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Pain management advice after 10 days, when Rx runs out
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Member Since:
16 September 2023
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3 October 2023 - 3:30 pm
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Yeah, I think she's looking pretty good! That was a particularly good day - you know how it goes - but overall I feel like we are starting to move from the "medical healing" part of the journey to the "recovery" part of the journey. She's got enough spark, energy, and curiosity to start figuring out what she can do, and I'm being less panicky about letting her try things, stumble, try again. Unsurprisingly, a lot like parenting. 

Culture came back clean (phew), still waiting on the necropsy/histiopathy from the leg. She's got another couple of days on the antibiotics. Sutures/staples til late next week. 

I'm watching to see how much weaning we can get away with, pain-management-wise, but I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't ready to be totally off pain meds until her staples come out, at least, so we'll see. 

I'll give the vet a shout-out after the staples come out. Too superstitious to do it before we've got an all-clear. 🙂 

Thank you so much for helping us through this. This site was such a help - not only as we've been going through it but in particular during the really difficult and scary weeks leading up to the surgery. What an amazing resource and community you've built here. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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3 October 2023 - 5:56 pm
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It's really hard not to panic about everything! We totally get it. Walking that fine line between babying and showing a little tough love is so hard. But you're doing great, just like she is!

As for the pain meds reduction, most pups are on the meds until stitches/staples are removed. Totally normal and expected. A slow wind-down is a smart thing to do after such a major surgery. Pain is an up and down thing just like recovery.

You are so welcome. We are glad we could be here for you in some way and are really excited about all the progress you are both making smiley_clap Keep us posted.

Member Since:
16 September 2023
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3 October 2023 - 7:09 pm
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Thank you. 🙂 

And good to know re: pain meds. Very helpful, thank you. 

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