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Our 175 lb Mastiff, Atlas's story
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On The Road

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24 September 2009
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29 August 2018 - 9:42 am
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Dang I am sorry. That is such an awful blow, it hurts so much and I feel for you. 

Ditto what Sally mentioned. Atlas doesn't know! He is still the same dog and still wants the same things out of life: for you to be happy and make the most of every minute.

How long a dog will thrive and live with mets is anyone's guess. There are averages and then there are dogs who defy those averages and go on to have a good life for much longer than anyone expected. We hope with all our heart that Atlas is one of them.

Also, one more post to check out that may help both of you feel better.

How to Help Coughing From Lung Mets

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
21 May 2016
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29 August 2018 - 4:27 pm
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I agree!

Atlas’s life hasn’t changed just because the vet gave you those news.

He should get much better with cortisone and yes, there are treatments which can help.

Apart from metronomics and Paladia there is also IV Doxorubicin chemo to consider.

The snag is there is a maximum amount of treatments (5) and it is potentially hard on the heart (but they check general situation plus blood tests before each session) 

Don’t despair, sweetie, Atlas needs your love and guidance and there are still treatments  to consider. 

Sendjng you a big hug and a zillion cuddles to your super gorgeous baby boy 😘🐮💫✨🌟🌹

Eurydice 77kg/170lb Great Dane limping end of April 2016, amputation (right front leg/osteosarcoma) 4 May 2016 6 courses of carboplatin followed by metronomic therapy, lung mets found 30 Nov 2016. 3 courses of doxorubicin, PET scan 26 Jan 2017 showed more mets so stopped chemo. Holistic route April 2017. Lung X-ray 5 May 2017 showed several tennis ball size mets, started cortisone and diuretics. Miss Cow earned her XXL silver wings 12 June 2017, 13 months and 1 week after amputation and 6 1/2 months after lung mets, she was the goofiest dawg ever and is now happily flying from cloud to cloud woof woofing away :-) 

Member Since:
29 June 2018
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30 August 2018 - 7:13 am
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Thank you for your encouragement and support, guys...and talking me off the ledge. Atlas is still scheduled for his 3rd IV chemo, so we'll keep that. I'll talk to the oncologist about the metronomic therapy while we're there. The prednisone does seem to be helping him breathe better, so there's a measurable bit of relief there. It's also affecting his bladder and he's having accidents, but I'll take it. I guess I'm just in shock that it's only been 9 weeks since diagnosis and here we are in the end battle. Trying to relax and accept the place we are.  


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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30 August 2018 - 10:15 am
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Yrah, peeing a lot and drinking  a lot go with the territory.   As my Vet once said about Prednisone, basically with all it's  side effects, sometimes it can be a great miracle drug and not to be afraid to use it as such.  

I know this is such a shock, but you will start to "relax into it" to some degree.  Be More Dog is so important  during  this part of the journey .  Do not let that piece of crap  rob you of your time together  now!  Just continue  to make each moment  rhe best moment evvver!!   It can never win that way!

Atlas isn't  done yet, not by a long shot!!  

Lots of higs

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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30 August 2018 - 10:25 am
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Nine weeks is so fast, it's unreal how fast that happened. But you sound like you are doing your best to be in the moment and that makes all the difference in how Atlas feels about things. Keep it up.

One thing the oncologist told us to do with pred, was to take up Jerry's water at around 7pm at night. That way he could go out to pee before we all went to bed, and not have an accident at night. It was hard, because he would wake up super thirsty, but it worked. 

Let us know what the oncologist says OK? We are sending lots of love your way.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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