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Happity Hippity Hoppity 11 Month Ampuversary to Jill!
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New York, NY
Member Since:
3 December 2012
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12 November 2013 - 9:07 am
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Today is Jilly Bean's 11 month ampuversary!  One more month until the BIG ONE!

Jill is a 9-year-old tuxedo kitty. She was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in June 2012 on her toe in her right hind leg. Her leg was amputated on 12/12/12 and she completed four rounds of chemo (2 of Carbo, 2 of Doxy) in April 2013. "Like" Jill's facebook page: https://www.fac.....tty?ref=hl Proud member of the WINTER WARRIORS!!!! Her blog can be read at xoxo

Member Since:
12 March 2013
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12 November 2013 - 9:38 am
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Yippee, Jilly Bean!!! Hoppy Eleventh!

Love, Murphy

Murphy is a five year old Lab/Chessie cross. He was hit by a car on 10/29/12 and became a Tripawd on 11/24/12. On 2/5/13, he had a total hip replacement on his remaining back leg. He has absolutely no idea that he has only three legs!

UPDATE: Murphy lived his life to the fullest, right up until an aggressive bone lesion took him across the Rainbow Bridge on April 9, 2015 and he gained his membership in the April Angels. Run free, my love. You deserve it!

Member Since:
11 November 2013
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12 November 2013 - 10:31 am
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On The Road

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24 September 2009
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12 November 2013 - 11:06 am
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Everyone take today off and dance in the streets, it's a GREAT DAY!!

Jill what a fantastic kitty you are and your Momma's pretty incredible too. Thank you for all you've done here throughout the last 11 months, you've opened our eyes up to all things cat and have brought so many great people and animals to this community. You touch more people than you can ever imagine and it's an honor to be a part of your celebration!!!! CONGRATS!!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Member Since:
22 November 2012
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12 November 2013 - 12:14 pm
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grinning ear to ear... 


grinning ear to ear......................


Franklin, he was the Happiest Dog on Three Legs! Diagnosed 09/26/2012 with Osteosarcoma, amputated 12/4/2012.  Had a wonderful 5 1/2 months painfree until he ran for the Bridge on 5/15/2013.  Always in my heart, and always a guardian angel of my pack...   You can follow his Tripawd Adventures, before and after, in my blog, Frank'n'Farter!

Member Since:
18 September 2013
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12 November 2013 - 3:55 pm
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Happy 11 month ampuversary Jill!  And to your mom, Erica too.

These last months have been a roller coaster of emotions but you are one fine looking specimen of beautiful tripawd feline!



Linda and Tucker :)

Member Since:
16 October 2012
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12 November 2013 - 7:24 pm
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Yay Jill.  Happy Ampuversary.  I am so glad we got to meet you (wish it wasn't in those circumstances) but you & your mom are pretty pawesome.  Thanks for being our Chemo buddy



Michelle & Angel Sassy Sugar Bear


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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12 November 2013 - 7:31 pm
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We're hippin' and a' hoppin' and hippity hoppin' dancingover here!! WHEEEEEW! That wore me out!

ELEVEN MONTHS!! WOW! What a journey!! Ups! Downs! Good ti es! Less good times!! But now it's fill steam ahead for Jill, our Super Star Kitty!

They're all VIG ONES Jill! No, no, no! Not BIG like Brudda'! BIG like VICTORIOUS!! And BIG like your pictures make us smile BIG time!

Lotta, lotta love to you voth!! And ditto everything Jerry said!!

SALT and Hapoy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Fort Wayne, IN
Member Since:
25 January 2013
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12 November 2013 - 8:12 pm
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Wow, wow, wow!  I can't believe more month.....only 30 days....4 exciting! Keep moving forward Jill.  You're an amazing warrior. :)

Liberty (Libby) was diagnosed with OSA on 1-22-13.  Right front amputation on 1-31-13. No IV Chemo. Metronomic Therapy started 2-19-13 along with supplements and some home cooking. Lungs clear until 1-06-14.  She's still her happy, hoppy, bossy self.  Living the dog life to the fullest and a proud Winter Warrior. :) RIP my Libby 4-21-03 to 3-19-14

Atlanta, GA
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12 February 2013
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13 November 2013 - 6:18 pm
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Oooh Jilly Bean, almost to that big ol' year mark!  You go girl!

Adelaide is a young tripawd Husky, from an injury.  Her amp was on 10/1/12.  She has 4 sisters, Aissa (a senior border collie/chow), Maggie May (a puppy Great Pyrenees), Mathilde and Morrigan and 1 baby brother, Bagheera.  We are all watched over by our angel Brendol, who was dx with OSA 1/30/13, amp on 2/6/13, and left us on 8/20/13.

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

 You can read their stories at and
Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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13 November 2013 - 8:54 pm
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So happy for you guys, happy Ampuversary Jill!

Can't wait for December!


Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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