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Coco update (Happy)
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25 March 2023 - 7:51 pm
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Just wanted to start a new thread update since the other was getting pretty long. 

Switching over to the prednisone was the ticket and the proin seems to be doing its job. No accidents yet knock on wood. She does need to be let out much more frequent because she drinks so much more. Also, Her appetite has definitely improved and the wife said she actually at her kibble today.I am gracious for that, the $20 pot roast a day is getting pricey. I have been able to cutdown on the donut holes for medications since her appetite is back. Liverwurst works well for hiding pills as well. I did forget her Cerenia last night and the wife said she thinks she may have thrown up this morning.I still believe moee is going on in there. I also lowered her pred to 10mg in the am and 5mg at night and that seems to help with the panting at night. I am going to try to reduce her cerenia as well. My goal is to have her on the least amount of meds while  remaining comfort and quality. If i feel its not enough I can increase the dosage back up. She appears to be back to her new normal and seems to be happy again. Once again she continues to fight. I thought for sure yesterday was gonna be the day and I am glad I gave her the chance for the meds to kick in. I know this may only buy her a short amount of time, but I will take whatever I can get at this point and cherish everyday knowing tomorrow could be her last.  I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my posts and I hope it helps you in some way in your situations. 

Heres a pic of her yesterday. Tail still wagging!

Im feeling a little better

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25 March 2023 - 8:09 pm
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CoCo looks so happy! Look at that smile and the tail wag! Happy to know she is feeling better! What a fighter and beautiful girl she is❤️

My Beautiful Beloved Brownie was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma on February 26, 2019.  With all odds against him he lived an additional one year and eight days with amputation, love, and prayer.  I was honored to be his mom, and I have never been so proud!  He will live forever in my Heart!

Brownie Bubba Bell

04/01/2007 - 03/05/2020

"March Saint"


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25 March 2023 - 8:23 pm
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OMD!! Thrilled to read this pupdate!!! 

And Coco's smiling tail wagging video has me smiling right back at her!!  She is truly a miracle dog who apparently  has no intention  9f going anywhere anytime soon!  She is responding  to each "extra chance" you are throwing her way.  If "something" is going on inside, she's not letting it interfere with her still being Coco👏

Having experienced several times where Prednisone became a "miracle" drug on ocassion. the dose she is on for her weight  doesn't  sound on the high end at all.  And as you know, and as I have done also in the past too, if you need to up the dose again  it can be done.  Of course, keeping her on the lowest dose you can is obviously a goal.  What you're doing right now is clearly working!

You are doing such a good job....a perfect job...of caring for Coco👍  So very tuned into whom she is and jow she defines  her quality for herself.  

Thanks so much for checking in.  As always, extra thank  you for that delightful  video.  We all are so in love with her🥰🥰🥰


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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26 March 2023 - 2:06 pm
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I love it when she looks up at the camera and smiles! smiley_clap

Wow, she is the strongest, prettiest, hoppiest superstar smiley10You're right, every day is a bonus and thank goodness you are getting more of them with her. Your ability to read her so well is really coming in handy right now, I love that you got the meds dialed in to just where they need to be for her comfort. Had we known about Proin when Jerry was on pred (for a very short time, it just did a number on him), we might have given it a try. So thank you for educating us about that combo, now we all know to suggest it for future members who find themselves in the same situation with their dog.

Enjoy your Sunday with her! Give her extra kisses from us sf-kiss

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26 March 2023 - 4:48 pm
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Yes, Proin for the win! She had a rough start this morning. After 2 donut holes with half her meds, she turned her nose up at everything. I had to force the Cerenia. I definitely think now she is either getting nausea or some stomach issue. My son finally got her to eat. I will be raising the pred. Back up to 10mg in the evening. I try to stop her meds by 6pm. She pants alot at night. I am gonna try the cerenia a little later so hopefully it controls the nausea further into the morning.

The Rainbow Bridge

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26 March 2023 - 10:13 pm
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Aww I hope she has a restful night, and you too! Paws crossed here!

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28 March 2023 - 4:13 pm
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She had her first accident in the house today. Not necessarily her fault.  I need to take the water from them during the day. Stinks the wife has to report to the office a couple days a week. So much more manageable when she works from home. Coco drinks a ton of water now. I am really noticing her slowing way down. You wouldn't know it by her pics. Unfortuntely, i think we are down to the nitty gritty. 

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28 March 2023 - 6:20 pm
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Slowing down??  As you said, you wouldn't know it by the pictures/video. That tail wag, that pep in her step and thst huge grin are always such a joy to see. 👍  Obviously you are with her day in and day out, so you can tell if she's slowing  down on a connistent  basis.  It is amazing though, that in spite of everything, Coco  is still creating happy treasured memories for her hoomans, and herself.

We are all in awe of Coco and her inner strength.  Coco has a  mental and physical strength that gives her the  ability to find joy in spite of "issues". Her courage is truly inspawration.  And. make no mistake about it, the care, the devotion,  the love you have given her is absolutely what has turned her into a "miracle dog"  💖   

We love Coco and appreciate so much these pictures.  We see that smiling face and we can't  help but smile back.  She really has mattered  the art of a smile 😊


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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29 March 2023 - 11:06 am
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Boy I can't tell from those pics and video that Coco is anything but herself at this point. She is keeping up with your other pup, and oh that smile of hers! 


Yeah if you can control her water intake it helps cut back on the accidents. Just one little thing right now in the big picture. Her quality of life and her sparkle is still there, she looks really comfortable and happy to just enjoy life with the pack. 

You know her best though. If you can tell she's getting close to transitioning, then it's good to be in touch with your vet team just to get another opinion. They may agree or they may not, but from all accounts you are doing a terrific job managing this really challenging time in a dog's life. She is so proud of you and so are we! 


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29 March 2023 - 5:55 pm
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Unfortunately pics does not show the big picture. She took another spell up the steps this morning and ruptured one of her tumors. Luckily, it didnt bleed much and I had some powder left over so wife could  treat it quickly. Wife decided to block her into the kitchen and she wasnt having it, checked the cameras this afternoon and what do you know, Shes spread out on the floor relaxing, lol.  I can be in my room and call her and she doesnt come without a lot of coaxing. Very difficult in figuring out whether she just doesnt want to expend the energy or she is in discomfort. When I take her out she acts like the videos I share and I can get her to engage with effort which obviously in the past it was much easier to do. Granted the later in the day the more tired she becomes. It's the little things that are adding up quickly. I look in her eyes i fell she just isnt quite ready and I hope its just not me believing that for my own self. One reason why I try to take a picture every day to help me guage her eyes. Some days they are full of spark and some days not so much. I feel we are in the middle right now were the number of bad days are starting to add up. Not quite out weighing the good yet, but that could change anyday now.  In my heart I do believe we are down to weeks, if not shorter. I have resided myself to the fact that she is going to transition from this life with a heart full if love and a smile on her face. Unfortunately, I am going to have to be the one who throws in the towel for her best interest. Here's a pix of her living under her own rules. Lol

I make the rules. Lol

The Rainbow Bridge

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30 March 2023 - 7:58 am
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Lol yes she does things her way! Glad that spill wasn't too bad.

You are in synch with her, and I'm confident you will help her transition on at just the right time.

What we had to keep asking ourself with Jerry was "How do we want to remember him?" He would do thinks as you described, perking up outside or around other dogs, then sleeping all day because he was tired from the experience. At some point we could tell it was more about a dogs survival instinct than anything. It was a very fine line for many weeks. When those perking up moments became shorter and shorter we knew it was time. 

The old saying "better a day too early than a day too late" is something to consider when you find yourself wrestling with the decision. 

Hope you guys have a good day! Keep us posted.


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30 March 2023 - 10:40 am
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OMD!!!  Coco you crack me up !

The way you maneuvered out of that blockade and found your comfy spot in the living room made me laugh! You were one feisty girl, that's for sure! Coco does what she wants when she wants!  One tough cookie😎

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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3 April 2023 - 6:09 pm
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Just wanted to provide a quick update. Coco struggled for a couple days and the last 3 have been decent. She is in good spirits today, but I think she strained her one back leg earlier. She is progressively declining. She is just becoming unable to do things she once loved to do and has become less interested in going out. When she does she does her business and generally lays down until its time to come back in.  However, she did bark at me today and grab a toy out of her box to show me when I got home. That made me a smile. Every morning has been a real struggle with her meds, i pretty much have to force her her cerenia, but it is necessary in the mornings so that she will eat the rest of the day. I know she has come to the end of a great life and we will be helping her transition soon. Hopefully, not before the Easter weekend. I will continuing to monitor and evalute her on a daily basis and hope I have the courage and strength to help her when that day comes. Also, trying to have it so she can be surrounded by her family. Believe me her tail wags and smiles are not making it any easier. Jerry I am starting to understand about what you said about the time between "perk ups getting shorter" means. We are teetering I think on that edge now. Pic is from this evening and the video a day or two ago. You can really see the aging in her face these few weeks or so. 

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3 April 2023 - 8:25 pm
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Okay, I'll confess.  When I first saw you had made a post earlier, I delayed reading it until just now..  Was just a little ...hmmm...."fearful" of what I may be reading.  "Fearful" isn't  really the word. Guess like everyone,  just want sweet Coco  to live furever♥️

And then my eyes went straight to your observation and I had a bit of chuckle  at Coco being Coco  yet again😎        

      However, she did bark at me today and grab a toy out of her box to show me when I got home. That made me a smile.

Let me assure you of one thing with absolutely certainty. You DO have the courage and strength to help her  transition whenever  the time comes.  Your depth of love for Coco will carry you through when you celebrate her home.   Yoi love her thst much!! ♥️There will be plenty of time for crying and sadness, but not at transition.   She wants to see your smile, feel your love  and needs to know you will be okay. 


That photo...that video......Coco  is still Coco.... maybe  not all the time now, but often enough to give you some peace of mind for now.  If she has tweaked her leg, it makes sense  she wants to lay down outside rather than exert energy hopping around.  

Continue to rake it one day at a time.  Try not to "observe and monitot" so much that it deprives  you of being fully present during  the tail wagging and smiling times.  


Coco  is sooooooo lucky to be sooooo loved♥️♥️♥️


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!



Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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4 April 2023 - 11:52 am
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Aww I'm glad she's having some good days, even after so much she's been up against. Giving you orders, playing around every now and then, your warrior girl is showing you that no matter what happens, or what form her spirit takes, she will always be the same girl you love. 

I believe you have the courage and strength too! It sucks to make that decision and actually make the call, but you've been so diligent about monitoring her quality of life on an hourly basis, I know you have it in your heart to always put her needs first. And hopefully you can feel our love and support coming your way. 

Cheers to your wonderful, inspirational girl. I hope she has many more good days with her favorite people.sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

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