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Newbie... Sharing our story :)
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24 February 2015
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10 April 2015 - 1:08 am
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I am also sorry for the loss of your beautiful Meg. Your story got me crying....especially all these beautiful pictures. Luckily she had a very good life with you and you did all the best you could do. Never forget that! Of course I wish you all the strength for coping with your loss.


I really love this true

"Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love, they depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog, it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs your heart is very big."

Westminster, MD
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31 August 2013
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10 April 2015 - 12:21 pm
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I am so sorry for your loss of your beautiful Golden girl Meg.....we know how heartbreaking this is. You lost her only 9 days after I lost my Polly to a different ugly cancer, and my heart still grieves for her a year later. You gave her such a wonderful life, and a chance to try to beat this other ugly cancer, sometimes things don't work out the way we want, but that will never diminish all the happy days, weeks, months, and years we were able to share with them.

Thank you for sharing these awesome pictures of Meg, and know that she will never be forgotten here in this great community. She was welcomed by so many brave angel Tripawds over the Bridge.

Thinking of you,
Bonnie, Angel Polly, and new crew

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13 January 2014
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10 April 2015 - 12:46 pm
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benny55 Your reply has me in tears... thank you so much for pointing out that you can see the love in those pictures and for understanding just how much these creatures can touch our hearts.  You have a way with words, even with a tablet that is acting up ;)   thank you thank you thank you!

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10 April 2015 - 12:56 pm
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harmony, leland4, kitsune, bcullom - Thank you all for your beautiful, kind and thoughtful words.  It is so appreciated.  Thank you so so much.

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10 April 2015 - 1:11 pm
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Jerry - I'm corresponding with someone representing Tripawds on twitter... I wonder if it's you? :)   I would love to do a tripawd tuesday story about Meg.  I was browsing the other stories to see what you are looking for... and now that you mention sharing the perspective of the journey, that could be a good angle.  I had a very good friend coaching me through the diagnosis and treatment... she taught me that you not only have to stay positive, but you cannot let your emotions take over.  You have to keep it together for the patient.  Another facet to Meg's story is how our relationship changed.  I went from liking dogs and thinking they are "neat" to understanding the absolute deep bond that we create with them and how intense it can be.  I guess you would call that your "heart dog" because it changes your heart forever? :)   So, I'm gathering a few paragraphs together as well as some pictures.  Oh, by the way... she has a facebook page that has a ton of pictures (that our puppy will inherit someday):



I didn't post a lot of tripawd pics because she was only a tripawd for a short percentage of her life.  But, knowing this soul so well and watching her adapt to losing a leg was a miracle in itself.  These animals are simply amazing, I just can't say that enough.

And thank you for searching out Dr. Shaw.  He's a wonderful vet.  The surgeon who did the amputation, Dr. Staatz, was amazing as well.  Here is their info:


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10 April 2015 - 1:30 pm
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and bcullom, I'm so sorry for the loss of Polly :( It's heartbreaking.  This is the first animal I was with for the transition and words cannot describe how hard it is.  I think the process of dealing with cancer, struggling every day with it, desperately hoping for a shred of good news and then having to decide when it's time to go... it's the most exhausting emotional marathon.  I'm so glad this forum is here so we can lift each other up and offer advice.

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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10 April 2015 - 3:49 pm
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nutmeginnc said
Jerry - I'm corresponding with someone representing Tripawds on twitter... I wonder if it's you? 

Haha guilty as charged! Oh my gosh how funny! Well I cannot wait for your story, I know it will be wonderful.

Dr. Shaw already got back to me, less than a day after he got back from vacation. What a guy! I'm trying to get him on Tripawd Talk Radio in June, hope he can do it.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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