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Caring for a Three Legged Dog or Cat

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Very large cat is about to be a new member of the tripod club, scared human
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3 June 2018 - 7:43 pm
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You can laugh at me but it was better to have Huckster home where I could see him and know he was ok. Seems like kitties go home quicker than pups. 

Please, please, please just make sure you have adequate pain meds right there for you when you take him home. That anesthesia and whatever injectable meds will wear off after 3 to 4 days. If you keep him medicated before that happens it helps a lot. 

I was fortunate, my husband is retired so even while I was at work he was home. I have seen a lot of people take at least a long weekend to make sure they are ok and in a secure place that they cannot rip out sutures or staples while unattended.

You got a look at Huckleberry's crate, it is a large dog crate that we had when we adopted Mitchell. I would go with something like that in a separate room in the  house where he can have quiet time to rest and recover. I tried blocking under the bed, but I was not lucky enough to have boxes and he wormed through the bedding like an ant lol. We ended up taking the bed frame off and just had the box spring and mattress on the floor when he was good enough to venture out and stretch.


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

New Jersey
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31 May 2018
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3 June 2018 - 8:46 pm
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I am making a list of things to ask and remember the day of... pain meds is at the top of it- especially because he is having it done on weds and that 3-4 day range of wearing off lands right over the weekend, just in time for the weekend when the vet is not in! I don't know about you but we are always graced with the pleasure of needing a vet on Saturday night or Sunday when the vet isn't open and end up at the very expensive 24 hour emergency vet a few towns over lol. Hopefully we can avoid that! I also already ordered him a soft cone of shame , it seemed more comfortable than the plastic one they would send him home in. Im just hoping he isn't a Houdini kitty!

As for recovery, my Elvis totally exists in two rooms of the house, the living room and laundry room (and only because his litter box is there)... have I mentioned how lazy is? Well, lazy and wants to be the center of attention. I have never met a cat before, and I have had many, that wants human attention as much as him. He is always on his one spot of the couch where he knows he will get talked to an pet constantly. He likes his voice heard and leaves no question as to what he wants because of that! Because of this I wanted him to be able to recover in the place he feels most comfortable so I ordered a play yard that could fit a litter box, his favorite blankets, and his food all while keeping him safe until he is ready to venture out of that area. Luckily, I do not have to worry about him wanting to burrow under the bed or blankets, that is totally not him (but is absolutely how his brother would be if the situation was reversed)!


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3 June 2018 - 8:54 pm
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If love heals, Elvis is going to sail through recovery  with no problems at all!💖

A very special kitty  with some very special hoomans who understand his needs perfectly .

Good job of prep!  Very well thought out!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too 

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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4 June 2018 - 10:57 am
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Elvis is all set! We would love to see his recovery set-up, do post pics when you're able. Great job getting ready for the big day!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

New Jersey
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4 June 2018 - 5:58 pm
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So our setup isn't out yet but I thought I would test out pictures to share (thank you Jerry for the help)!

Our last few nights of having four legs (as the tears are pouring).

Image Enlarger

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With his puppy brother... his best friend

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4 June 2018 - 6:35 pm
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What a sweet looking duo. Just remember, when the leg goes so will the pain. You'll have some recovery to deal with, but you are all over it. 

What you said about when the surgery falls and the vet being out on the weekend it's exactly some of what happened to us, you are preparing perfectly, you've got this! ❤️

Hang in there 😉


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog


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4 June 2018 - 6:48 pm
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The tears will be history  soon and the smiles will take over when you see how well Elvis handles being pain free!

These pictures are adorable!  Such sweet treasures for your family album💕

Hang onto us.  We'll get you through recovery.  As you can already see, you could not have  any better support than here.  Our kitty family is da' best!!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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5 June 2018 - 9:15 am
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Yay! So glad you figured it out! Clyde is a sweetie.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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21 May 2016
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5 June 2018 - 12:20 pm
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Sweetie pie and kitty kat 🌸😻

We are all here for you and Elvis 😺🎸 and you're both ready, right?

We're sending massive waves of pawsitive energy (all of us, your tripawdian family 💓) plus cuddles and hugs for good measure 😘🐮💫✨🌟🌹

Eurydice 77kg/170lb Great Dane limping end of April 2016, amputation (right front leg/osteosarcoma) 4 May 2016 6 courses of carboplatin followed by metronomic therapy, lung mets found 30 Nov 2016. 3 courses of doxorubicin, PET scan 26 Jan 2017 showed more mets so stopped chemo. Holistic route April 2017. Lung X-ray 5 May 2017 showed several tennis ball size mets, started cortisone and diuretics. Miss Cow earned her XXL silver wings 12 June 2017, 13 months and 1 week after amputation and 6 1/2 months after lung mets, she was the goofiest dawg ever and is now happily flying from cloud to cloud woof woofing away :-) 

New Jersey
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31 May 2018
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5 June 2018 - 3:16 pm
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Our setup for after surgery tomorrow. Please keep 'E' in your prayers the next few days heart

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Image Enlarger


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5 June 2018 - 3:22 pm
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Best recocery area evvvver!  Fit for a King!  King Elvis wil rock this surgery!😁

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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1 October 2017
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5 June 2018 - 3:31 pm
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That looks wonderful, keeping you guys in my thoughts, sending big hugs.



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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21 May 2016
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6 June 2018 - 4:33 am
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Hi Jim 🌺

I can’t see any of the pictures, any idea why that is, as others can?

Thanks for your help!


Eurydice 77kg/170lb Great Dane limping end of April 2016, amputation (right front leg/osteosarcoma) 4 May 2016 6 courses of carboplatin followed by metronomic therapy, lung mets found 30 Nov 2016. 3 courses of doxorubicin, PET scan 26 Jan 2017 showed more mets so stopped chemo. Holistic route April 2017. Lung X-ray 5 May 2017 showed several tennis ball size mets, started cortisone and diuretics. Miss Cow earned her XXL silver wings 12 June 2017, 13 months and 1 week after amputation and 6 1/2 months after lung mets, she was the goofiest dawg ever and is now happily flying from cloud to cloud woof woofing away :-) 

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6 June 2018 - 4:34 am
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I see the “frame” but nothing inside

Eurydice 77kg/170lb Great Dane limping end of April 2016, amputation (right front leg/osteosarcoma) 4 May 2016 6 courses of carboplatin followed by metronomic therapy, lung mets found 30 Nov 2016. 3 courses of doxorubicin, PET scan 26 Jan 2017 showed more mets so stopped chemo. Holistic route April 2017. Lung X-ray 5 May 2017 showed several tennis ball size mets, started cortisone and diuretics. Miss Cow earned her XXL silver wings 12 June 2017, 13 months and 1 week after amputation and 6 1/2 months after lung mets, she was the goofiest dawg ever and is now happily flying from cloud to cloud woof woofing away :-) 

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6 June 2018 - 5:33 am
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They're gone, disappeared 😥 I cannot see the top ones anymore either. 


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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