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Brady comes home from amputation surgery tomorrow. (13 yr. old pittie mix- Osteosarcoma)
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4 September 2015 - 11:42 pm
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My beloved boy Brady had amputation surgery yesterday; front leg. He was diagnosed May 2 with Osteosarcoma. It has been quite a rollercoaster ride since then. I've spent a fortune on tests, Xrays, Pamidronate treatment, accupuncture, tons of holistic/herbal supplements & now amputation. I had decided I would do only holistic care as I have always felt chemo is toxic/poison & destroys & weakens the body. 

I had high hopes all the things I was doing holistically would help keep the tumor from growing & cancer from spreading, but about a month ago his leg started swelling like crazy & never got better, only worse. Xrays showed the bone was completely deteriorated/destroyed. I had no choice but to amputate as the leg was just awful! I was in Maine most of the summer. Brady actually spent half the summer with me at my sisters as i didn't want to leave him home alone all day while the hubby was working. My grammie was in & out of the hospital & is in very bad shape so I was needed in Maine. Upon arriving back home I took Brady in for more Xrays & decided if no mets were showing in his lungs yet I would go ahead with amputation. Thankfully no mets were seen on Xray (although I know they are likely there- microscopically) So the hubby & I decided to go ahead with amp. & scheduled it for Thur. (yesterday) I was a nervous wreck all day waiting for the call from the dr. Brady is 13 yrs. old (just turned July 15) & has a heart murmor, so....  Brady was not even using the leg anymore, only occasionally to steady himself but was pretty much walking & even running on 3 legs. So we think the transition will not be that hard for him without the leg. (hopefully)

Thank God, he made it through the surgery & is doing very well. He's eating well & seemed in pretty good spirits when I went to visit him today. I'm writing because I'm nervous about him coming home & I'm now questioning my own decision on not doing chemo. I know he's old, but I still don't want to lose him anytime soon. He's a big part of our family. We love him dearly. He's such a wonderful, loving dog. So devoted to his family. I've read the statistics & I know dogs that go thru chemo usually live longer. I just don't want to make his remaining time uncomfortable or make him sick. I've always been a huge proponent of natural/holistic remedies. Perhaps I can do low dose chemo along with the natural things I'm doing. Turmeric paste, mushroom extracts, Transfer Factor, Broccoli sprouts, Del Immune, Echinacea, Kelp extract, spirulina, wheat grass, pau D Arco, Colloidal silver, Fish oil, Cottage cheese & flax oil, & more. This is not a complete list! 

Opinions? Stories from others who have chosen chemo & how long their dogs have lived. I'm anxious to hear from others & how they have faired on chemo & the progression or remission of the cancer. I have read many miracle type stories using holistic care but I don't know statisically how likely these situations are. Thank you all for your time. 


On The Road

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5 September 2015 - 6:44 am
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Amy, welcome. I apologize for the brief reply but I'll be back later with some links and info. Meanwhile do hop over to "Jerry's Required Reading List " for lots of tips, check out the Tripawds e-books and our Tripawds Nutrition blog for lots of places with info you'll find helpful. 

I"m sorry Brady got diagnosed. You're in good company here, lots of us have been down a similar path and can understand your emotions right now. Be strong for him, and remember oru animals follow our lead. I'll be back later. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Los Angeles, CA
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5 September 2015 - 8:11 am
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Welcome! I am so sorry to hear about Brady.... I didn't have to deal with bone cancer but another kind of cancer but I also had a senior dog (she was 12 when she got sick but full of life). I did chose to do chemo on her but chemo is a very personal decision. There are many here that have chosen to not do chemo (like our heroic founder, Jerry) that went on to have a long and happy recovery - beating odds. It's really a gamble and I think you need to go with your instinct. 

But the most important thing is to try and live in the 'now' ... like Brady does. Dogs don't know they are sick, really. They just know love and while it is very hard ... it is the best thing for them. I firmly believe, also, in the power of positive thinking and healing energy. I surrounded Shelby with lots of love, happy energy and I believe that did help her. 

Brady just knows love !!!! 

I know others will weigh in but I wanted to offer you some support ... you will get a ton of support from this amazing community and there are lots of options out there but the one thing that everyone says ... LOVE just love... and live in the moment! 🙂 

And 13 is amazing!!!! Please share more photos of Brady! 


alison with spirit shelby in her heart (and little jasper too)

Shelby Lynne; Jack Russell/Shiba Inu mix. Proud member of the April Angels of 2014.

October 15, 2000 to April 8, 2014

Our story: Broke rear leg in June 2013 - non-conclusive results for cancer so leg was plated and pinned. Enlarged spleen in September 2013 and had it removed and was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma and started chemotherapy. Became a Tripawd January 8th, 2014 and definitive Hemangiosarcoma diagnosis. Three major surgeries in 7 months and Shelby took them all like a champ only to lose her battle to cancer in her brain. We had 8 amazing extra months together and no regrets. #shelbystrong #loveofmylife

Green Bay, WI
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5 September 2015 - 9:18 am
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Welcome Amy and Brady, sorry you have this going on.

Yay for coming through surgery safely! The first hurdle is over. Like Alison said, chemo is a very personal decision. And still a toss of the dice if it does good or not. We chose to do chemo for our Dobe Nitro...I figured if we were going to fight this disease, we were going to give it our all. Chemo really doesn't seem to affect dogs like it does humans; they don't lose their hair, and often have minimal other symptoms. Nitro had 6 doses of carboplatin and only started with anti nausea meds towards the end of treatment. He seemed a little tired for a day or so, but otherwise he was fine. He also was taking Chinese herbs for cancer and seeing a vet chiropractor. It is now almost 15 months since his amp surgery and he is doing well.

Gather all the info you can and follow your heart...good luck, and we're all here for you.

paula and nitro

Nitro 11 1/2  yr old Doberman; right front amp June 2014. Had 6 doses carboplatin, followed by metronomic therapy. Rocked it on 3 legs for over 3 years! My Warrior beat cancer, but couldn't beat old age. He crossed the Bridge peacefully on July 25, 2017, with dignity and on his terms.  Follow his blog entitled "Doberman's journey"

"Be good, mama loves you" free my beautiful Warrior

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5 September 2015 - 9:54 am
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Thank you all so much for your responses, stories & support. I appreciate it so much. I have much reading to do with all the info you gave me. smiley  Reading/research is one of my favorite things to do anyway. (; 

I just got off the phone with the vet tech & she said Brady was up & walking on his own this morning!!! Wow! He is an amazing dog. I figured he'd be fine with walking & wouldn't take long  but I didn't think it would be this quick. He just had the surgery Thur. night. They said he also ate like a champ. I chuckled & said "Yeah, it would take a LOT for Brady not to eat. He's a very good eater!" 

Paula, thank u for sharing your experience with chemo & Nitro. I am going to consider it VERY carefully. Also have to consider finances, unfortunately. Care Credit is now maxed out as well as one of my credit cards & low on cash. So until insurance $$ comes in I don't have hundreds to spend on chemo. I have tons of bills to submit to ins. tho so should get back a large chunk. I am soooo thankful I got him that policy. It is invaluable now! Pets Best, they insured him at 11 yrs. old too! I have most of my pets on it. So worth it!

Well, I'm off to do some more cleaning, set up Brady's bed in my guest room (I'm sleeping in there with him the first few nights) and picking up some area rugs for the downstairs as the floor is tile & I don't want him to slip. 

Thanks again you guys. I will write more later. Just don't have a lot of time now. Thank u, Thank u, Thank u!! U guys are great. laughing


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5 September 2015 - 9:54 am
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BRADY! 13 yrs. young and looking cute as can be in your avatar picture...and can't wait to see more!

Sorry your mom is not well. I know she enjoyed having you and your sister with her.

And sorry you have to be here but, under the circumstances there is no better place to be for information, support and understanding. Goodness knows, we understand like no others can!! This is a very stressful part of the journey...making the decision, petrified of the surgery and then dealing iwth the recovery (which is no picnic for a couple of weeks)! We are here withnyiu the whole time...right by your side!

YAAAAAAAAAY FOR BRADY OUT OF SURGERY!! It sounds like his leg was really, really painful. He will be so much happier with that leg gone! The "pain" of recovery from the surgery itself supposedly isn't as painful as that leg! Sure, major surgery IS painful, but a different kind of pain. Your vet will probably send him home with Tramadol, Gabapentin, Rimadyl and an antibiotic.

I also am a big proponent of holistic. However, amputation is THE only way to get rid of thenpain and give Brady a great quality and extended time for even more loving and spoiling!!!

As Alison said, chemo is such a personal choice and it all can be pretty much a crap shoot, so there are no right or wrong decisions! EVERY decision you are making for Brady isnout of love and that is THE best decision!!

Rifht now, keep things chunked down, okay? You don't jave to make a decision about chemo for a couple of weeks.

I will share my thought process and tell you why I DID proceed with four rou ds of Carboplatin for my Happy Hannah.

I could stop anytime if she had issues with it

The side effects, unlike with humans, are very slight, IF at all. Most dogs don't even have issues with it. Some may experience a little nausea or be a little tired for a day or so, but the vet gives you meds for the nausea. My Happy Hannah had NO issues..

For me...and this is just me...which way would I second guess myself the most (because I knew, no matter what, I would second guess myself)? I decided I needed to at least try the chemo for her.

Happy Hannah did not mind car rides or going to the vet at all. The treatment was once every three wekks and she was in and out in less than 30 - 45 minutes.

My Happy Hannah and I had THE most glorious bonus time of one year and two months! Did chemo make a difference? And I mean this when I say it...I HAVE NO IDEA!! Some dogs jave gotten less time with chemo..some. ore. Some have gotten less time doing nothing or going holostic, some. more! You can find examples of every scenario here in the site.

I did compliment her "treatment" with some holistic. For me, that was an approach I was very comfortable with. You'll find that many here do that. So YES, you can absolutely combine the two! Check with your vet of course first!!

Now as far as the great homecoming! When will Brady be home? Don't even look at his incision when you go to get hi...just look into his druggy happy eyes and tell him what a good boy he is and smooch him and hug him!!

He maybe whining and restless and struggle with his mobility for a few days...or not! Every dog's recovery is different! He just needs to rest, rest, rest and go out to potty, eat and drink and that's about it for the first two weeks.

STAY CONNECTED! We are here for any wuestions! Nothing like firsthand knowledge to help you during the recovery process!

Sending lots of hugs...and a reminder to BREATHE!!! Sometimes we almost forget to do that!! B R E A T H E...

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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5 September 2015 - 9:56 am
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Just realized it was your Grammie snd not your mom.

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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5 September 2015 - 10:01 am
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Geez...seems like I'm always "a post behind" by the time I my reply! It takes me ages to type!


Now sometimes because they have a lotmof hospital meds in them, they feel a little bit "frisky" for the first day or so...then a big crash.

If you have hardwoods, put plenty of non slip scatter rugs down for traction .

Okay, go grab some chocolate while you set things up! YUM!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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28 March 2015
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5 September 2015 - 11:20 am
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Hi Amy,

I'm sorry that your special boy has this terrible disease. You've made a good start by ridding him of the pain of OSA. Regardless of whether you choose to do chemo or not, you've at least given him the chance to spend whatever time he has left w/o pain.

One thing that is really important for when Brady comes home is to have non-slip surfaces. I've got quite a few non-slip runners that I was hoping to pass along to someone in the mid-Atlantic area. They're ugly, but if you've got hardwood floors and finances are tight you might be interested (no offense taken if not). They're posted in the Exchange Forum.

Denise, Bill and Angel Ellie.

Active 10+ Pyr mix suddenly came up lame with ACL tear in left rear leg. Scheduled for a TPLO but final pre-op x-rays indicated a small suspicious area, possibly OSA, which could have caused the ACL tear. Surgeon opened the knee for TPLO but found soft bone. Biopsy came back positive for OSA. Became a Tripawd 9/18/14. Carbo6 with Cerenia and Fluids. Pain free and living in the moment. Crossed the Bridge on 7/12/15 after probable spread of cancer to her cervical spine. A whole lifetime of memories squeezed into 10 months. Here's her story: Eloise

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5 September 2015 - 5:41 pm
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Hi Amy and Brady


We are only a couple of weeks ahead of you in this horrid process, still waiting for a definitive diagnosis 🙁


However we do not regret the amputation, Jack was not weight bearing on his affected leg and he is so much happier now, no stopping him really.


I invested in some 'orthapeadic' dog beds for him, got them at a good price from a discount store and also bought some new vet bed too to try and make the area a bit cleaner and comfiest for him. We used his crate and put a puppy pen round it so he is safe and won't get knocked by our other dogs. I also used a cool mat under the vet bed for when he was sleeping so that he didn't overheat with the collar on and the wound site etc etc. he does get time out from the collar when we walk and I can keep an eye on him as he is inclined to lick the wound site. Another thing to help Brady is to raise his food bowl if it isn't already, Jack is not super tall but is finding it easier to eat that way. Also remember to give him a good scratch as he will find that a bit harder while he is getting his balance.

Judith and Jack


not forgetting Pepper, Storm, Finn and Solo too

On The Road

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6 September 2015 - 1:45 pm
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Brady and family, do you love this community or what?! I'm so thrilled you were able to get feedback, I was away yesterday.

Don't feel badly if you cannot do chemo. Finances play a roll in all our lives here and nobody should feel guilty if they cannot afford to do certain treatments. All our dogs want for us is to be happy, not stressed out over vet bills. It's all about quality of life, always.

Glad to hear the update from the vet!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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8 September 2015 - 12:49 pm
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Hello everyone. I'm so thankful for the time & caring all of you put into your responses. Brady has been home 4 days now & is doing very well. He gets around great. I continue to be amazed at this incredible animal. He's a very lovable dog & just wants to be with us. 

I am still researching & thinking about what treatment to do now. I've been reading a lot on Neoplasene & thought it sounded very promising but have read some very controversial things (some on here) about how it didn't even work & can have bad side effects. 

I did find a vet who uses Neoplasene among other treatments. It's a clinic that use both traditional & holistic treatments. So I may be going to see them there. 

I also submitted all the papers to Brady's insurance so hopefully I'll be getting some $$ back & can afford more treatments. 

Thanks again all. smiley


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8 September 2015 - 1:04 pm
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GREAT JOB BRADY!!! And only four days out...WOW! Keep on resting though cutie pie...just potty breaks and back to bed. Of course, you have to take time out to eat since you are a champ at that!! My Happy Hannah never, ever missed a meal either...EVER!!

While you're doing your research, check out Dr. Dressler's "Dog Cancer Survival Guide ". It's a GREAT resource for conventional and "alternative".

Give that sweet boy a big hug from all of us, okay? And save one for're doing a great job!!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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