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The Rainbow Bridge

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7 March 2023 - 9:26 am
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x2, your vet is so spot-on reassuring and wise. I think it's a good plan too.

You are definitely making these days with her count. I hope there are many, many more ahead. Give her some smooches from us and share a few pics when you have a chance 🙂

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28 December 2021
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8 March 2023 - 2:05 pm
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Heres some pics from today. Not my best photos or video. She's trying hard to stay pawsitive. 

Trying tp hold a smile


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22 February 2013
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8 March 2023 - 3:55 pm
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I tell you what, Coco is alert, engaged, vibrant and a very happy girl! Everything about the video and her picture is full of pawsitivty!👏

BTW Cocoa has a beautiful set of teeth for a mature gal. Looks like puppy teeth.

Paraphrasing my vet, 

Sometimes the outward behavior and mannerisms are far more informative than what some negative clinical work up stuff might say.  Clearly, as far as Coco is concerned, she's doing just fine!

Thanks for posting these. Made my day.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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8 March 2023 - 6:17 pm
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Thank You very much. She's one tough cookie who refuses to give up. Seeing her decline is so heartbreaking. Shes had a decent couple days. She so intelligent as well, she doesnt waste any extra energy. So a guy at work suggested making her mini taco pill pockets. He said he takes a wrap and puts cheese with a pill in it melts the cheese and folds it into a cheese taco and cools it down the freezer for a few. The cheese melts around the pills so they cant spit it out. I thought this was a genius idea I gotta try it. Yeah, she spit the whole thing out and refused to eat it, shes to smart for her own good.


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8 March 2023 - 6:29 pm
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Oh Coco! You definitely  are too smart for your own good when it comes to taking pills!!  Your Dad's description of your friend's "pill pocket" sure had me wanting one.  Sounds delicious.....but nope, not to you😉 

You are smart to consere your energy for walks in the sun shine with a smile and wagging tail.   After all, using  that smart brain of yours to outsmart your Dad requires  a lot of energy too!.

Keep on keeping  on  beautiful Coco.   Your Fan Club is cheering for you👏


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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9 March 2023 - 11:12 am
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Fearsome indeed ... and so loveable! Thank you for showing us Coco having fun in the sunshine, she does look good. 

I know the heartache so well of seeing your dog decline and then have these spikes of activity and sparkle. All we can do at this point is exactly what you are doing, treasuring each moment and keeping her engaged and happy. She knows she is so loved and that's what matters. 

Let us know if the taco pill trick works!

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9 March 2023 - 6:02 pm
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Taco pill was a bust. She spit it right out. Her intelligence is mind-boggling

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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9 March 2023 - 6:25 pm
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Drats! Try them while they are slightly warm to see if that helps.

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13 March 2023 - 7:12 pm
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Just a quick update. Coco has started to turn up her nose at the steak. She eats about half and has enough. Still reluctant to start with the prednisone just yet. The pill taking so far has gotten easier, we started putting them in donut holes and this evening I was able to get her to eat some scrambled eggs and sausage patties and the wife gave her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, so i was more than happy about that. Im thinking she dosent like the leftovers reheated. If it ever stops raining I will update a photo or two. 


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13 March 2023 - 7:53 pm
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Coco, you are wo darn delightful!  I love how you decide you like one food for a few days, then like to switch it up.  You like to keep your hoomans on their toes as they continue to develop "food groups" that are Coco specific  on any given day.

Aou ds like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for supper and sausage  and eggs for breakfast were a hit.  Maybe waffles slathered  in peanit butter will be the hit tomorrow.  

Oh Coco,  you are so loved💖  The devotion of your hoomans to you is just lovely to watch.  Being spoiled sure is fun, heh Coco?

BYW, I side pictures of Coco  will do just fine til the rain stops.😉


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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14 March 2023 - 12:20 pm
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I'm so glad she's still eating something and taking her medications! Maybe she wants filet mignon now? 😉

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15 March 2023 - 4:19 pm
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This dog. Ate a pbj for breakfast. Threw it up and hour or two later ate another one and for dinner ate steak and had extra. Hard to keep up. 

No more pics please

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15 March 2023 - 4:39 pm
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Coco, you're  cracking me up with the diversity of your palate.

So steak is back  as a favorite....for now😉   Not sure why your tummy  didn't  like your first  PBJ earlier, but clearly  the second one worked.  You have wonderful Chefs preparing  your meals and you definitely  are keeping them on their toes

And those pictures  of you....SWEEEETNESS,  PURE SWEEETNESS🥰I love the little frosty "eye rows" amd bit of frosty fur around that sweet muzzle of yours.

Cant wait to see what's on Coco 's menu tomorrow. Maybe a cheese and peanut butter  pizza wrapped iup in a waffle?.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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15 March 2023 - 7:10 pm
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With those sweet eyes, she can have my entire refrigerator. Not all at once of course!

I wonder if the jelly made her a bit nauseated? Too much sugar maybe?

What about a nice hunk of stinky gamey meat with some boiled potatoes? No butter of course! Bison is always good.

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15 March 2023 - 8:07 pm
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I think she is getting either nausea or shes getting bile built up at night time. I thought pepcid would do the trick, but no such luck. Here what I thought she was prescribed as pepcid was not. She was prescribed Diphenhydramine and Cerenia. When she ran out of the Cerenia the last time we continued with the Diphenhydramine which seemed to help. Started back with that today. Fingers crossed. I am trying to prolong the prednisone as long as possible I just fear the incontinence issues with it she had in the past. He did presceibe her Proin to combat that. My other fear is her tumor is starting wrap around the front of her neck. One happy day at a time.

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