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Need advice on helping our girl the best we can post-op
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Chris/ South Africa
24 November 2023 - 5:05 am
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Greetings to all.

We own a 10 y/old Belgian Shepherd recently  diagnosed with Osteosarcoma of the right hind leg.

We were encouraged by our vet to give her a fighting chance amputation needed to happen and happen quickly.

The OP was done 8 days ago and the family feel hugely overwhelmed by this experience, where in all fairness the focus should not be us but our girl Jaz. We have another six days to go till suture removal. I am asking for any help and assurance with the predicament we currently face.

We are so paranoid that she might hurt her remaining rear leg when take out on potty breaks etc., and when moving around that we have become so overprotective that I am sure she feeds of this. I want to do good by her and the balancing act between what is too much or too little in her recover movement-wise is so difficult to figure out. As she is week on her back leg and buckles at times. We got a physio in yesterday to assist and told us to allow her more freedom on potty breaks which we did and she now had a wobble and fell so we are now even more concerned. She tires very quickly and now we hover over her when we are out. Has anyone had the same experiences/ advice of this balancing act/ or can relate.

Our vet say go at her pace but that is generally quite non specific. We have a harness and anti-slip mats to cover our tiles which we have done.

But will only pee on poop when given space so this is the window for trips etc.,

I know the recovery depends on us as she puts her effort in and more but we are lost.

Any advice or comments.

Is this normal has anyone felt or been through the same?

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24 November 2023 - 2:11 pm
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Welcome, it is still early in the recovery process. And yes, every dog is different. Confinement, rest, and moderation are key until stitches are out and healed. Then, focus on proper rehab to rebuild strength and confidence.

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