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Spam Blog Comments and Email Links
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Sacramento Area, California
Member Since:
24 October 2012
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6 December 2012 - 11:42 pm
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I've got two questions for anyone who's got any insight!!

(1) I had a sneaky suspicion when my comments didn't show up on people's blogs that my blog comments were being tagged as spam, and rica55 was kind enough to confirm those suspicions. Indeed, my comments to blogs seem to be tagged and put into people's spam folder. I've noticed that on my own blog, krun15's comments also seem to come up as spam. I can't seem to figure out what about our messages seems spam-like (usually if you have links in the message, etc, it would be tagged as spam, I assume, but we don't). Not the worst thing in the world, but does anyone have any insight as to what I can do to my messages to make them seem less like spam to the filter?

(2) In the blogs, if you click a user's icon, you are taken to a URL. By default, this url is . Where is the option to change this URL (say, to my blog URL)? I'm sure it's right under my nose somewhere....

Thanks in advance for any help!! :D

"You aren't doing it TO him, you are doing it FOR him. Give him a chance at life."

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On The Road

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24 September 2009
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7 December 2012 - 4:08 pm
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1. Fighting spam is an ongoing battle for all bloggers. Admin will need to address that. Until then, for your blog, try checking your Discussion and spam plugin settings.

2. Edit your profile from the Users tab in your blog dashboard to add your site URL. Be sure to edit your Forums profile too and add a website to get a link by your posts.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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8 December 2012 - 10:37 am
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Jerry is right, it is an ongoing battle to fight spam on any blog. And anti-spam settings walk a fine line between allowing a flood of unwanted comments and blocking a few legitimate ones. Unfortunately, the way most plugins work, once a reader's comment is spammed that IP address is more likely to be spammed again on other sites across the network.

With that said, every Tripawds blogger has the option of configuring their own anti-spam settings so it is very difficult for us to control users' posts that are getting spammed or investigate why the might be without links to the blogs in question.

By default, first posts by any user on any Tripawds blog will be held for moderation. Subsequent comments from the same user will be allowed. But this goes for each and every site here in the Tripawds community.

If you fear a comment has been spammed on a blog, consider sending a PM to the member, or message us with a link to the blog and we can look into it.

All Tripawds Blogs are protected by Akismet, the most popular and powerful anti-spam WordPress plugin which requires/allows no configuration, and by Cookies for Comments which stops the majority of comments from non-human spambots. Tripawds Supporter Blogs (like Fang's, thank you) get additional protection via WP-SpamFree which includes various configuration options from the Settings tab in your dashboard.

To answer your question about what you can do to keep comments from being spammed, the first thing would be to not include links, at least not in your first comment and never more than two. Comments with only a couple words can often be misidentified as spam too.

Hope this helps!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Sacramento Area, California
Member Since:
24 October 2012
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8 December 2012 - 12:10 pm
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Thanks guys - Yeah I know that spam software can be super aggravating because spam tries to look like normal text, so there's not much ya'll can do about it. Thanks for the tips on trying to make my comments look less like spam!! I think I do tend to write short comments sometimes, so that might be the problem.
Also, thanks for the info on the setting my profile website. I'll try that out as soon as I can!

"You aren't doing it TO him, you are doing it FOR him. Give him a chance at life."

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