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Quick question on photos on the blogs
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Los Angeles, CA
Member Since:
13 June 2013
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27 May 2015 - 9:30 am
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Hi, I consider myself pretty tech savvy .... but I was reading Shelby's older blogs the other day (I am a glutten for punishment.... tear central) ... anyway... I noticed some of her photos aren't there.  Is that because I used URLS from FaceBook or Photobucket and didn't put the photos in her library? 

I want to update Jasper's blog and wasn't sure if it was better to copy and paste URLs or add some photos to her media library!

As always.... many, many, MANY thanks for all that you do! You must have the patience of a saint to do what you do with the website and all the tech stuff. I would pull my hair out - literally! 


alison with spirit shelby and little jasper lily

Shelby Lynne; Jack Russell/Shiba Inu mix. Proud member of the April Angels of 2014.

October 15, 2000 to April 8, 2014

Our story: Broke rear leg in June 2013 - non-conclusive results for cancer so leg was plated and pinned. Enlarged spleen in September 2013 and had it removed and was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma and started chemotherapy. Became a Tripawd January 8th, 2014 and definitive Hemangiosarcoma diagnosis. Three major surgeries in 7 months and Shelby took them all like a champ only to lose her battle to cancer in her brain. We had 8 amazing extra months together and no regrets. #shelbystrong #loveofmylife

Oakland, CA
Member Since:
20 December 2008
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27 May 2015 - 10:33 am
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Hey Alison,

I'm not Admin Guy (or a vetsmiley) but you should be able to post photos hosted on other sites without uploading them to your Tripawds libraries. That is the whole point! If they are not showing that would suggest that the links are broken. Could the urls have changed since you posted them? Or did you remove them from the original site? I think I remember some talk about things posted on FB not working but that might have pertained to videos.

Woohoo! Tripawds Rule!

Regulator of the Oaktown Pack, Sheriff of the Oaktown Pawsse, Founding member and President of the Tripawd Girldogs With 2 Names ROCK Club, and ... Tripawd Girldog Extraordinaire!

Visit Codie Rae's Blog!

Los Angeles, CA
Member Since:
13 June 2013
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27 May 2015 - 10:40 am
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I'm sure it's a FB thing ... I am sure those silly programmers have changed links or something ... It does'nt really bother me since I know what the photos were (my beautiful angel of course) and I have those photos in a dozen other places (hoarder of digital stuff) ... and the words and emotions that I wrote STILL remain! 

Was just curious ... I'll update JL's blog with our weekend adventure and use the FB photo URLs since I think that doesn't use much of the space on the Tripawds ... 🙂 laughinglaughinglaughing

Shelby Lynne; Jack Russell/Shiba Inu mix. Proud member of the April Angels of 2014.

October 15, 2000 to April 8, 2014

Our story: Broke rear leg in June 2013 - non-conclusive results for cancer so leg was plated and pinned. Enlarged spleen in September 2013 and had it removed and was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma and started chemotherapy. Became a Tripawd January 8th, 2014 and definitive Hemangiosarcoma diagnosis. Three major surgeries in 7 months and Shelby took them all like a champ only to lose her battle to cancer in her brain. We had 8 amazing extra months together and no regrets. #shelbystrong #loveofmylife

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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27 May 2015 - 3:45 pm
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CR is right (thanks!), and photos embedded by url will indeed disappear if their source location changes or if they are deleted.

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