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Wolfie is Home!! Just a couple of questions
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Member Since:
11 May 2019
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18 May 2019 - 6:52 am
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My Baby is home sp_hearticon2he is doing well he has a lot of seepage from the incisions but I have assured this is normal.  I now know my husband can't handle that kind of stuff so now not only am I the pill pusher I am the incision caretaker too.  Oh well I am OK with that, he is home and now it is time to get healing

Last night I had a bit of a breakdown because I felt I wasn't ready, having to change the bandage was something new and unexpected and all I had was the 3 bandages the vet gave me which were used up very quickly.  I had a little cry and then moved on.

here he is enjoying the back deck, he is drinking lots of water and I managed to get some food into him so I am happy.  Bathroom breaks are good but no poopiconyet


His incisions is horizontal at the bottom which was different then I thought it would be and of course he is bruised.  I have to put a bandage on his incision and vet did give me some but they are small so it 4x8 and his incision is approx 10 inches long.  So for the people who have had to deal with changing bandages can you tell me what you used?  

Second question, Wolfie is a bigger dog he was 100 lbs before the surgery does that factor in with recovery?

I also read the article about using compression t-shirts to make a t-shirt for him so I am hoping to get that done today, I am thinking that may help keep the bandage in place.

Any advice is welcomed 


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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18 May 2019 - 9:16 am
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WELCOME HOME WOLFIE!!  😁😁😁 You are such a handsome  boy!

Yeah, drainage can be an after surgery issue and can be quite daunting.  Hard -to believe it now, but it does eventually  stoo!!  Others can chime in on ways to deal with it.  I think some have used those dog pee pads to put on beds, as well as configuring "Depends" (or something similar) somehow.  The tee shirt will definitely help  hold it in place.

And yes,  meltdowns are therapeutic, so bring  'em on!  Any you always feel better afterwards  with a renewed  determination  and confidence!  You're  doing a great job!  Everything  involved  leading up to surgery,  the surgery itself, the uncertainty of handling  the recovery...yeah, meltdowns are frequent  visitors  at first!  Give yourself  some credit.  YOU ARE DOING A STELLAR JOB OF CARING  FOR WOLFIE!!!!    His sparkle will ge back soon...and so will his poopicon!  We look forward to celebrating  both!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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18 May 2019 - 12:29 pm
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Yay Wolfie! Welcome home! You look MARVELOUS!

So for the people who have had to deal with changing bandages can you tell me what you used?  

We didn't have to, but I'll give you some feedback anyways. We haven't seen too many members deal with bandages. Either the whole torso gets a compression wrap, or the dog comes home without a bandage at all (which is how our Jerry did). So.... since Wolfie has such a big ol seroma right now (and yes, totally normal but watch for more bloody color than watery, and any weird odors or cloudiness in the fluid), I would ask your vet if it's OK to place a sanitary napkin or two over the incision, and wrap in place with vet wrap or an ace bandage (although that may be tricky). You can put a t-shirt on over that.

Did Wolfie come home with a cone of shame ? If not, he needs to wear one so he doesn't start scratching his incision with his hind leg. Believe me, we see it ALL the time even when people think they are watching their dog like a hawk. Many dogs end up back in the clinic for a re-suturing.

Wolfie is a bigger dog he was 100 lbs before the surgery does that factor in with recovery?

As far as keeping him slim, yes. That is your #1 goal. Keep him slimmer than most GSDs and remember that the less weight on his frame the better off he will be. Our Tripawds Nutrition blog has lots of tips about keeping fit.

Yay for drinking water and getting around! poopicon will happen eventually.

Hope this helps. Keep us posted!

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