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Help with intense itching/ pain 8 says post front limb amputation
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14 November 2022
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26 November 2022 - 5:07 am
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Good morning my poor baby Moose (6.5y Doberman ) is 8 days post amputation and we had a super rough night he was really unsettled pacing whining etc. It seems to be mostly intense itching along the suture line ( if I rub it it seems to calm him slightly) or possibly pain but we're stumped on how to help soothe it. Pain meds were given 2 hours prior so he shouldn't be painful. Any advice on how to help him feel more comfortable? 

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26 November 2022 - 2:40 pm
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Kelly Miller said
...we had a super rough night he was really unsettled pacing whining etc.

Welcome and best wishes for Moose. You're describing some common side effects to certain pain meds, especially Tramadol – which most vets agree is not an effective standalone pain killer. What medication is he taking. There are fine lines between pain med side effects and common pain indicators. Learn much more in the many Tripawds News blog vet interviews and articles about main management.

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26 November 2022 - 8:51 pm
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How much does Moose weigh?  What pain meds is he on, dose and frequency?  The pacing and whining could be pain signals .

What has his activity  level been like?  Right now he needs SHORT leashed potty breaks and back in for rest.

If everything  looks "normal" along the incision  line, it simply may be the stitches  are tight and pulling, plus the shaved area can be quite itchy.   The important  thing is to make sure he doesn't get to the incision  and bites at it. 

You can ask your Vet for a topical ointment recommendation to help with the itching.  You can also try a cold compress.  

Up to this point, how has Moose been doing?  Eating,  drinking. peeing,  pooping?  Resting  co comfortably at night?  Mobile?

Hang in there.  Recovery  doesn't  last furever.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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28 November 2022 - 5:59 pm
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Moose is 80lb after surgery and on Meloxicam only( tonight is supposed to be his last dose) he was on Gabapentin and rimadyl but had a bad reaction to them that ended us up in the ER 48h after surgery. He's been doing fine other that, his incision is healing well all bruising and swelling is gone. I'm more convinced it's really crazy intense itching. He's frantic to get at it now. We were using just a shirt but he started licking it through the shirt so we added an inflatable e collar but now he's figured out how to work it around so he can stick his tongue through the gap where it comes together. We had to put him in a regular cone now and he's miserable in it. The only thing that hasn't been affected is his appetite he still eats like a horse :). Activity whise he's only going out for potty breaks and one 10 min or less walk. We added this in with the vets ok 5 days ago to try to keep his brain happy, he's a very fit very active doberman who's not afraid to let us know when he's not happy. We have a recheck scheduled with our vet on Friday morning. I just feel so helpless and hate seeing him so uncomfortable. I will try the cold compress hopefully it gives him a little relief. 


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28 November 2022 - 7:26 pm
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I know Friday seems like a long time off while watching Moose go nuts with the "itching".

I do hope the compress helps.  Maybe, with Vet permission,  Benadryl??

The only other thing noted is this could also be actual incision pain signal.    To have only been basically on an anti inflammatory after this type of MAJOR surgery  where a limb is cut off, nerves are severed,  muscles ,manipulated,  etc. is fairly rare.  So maybe ask the Vet about another  pain med like Amantadine.  Just throwing this out there as it may bring some relief between now and Friday (or may not).

Keep is posted, okay?


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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29 November 2022 - 10:43 am
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Oh yikes poor guy. Did the ice help? 

A vet pain expert once told us that when a dog is constantly messing with the incision, it could be a pain signal. Was it the Rimadyl or the Gabapentin he had a reaction to? Since he's only a few days out of surgery, ask your vet to consider a different pain reliever like Galiprant (NSAID alternative) and Amantadine (makes some dogs sleepy but Moose should be resting right now anyways).

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6 December 2022 - 8:22 am
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The ice did help a little thankfully. It was most likely the gabapentin he had the reaction to, he's had rimadyl before just at a lower dose with no issues. We saw our vet on Friday and she agrees it's most likely phantom limb pain and itchyness from the skin heeling. He's been better since we got the sutures out we haven't had to use the cone thankfully since Friday night. We're still are having a hard time weaning him out of the shirt, he still wants to go at it like a mad man when we take it off. He also hates wearing it and tries to body slam anyone near him and rub on you like a cat trying to get it off. He's definitely not shy about letting us know what he does And doesn't like. Hopefully were over the the worst of it now. He's starting to try to play and get back to his normal dober dorkie self.

The Rainbow Bridge

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6 December 2022 - 9:09 am
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Oh good, at least he let you use ice on him, many dogs won't. I'm glad your vet is thinking along those lines. Did they give you any kind of anti-itch spray (Microcyn is a good one) to ease the itch? 

I hope you're over the worst of it too!

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