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Fuzz's Biopsy Results
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25 September 2019 - 4:19 pm
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I was not able to talk to the oncologist who left me a message and will be calling back tomorrow, however, the biopsy results came back of Fuzz's scapulary tumor- osteosarcoma.  According to message this is very rare in cats and metastatically is not typically aggressive in felines.. especially since Fuzz had complete scapular/leg amputation.  Does anyone know or have information on osteosarcoma in cats?  He mentioned we can look possible long term treatment options such as chemo or such.. I  am not sure if I should be relieved or still worried sick...

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25 September 2019 - 6:27 pm
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I recall there was a cat named Fang who had osteosarcoma and lived for a long time. I think he was one of the first cats with a blog. Here is a list of cat blogs but I can't get Fang's to open: https://tripawd.....rikitties/

I understand that osteosarcomas in cats are less aggressive than those in dogs and the metastatic rates are low in cats. Perhaps that may give you some relief although you'll learn more from the oncologist.

Did the biopsy indicate the margins?

Hugs for you and Fuzz

Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona

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25 September 2019 - 6:40 pm
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Okay, I found Jill's blog: https://jillsjo.....bout-me-2/ She had osteosarcoma

And, here's Fang's blog: https://cldavis.....r/cldavis/ but it's not clear if Fang had osteosarcoma


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25 September 2019 - 7:47 pm
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Thanks Kerren.  If I recall, Jill actually beat osteo for over, two years, but passed from something else.  I think she did have chemo.

And just a reminder, Fuzz doesn't  have a timeframe stamped  anywhere on her butt and could care less what a "report" says.  

You'll feel better once you get clarity from the Onco.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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26 September 2019 - 7:39 am
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  I spoke with oncologist who actually said that this type of cancer in cats is so very rare there is not much literature or documentation on long term treatment/prognosis. He indicated that in his career he has only treated less than 10 cats with this type (due to rarity) and most were in the rear legs - again Fuzz is weirdo with front right scapula osteosarcoma.  He also went on stating that there is no proof that chemotherapy would or would not be beneficial for a long term treatment perspective.  In addition, he said that most he can recall, surgical amputation was most common and near curative form of treatment and cats died from other medical issues.  The only concern he noted was the chance of microscopic disease in chest wall due to narrow incision and location of tumor. Positive note that again this type is very rarely metastatic in cats.  Fuzz doing well despite me now still being worried and uncertainty.  Below I pasted and copied the actual lab report from his biopsy.  Please feel free to read and comment.. it will greatly be appreciated and wanted!

Note from Laboratory
Your biopsy sample has been received and requires additional fixation prior to processing. Please expect a delay of 1 to 7 days for your results. If you have any questions, please call Customer Support.
OTHERBiopsy Source:
Clinical History: History of progressive mild forelimb lameness (intermittent). Exam revealed ~4-5 cm firmly affixed mass associated with R scapula that seems to also be palpable on medial aspect of scapula/axilla as well. Mild R forelimb muscle wasting with noticable limp. Cytology of mass was most compatible with a sarcoma (see enclosed). R forelimb amputation performed. Sample submitted- R scapula including proximal humerus.
Pathologist's Report
MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: Right scapula: Bulging from and replacing the pre-existing scapula bone, extending out into the surrounding fibrous connective tissue with compression and mild infiltration of regional musculature, there is a densely cellular, unencapsulated, locally infiltrative neoplasm. The neoplasm comprises cells arranged in streams supported by a moderate fibro-vascular stroma; many cells surround and invest narrow ribbons and trabeculae of of unmineralized to poorly mineralized, pale eosinophilic, hyalinized to finely fibrillar material (osteoid) and occasional thick foci of chondroid matrix. Tumor cells are spindloid or stellate with moderate amounts of eosinophilic, finely fibrillar cytoplasm and distinct cell borders. Nuclei are oval or elongated and vesicular with 1-2 deeply eosinophilic nucleoli. There is moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis with greater than 30 mitoses per 10 high power fields (400X). There are occasional multinucleated tumor cells (osteoclasts). Frequently throughout the mass, there are multifocal to coalescing, large zones of intratumoral necrosis with associated hemorrhage and fibrous exudation.
MICROSCOPIC INTERPRETATION: Right scapula: Osteosarcoma, osteoblastic, productive Mitotic count: Greater than 30 per 10 high-power fields Angiolymphatic invasion: Not observed Surgical margins: Closest presumptive proximal margin (including striated muscle), 5.2 mm; closest presumptive mediolateral margin, 3.2 mm
COMMENTS: Histopathological examination of the submitted right scapula revealed an osteoblastic, productive osteosarcoma . Feline osteosarcoma (OSA) is rare though 67-90% of bone tumors in cats are histologically malignant. Cats typically develop OSA at an older average age of 10.5 years. The influence of breed predisposition in undetermined, and male cats appear to be more commonly affected. Tumors occur in long bones approximately twice as often as in axial skeleton sites. The disease in cats differs from that in dogs in that the primary lesions occur more often in hind limbs in cats and the disease is reported to have lower metastatic potential in cats compared to dogs.
Reference: Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 5th ed, 2013, pp 463-503 and Thompson KG, Pool RR. Tumors in Domestic Animals, 4th ed, 2002, pp 266-283.
PATHOLOGIST: Mark Chalkley, BVSc (Hons), MANZCVS Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists Direct: 614-438-6304 1-800-551-0998, x86304 E-mail: The patient clinical history provided on the submitted requisition was reported. Veterinarians, please contact the pathologist with any questions. Pet owners need to contact their veterinarian for case advice.

On The Road

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26 September 2019 - 7:26 am
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Osteosarcoma in cats is indeed rare, but you've come to the gathering place for those who've been diagnosed. We have probably "met" more osteosarcoma cats here than most vets will in a lifetime, here's a Forum topic dedicated to cats with OSA (I'm adding this post there now):


The vet is correct, chemo is optional and most cats will beat this cancer regardless of whether or not it's done. It all depends on what you are comfortable doing. For some reason this wicked mean dog cancer behaves very differently in cats so in a sense, you're looking at great news considering other types of metastatic cat cancers. Yeah it's weird, once you deal with cancer you start to "celebrate" the lesser evil cancers we are faced with. Crazy!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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26 September 2019 - 7:58 am
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I read many positive things in your post:

  • FUZZ IS DOING WELL!! That is major. We want him to be out of pain and to get back to being his loveable weirdo self.
  • amputation is considered a near curative form of treatment and cats tend to die of something else (as in the case of Fang and Jill)
  • this type of cancer in cats is rarely metastatic

I reread Mona's lab report for comparison but it is very different in that they concluded Mona had a high grade fibrosarcoma, virtually certain to be a post-vaccinal sarcoma which was also located further down her leg so the margins were larger than those they were able to get on Fuzz. 

I want to address how aggressive these cancers can be. It seems to me that the cancer can "simmer" for a while, as in Fuzz's case, where there was no clear indication of a problem. Then suddenly it explodes and advances quickly and only then can we respond. In Mona's case, she had her amputation in less than a week after I saw a bald spot on her leg and then watched the tumour quickly grow. Yet, her lab report indicates areas of necrosis progressing to liquefaction. It was startling to read this in the report, how did it happen so quickly, Then I suddenly felt jubilant that those dead cells were now gone with her leg!!

So it's time to celebrate that you took quick action, that Fuzz is doing well and chemo isn't necessary. "Be more cat" and focus on the now!

Head scratches for Fuzz and hugs for you,

Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona

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26 September 2019 - 8:23 am
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Wow Jerry, that list of cats with osteosarcoma is huge! This is a great resource. 

All of those cancers can be postvaccinal tumors including fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma (https://www.ncb.....MC3299519/)  I read that osteosarcoma is second to fibrosarcomas associated to vaccine injections.

It still distresses me that Mona lost her leg due to a vaccine injection.

This list could also be a great resource for vets.


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