured that & I got the perfect ones.  Here's a link:  qid=1447169092&sr=8-2&keywords=pawz+boots   (hope that works!  lol)


Donna and Murphy,

Thank you for sharing your beautiful story!!  All of this is helping me so much!  It's been so rough....and I'm alone with Gus, so it's even more difficult.  I will get some of those booties.  Sounds like Murphy is doing so great.  Did you do chemo following amputation?  Is it a front or rear leg? I feel dogs do better loosing a rear seems like a lot of weight for Gus to hold up with one leg! (front).  I'm dreading the winter and ice!!  I'm already thinking of that!  I did order a harness today thru this site for Gus.  We have an appointment with the onocologist next Thursday, 2 weeks post op. I'm scared about the chemo.  Gus is also a diabetic, blind and deaf...this is such a challenge for him.  But he has sailed thru the diabetes and blindness and deafness so well.  I know he will with the cancer and amputation also.  Thanks again,

Alice and Gus

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25 August 2015
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10 November 2015 - 10:05 am
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gus3 said
Hi.  Starting a new thread(sorry, didn't know how this worked)  My 10.5 year old rottie, Gus, was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma 10/29/15. Right Front Leg Amputated Thursday 11/5/15. Brought him home yesterday. This is much more than I had anticipated. The surgery went well. I had to get help to get Gus up and outside yesterday, last night and this morning. I just took him out again by myself, so guess we are getting better. Urinating is a big issue. He fell over both times trying to lift his leg. Now he is just squatting. He's eating well, taking his meds, etc. Gus is also a diabetic, deaf and partially blind, so many other challenges as well. But he's doing as good as I suppose we can expect. He's panting a lot. Don't know if stress, the pain meds, or what. He still has his large pressure bandage (covering a drain) - I take him in Monday to have that checked/replaced/removed. He has a pocket of fluid, I called my vet and he didn't seem overly concerned. This is just super stressful for me - I live alone. I'm sure each day will get better. Gus seemed so beat after hopping to go outside, etc. I guess he will build up more stamina. Any recommendations, suggestions anyone may have to help us thru would be greatly appreciated.  I'm sure I'll look back on this in a month or so and smile......but not so much right now.   


Aww Gus! It took our Charlie a few days to learn how to urinate outside as well, since he was So used to lifting his leg. He did stumble a few times, and Gave me and my husband practically heart attacks. Give him a few weeks and he'll be running around, and outrunning most dogs with 4 legs ;). Panting could deff be the meds, I would double check with either online resources or your vet as to the side effects. Unfortunately I cannot remember which one if it's Rymadol/Trimidol/Gamapathin that cause the panting (don't want to give you the wrong information)

I know poor Gus wants to be on the Couch, it was so hard not to let Charlie up on ours either. The best thing... Get cushions or extra blankets on the floor and curl up with him and watch a good movie!

As I'm sure everyone here agrees, there are going to be good days, not so good days, and Great days. This one maybe one of the not so good days, but those are the days we give extra treats (icecream;), and lots of cuddles.  Please let us know if we can help at all! This has been an amazing place since Our pup (9year old) was diagnosed with OST. in August (also month of amp).

Loves and Hugs!

Charlie's Mommy

New Milford, CT
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10 November 2015 - 10:07 am
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I just updated our profile to add Gus's picture!  This is Gus, laying in front of one of "HIS" couches, wondering why his mother has "lost her mind" and put a ladder on the couch!!!  (to keep Gus off, for now)!  LOL!  Poor boy....


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10 November 2015 - 3:51 pm
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GUS!!! Your avatar locture is adorable! And yoj are stylin' your bandage with so much class!! vout this so Gus can get back on the sofa....take the cushions off, put them in the floor so he can use them as a platform to step up on the "lowered" sofa. Of course, you ned to put soft squishy blanmets in the sofa to make it comfy. One of my favorite stories is from Marcella who was owned by a wonderful Bull dog named Bruiser Bruno (Bruno Bruiser?). Anyway, she sawed off the legs on her loveseat so he could get up on it.

Just put a decision avout chemo on hold for now and keep things chunked down. Yiu have enough to deal with right now just getting through recovery. And Gus seems to be doing that just fine! One day at a time!

Yes, being tired is normal...especially while on drugs, recovering from surgery snd adjusting to three legs! It IS exhausting the first couple of weeks. My Hap o y Hannah was a rear legger and I do think it may be a bit easier in some aspects than a front legger. As yiu said, so e come home with bandage and some don't...Hannah didn't. Vut I think all dogs with drain wear so e sort of bandage.

Okay, now that you can post pictures, we need to see more!!

Stay connected and keep us updated. You are not alone!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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10 November 2015 - 3:57 pm
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KAREN....the link to COUCH DAY! OMD!! Talk about a warm fuzzy! Thank you!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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10 November 2015 - 5:35 pm
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Murphy is a front leg tripawd.  He came home with a bandage, but I think it only lasted a few days.  We kept it covered mostly with clean t-shirts.  We did do chemo.  Murphy had histiocytic sarcoma, so he had 6 doses of CCNU, which is a pill, each dose was 3weeks apart.  He also had to take a daily pill, denamarin , to help protect his liver. He did really well with it all.  Dogs don't usually have the same type of side effects to chemo that people have.


Donna, Glenn & Murphy 

Murphy had his right front leg amputated due to histiocytic sarcoma at 7 years old. He survived 4 years, 2 months & 1 week, only to be taken by hemangiosarcoma at 11 1/2 years 6/12/17  
Read about Murphy's Life on Three Legs


Green Bay, WI
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18 May 2014
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10 November 2015 - 6:13 pm
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Hi Gus and mom...reading your story brought back our own couch memories! Our Dobe Nitro is also a couch dog and was also dismayed that I wouldn't let him on it for quite awhile. Instead I took the cushion off the futon and put it on the floor - where it still is today 17 months later! AND our bed is also still on the floor...anything for our dogs, right?

FYI you will blame yourself for any little thing that happens or goes wrong with Gus for the forseeable future - that's just how Tripawd mom's roll. This journey has many ups and downs, good days and bad. 

Nitro had 6 doses of chemo (carboplatin) and now is doing metronomic therapy (a daily low dose oral chemo); he is doing great, full of life. Stay pawsitive, little by little it gets easier. The Tripawd family is here for you!

Paula and nitro

Nitro 11 1/2  yr old Doberman; right front amp June 2014. Had 6 doses carboplatin, followed by metronomic therapy. Rocked it on 3 legs for over 3 years! My Warrior beat cancer, but couldn't beat old age. He crossed the Bridge peacefully on July 25, 2017, with dignity and on his terms.  Follow his blog entitled "Doberman's journey"

"Be good, mama loves you" free my beautiful Warrior

New Milford, CT
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11 November 2015 - 4:45 am
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dobemom said
Hi Gus and mom...reading your story brought back our own couch memories! Our Dobe Nitro is also a couch dog and was also dismayed that I wouldn't let him on it for quite awhile. Instead I took the cushion off the futon and put it on the floor - where it still is today 17 months later! AND our bed is also still on the floor...anything for our dogs, right?

FYI you will blame yourself for any little thing that happens or goes wrong with Gus for the forseeable future - that's just how Tripawd mom's roll. This journey has many ups and downs, good days and bad. 

Nitro had 6 doses of chemo (carboplatin) and now is doing metronomic therapy (a daily low dose oral chemo); he is doing great, full of life. Stay pawsitive, little by little it gets easier. The Tripawd family is here for you!

Paula and nitro

Hi Paula and Nitro!

SO glad to hear that Nitro is doing so well!  Sounds like he did ok with the chemo.  I'm scared about that.  One day at a time. I actually blew up an inflatable bed that I have and Gus and I slept on it in the livingroom last night.  He was in HEAVEN!!!  I put cushions all around it(it's very low, so should not be a problem). He never moved the entire night! 

Couple of general questions...for you or anyone else out there...

Did you get a raised holder(?) for feeding time?  I'm currently standing there holding the food dish, so that Gus doesn't have to bend over(front leg amputation).  It seems more comfortable for him.

Did you have issues with itching/scratching when the hair started growing back in?  I see this coming fast!  He already seems itchy...and I'm afraid he will start to scratch with rear leg!!!

Thanks.  Appreciate you being here for us!


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