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Palladia?? Buddy has mets :(
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6 November 2015
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9 January 2016 - 8:55 am
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I saw your last post about Buddy and logged on today to see if he was feeling better. I definitely did not expect to see this news.  I am so sorry! I can only imagine how you're feeling.  We have our chest xray in a month and I'm already worrying about it.  None of these decisions are easy ones, especially when you are making them for a dog who can't tell you with words how he is feeling.  Buddy is so lucky to have you in his life.  It is obvious from what you are saying here that you know him so well and are following his cues.  We made the decision not to do chemo with Sully and to just let him enjoy his time.  I question and doubt that decision occasionally, but when I see him run in the snow, play fetch, or beg for treats (he's becoming really spoiled) I am glad for the quality of the time he has now, however long that is.  I'm so sorry to hear about the lung mets but I'm happy to hear that Buddy is chasing squirrels again.  Sending lots of good thoughts your way that those mets stay small and unnoticed by Buddy and that he chases lots and lots of squirrels! 

Love and Hugs,

Rachael and Sully

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3 September 2015
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25 January 2016 - 6:55 am
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Buddy and Julie,

We got similar news this week. Biscuit was diagnosed in September, underwent amputation, chemo (carbo) and radiation and his chest x-ray last week revealed a 2cm tumor that wasn't present in November. We're devastated. The vet talked to us about Palladia but we decided against it for similar reasons -- less than 50% chance of staving of the tumor a few more months, plus side effects and cost considerations. 

Just wanted to reach out and say we're going through this, too. 

Addie and Biscuit

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4 November 2015
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25 January 2016 - 12:41 pm
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Hi Addie and Biscuit,

Thanks for reaching out.  It always helps to know you aren't alone in this - although I don't wish this on anyone!!

I'm also a Nurse Practitioner and so many times I see people chose quantity over quality.  I did think about the Palladia for a few days but I think that extending Buddy's life that way would be more for me than for him.  He just wants to be Buddy.  I'm sure Biscuit is the same.  Hopefully our pups have very slow growing tumors.  

This journey really is heartbreaking but I promised myself I would not 'mourn' Buddy while he's alive and well - and he's well!  I hope Biscuit is doing well also. Please keep us posted.  Here is my email address:


Buddy and Julie

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