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Palladia for MCT??? Any input for Jake?
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16 July 2014 - 3:16 pm
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Since I didn't get any feedback from my post yesterday, I feel like not too many people have experience with Palladia. We go to the Ortho and specialist next Wednesday.  Jake is doing great...ALL THE POSITIVE THOUGHTS!... Any guidance would be appreciated. I have done some research on line. But I want to go to the appointment as educated as possible.  They must think I'm a nut...I carry around a "chart" for Jake lol with his info from when we began this journey almost 5 years ago.  As I write this I guess I should be grateful that he has done so well for 5 years.  Keeping our fingers and paws crossed. 40 fingers and 11 paws in this house, must be good for something.


Livermore, CA

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16 July 2014 - 5:06 pm
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Hi Laurie,

I've been working two jobs lately and missed your last post.  I just went back and read it and I'm guessing that since the question about Palladia was buried in the last post titled 'Jake Update' people missed it.  I know several people here have experience with Palladia, most of them for other cancers. Hopefully with this new post they will chime in.

I have lots of experience with mast cell cancer, but I have not used Palladia.  When it was recommended for my quad-pug Tani for recurring mast cell cancer I did a little research.  Because of the possible GI side effects and the side effects that cause weakness in the back and hind legs I decided against trying it.  Tani has a history of IBD, and because of neurological issues and arthritis she already has some mobility issues.  My tri-pug Maggie lost her left rear leg to a MCT.  We did do chemo with her and she tolerated it pretty well.  I chose chemo because after amputation cancerous mast cells were found in the lymph node removed with her leg, pre-surgery I was sort of hoping amputation would be curative. Anyway- Mag was given 6 to 9 months with chemo, she lived almost 4 years after her amp and did not pass from mast cell cancer. Palladia was not an option when Mag had her surgery so I didn't have to choose.

Have you decided against chemo? I think I read that in your last post, that you don't want to do it due to life quality? As I said, Mag did well with her chemo. No judgement here- just wanted to offer my experience.  I have chosen not to do any type of aggressive treatment including chemo for quad-pug Tani.

If you didn't find it already you should check out a blog called Rosie's Road.  Rosie is a quad yellow lab who just turned 14 in May.  She has survived a 5 year battle with mast cell cancer and did a lot of Palladia. There is quite a bit of information on Palladia in that blog. At the bottom of the 2014 update (the second blog post) there is a link to a canine mast cell cancer group on yahoo that might be useful for you.

When you see the specialist (onc?) be sure you find out the mitotic index of the mast cell cancer.  The index seems to be a better indicator of prognosis than the grade of the tumor.  Maggie had several cutaneous tumors before and after her amp, and Tani is up to 11 confirmed tumors.  In Tani's case we took some off, but I stopped because the tumors kept coming.  Tani was first diagnosed in 2007 so has been living with mast cell for 7 years.

How is Jake doing now?


Karen and Spirit Maggie

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo


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16 July 2014 - 5:58 pm
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Hey! Where did Jake's avatar pocture go??? I KNOW I saw it yesterday! Feakin' me out over here Laurie!

I do know.that many have had "issues" with Palladia and several had to stop. Search the site here and you'll find alot of info.

My Happy Hannah had osteosarcoma and took chemo Carboplatin fojr rounds with no side effects. IF Carbo. isan effective option, very few had side effects. Usually it was just some nausea, which thet give you Cerenia, and possiblh not hungry for a day or two.

Keeping al l the paws in tripawd land crossed to add to your eleven!!! THAT'S ALOT OF PAWSITIVITY PAWS!!!clap

And good for you for keeping a "journal" for Jake! Good job!

Sally and Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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16 July 2014 - 7:42 pm
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Thanks & I don't know where Jake's avatar pic went, it keeps disappearing.  Thanks for the input and reference to Rosie's story gave me more information. I guess I said no chemo because I had horrible thoughts of torturing my poor boy.  My husband who knows nothing about medicine is adamantly opposed. But... he was also opposed to amputation. I guess we will go for the consult on Wednesday and weigh our options. I will be out of town (work) for the next two days, and will attempt his avatar again ughh!  The family has strict Jake care instructions while I am away. They know I am serious! After his first surgery at around six months (bowel obstruction eating rocks) I had them mark his poop so I could check it out when I got home from work. After the amp my husband took a pic of his poop and sent it to me lol . Yup I am nuts when it comes to my dogs, sometimes the kids get a little jealous YOLO!!!!


On The Road

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16 July 2014 - 8:44 pm
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Hey Laurie, sorry I missed your question about Palladia too. I agree with Karen's suggestion: when you have a specific question it helps to write a new post with a very specific title. That way people who have experience in that area will see it and respond.

Lots of members here have dealt with Palladia, some longer than others. Have you searched the Forums? Here are some posts you may have missed:


P.S. Admin will help you with the avatar issue, stay tuned.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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17 July 2014 - 11:05 am
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LOVE the story about the poop markings and hubby sending pics!!!clown



Sally and Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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14 June 2010
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30 July 2014 - 1:19 pm
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Hi, sorry I'm late to the discussion - I see one of my early links was attached above.  I haven't been on the site much lately but saw your post.  My lab Ajax had a stage 2 MCT.  We did surgery, then 3 mos. of prednisone with regular chemo and the 2nd three mos with Palladia instead of the regular chemo.

When the oncologist recommended this, she said that if the MCT never came back, it could be any of the 3 which was the reason.

We didn't really have any trouble w/ the Palladia.  By the end, his coat got pretty scraggly, and maybe he had a little tiredness, but nothing dramatic.  The biggest problem we had was the prednisone, which caused him to be a starving maniac.

He is perfectly healthy today - no MCT has come back and we are 2 years out.  Feel free to send me a message directly if you want to discuss.  Also if you search "Ajax" there may be some later posts describing how he did on it. 

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2 March 2015 - 8:44 pm
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Laurie said
Since I didn't get any feedback from my post yesterday, I feel like not too many people have experience with Palladia. We go to the Ortho and specialist next Wednesday.  Jake is doing great...ALL THE POSITIVE THOUGHTS!... Any guidance would be appreciated. I have done some research on line. But I want to go to the appointment as educated as possible.  They must think I'm a nut...I carry around a "chart" for Jake lol with his info from when we began this journey almost 5 years ago.  As I write this I guess I should be grateful that he has done so well for 5 years.  Keeping our fingers and paws crossed. 40 fingers and 11 paws in this house, must be good for something.



Kusu is just about to start Palladia on Wednesday so will let you know after a week or so.


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3 March 2015 - 6:54 pm
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Some dogs do terrifically on Palladia and others don't really tolerate it at all. The medication label says to start the dosing at 3.25mg/kg, but it seems that dose is really too high for most dogs and they end up having GI side effects. Where I work we typically start the dogs out at around 3mg/kg and that slight reduction seems to help. Even at the lowered dose some dogs will still have issues and will have to have the dose further reduced. There have been some rare instances where it can cause some lameness issues, but in the hundreds of pets we have had on it maybe 3-4 have had that issue.

Honestly more dogs have negative reactions to the palladia than to the chemotherapy if that is your main concern.

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