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Caring for a Three Legged Dog or Cat

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Should i wrap remaining legs for support after amputatiin
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Member Since:
1 September 2020
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1 September 2020 - 6:28 am
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my sweetie girl is a 9 year old great dane.  She had osteosarcoma in her left front leg. After diagnosis it took me a few days to process and decided that amutation was the best decision.  We are on day 2 After surgery.  Yesterday I questioned my decision,  all she would do is lay there and stare into space but at about 10:30 last night she decided it was time to get moving. This morning she hopped up and let me know she needed to go out. When I tried to help her she just stood there.  She didn't want my help,  just wanted me there.  She even went down the 3 stairs to get into the yard by herself and back up.  I am worried about the extra weight she has to put on her remaining front leg at her age. Should I wrap it or is there a super brace that I should get for her?

Livermore, CA

Member Since:
18 October 2009
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1 September 2020 - 10:31 am
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Hello and welcome, your future posts will not have to wait for approval.

What is your girl's name?

We sometimes see here that the bigger and more mature pups take a few days to get moving so her going out on her own this early is great! How is everything else going...eating ok? pain under control? 

Most pups don't need a brace, even the large or giant size dogs.  If you think she is having pain after she is healed from surgery in that front leg you should have here evaluated by an ortho vet or rehab specialist.  Buying an 'off the shelf' brace can sometimes cause more problems than is solves.

As far as the doubts... most all of us have been there at some point during recovery so you are in great company!  This is a big surgery and recovery can be full of ups and downs so it's no wonder we question our decisions. 

Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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1 September 2020 - 7:08 pm
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Recovery  is no,picnic at first, that's for sure.  During early days of recocery, many of us wondered what in the world jad we done TO our dogs. Eventually though, we all recognized we did this GOR our dogs.👍

Your girl is mobie already and that's great news!  Often ot takes larger dogs several days to get mobile all.  So your girl is ahead of the curve

Right now she just needs to go out for potty breaks and then back in for rest.  Eating and drinking are important.  Pooping and eating may be off for a few days.

Keeping the pain meds consistent at the right dose and frequency  may take some tweaking every now and then.  Each dog is different  when it comes to pain management .

As Karen said, generally braces or wraps aren't  used for the remaining  legs.  A Rehab Vet and/or Orthopedic  Surgeon woid be your best source should she need one for some reason down the road.

Jist continue  to jave her take it slow and easy these next two weeks. No jumping, running, etc.  Just lots of rest.  If you have hardwood floors, put down non scatter rugs for traction .

We jere for you so don't  hesitate to let is know is you have any questions.  Recovery doesn last furever...just seems like it at first!!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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