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Tripawd Tuesday: Jerry's Joyful Journey, a Celebration of our Hero
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The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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3 October 2023 - 3:33 am
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When a dog loses a leg, it feels like your whole world falls apart. And for us humans, it does. For a little while anyways. But as today's spotlight on Tripawd Tuesday, Jerry's Joyful Journey shows us, life can be just as amazing on three, if not more.

Be More Dog with Jerry. Today, and Always!

Today is October 3. It's the anniversary of when our heart and soul dog became eternal. Our fearless founder of the Tripawds Community got his wings under the big Montana skies. It happened way back in 2008, but it feels like yesterday in so many ways.

Life was never the same again for us, or for the many three-legged dogs and cats whose people have found their way to this special corner of the interwebs. We are so grateful to have had this incredible dog in our life for 10 beautiful years.

Oh Jerry! Thank you for teaching us how to Be More Dog. Your loving soul continues to shine on the world, making a difference everywhere.

Jerry’s Life Lessons

Every day is a great day. Live each day as if it were your last, because it very well may be.

Don’t let adversity slow you down. Enjoy those things you can do, right now.

Take time to smell the roses. Observe the world around you, you never know what you might miss.

Go and Do. Get up, get out and seek adventures.

Simply be. No matter what’s going on, where you are, be happy within.

Never give up. Do everything within your power to reach your highest aspirations.

Learn more about Jerry's Joyful Journey

Be More Dog Book


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22 February 2013
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9 October 2023 - 2:13 pm
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A joyful journey for of love and fun indeed!  These pictures and the video attest to that so beautifully. 

We thank Jerry's hoomans for sharing him with us.  The lessons learned still continue non stop for Tripawds everywhere.  

The l9ves saved....yes, the countless lives saved....because Jerry taught  us all life on three can be pure  bliss.   Life does not end with amputation,  instead it  becomes so much richer in so many ways.  The days on the calendar  don't  matter, but making the most of each moment is all that does really matter.

With love and appreciation to you Jerry.....and to Jim amd Rene who carry on your legacy of hope and inspiration.  We know you are so proud 


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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9 October 2023 - 2:46 pm
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Aww thank you Sally, you always have such a way with words.

Cancer sucks, but we are furever grateful that he led us to beautiful souls like YOU!


Member Since:
4 July 2023
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10 October 2023 - 2:50 pm
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Today is October 3. It's the anniversary of when our heart and soul dog became eternal. Our fearless founder of the Tripawds Community got his wings under the big Montana skies. It happened way back in 2008, but it feels like yesterday in so many ways.

Life was never the same again for us, or for the many three-legged dogs and cats whose people have found their way to this special corner of the interwebs. We are so grateful to have had this incredible dog in our life for 10 beautiful years.

It is no small thing to take such a difficult experience with a loved one (that will never really seem so long ago) and let that experience become a place like this. Thank you to you all for sharing Jerry with us. sp_hearticon2

His story continued today in a small way at our oncology visit. We were in the waiting area for June’s latest chemo treatment today (5 of 6) and met another tripawd as we were there. We shared with the puppo and her hoomans. They were so excited and immediately hopped on their phones and checked out the site. I saw one mouth the words “Chief Fun Officer” to the other with an appreciative smile. As we left they said they looked forward to getting back online tonight and reading more.

Natalie & Juno (aka June)


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22 February 2013
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10 October 2023 - 3:28 pm
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    saw one mouth the words “Chief Fun Officer”

Love that!  And I have no doubt Jerry made sure that tripawd and Jono crossed paths for so further enlightenment on the jous of three.could be shared😎

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


Member Since:
4 July 2023
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10 October 2023 - 3:38 pm
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Natalie & Juno (aka June)

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