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New senior amputee Indie
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Member Since:
28 June 2024
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28 June 2024 - 4:07 pm
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Hi y'all,

First of all, I'm so grateful for this community! Here is a quick story on our almost 12 year old pitbull/boxer mix (unsure exactly as she was adopted) Indie.

I'm having major guilt, because in November, she had a seroma near her right front leg, kinda on her ribs. We noticed that the chair next to the "pointy" coffee table was moved, so we though she got spooked by our robot vaccum and hit herself there. I wanted to take her to our normal vet, but they didn't have any appointments available soon enough, so I took her to a different one. They took a sample of the fluid, just to be safe, and nothing "scary" came back and said to monitor it. It went away and we had our spirited girl back. Then it would come back on and off for the next few months but she didn't seem too bothered by it. I felt a lump in her armpit, and deep down I knew it was cancer, but didn't want to admit it,(we just had our other dog go through chemo for lymphoma in 2022 and he passed away at 7). She was doing fine until about 2 weeks ago. She was sticking her leg out and was very uncomfortable and the seroma was back. At this point I knew she needed surgery. We tried aspirating it first, but had no luck getting any good cells to see what it was. So I just scheduled the surgery to remove the mass.

Fast forward to Monday, her surgery day, and I get a call mid surgery that she has lost a lot of blood and they only way to have a successful surgery, is to amputate her right front leg. I DID NOT see this coming. I wish my vet would have told me this could be a possibility. She said she thinks its a nerve sheath sarcoma. We haven't decided if we want it biopsied or not. At this point, I don't want to do chemo again, as we did that before and with her age, I just don't want to go through that again. I know she doesn't have very much time left, and just want her live out her days. I'd love some opinions on if we should still get it biopsied or not. 

Day 1- shock and grief of her losing her leg. We brought her home on a doggy stretcher for the night and I thought I watched her take her last breath. I didn't sleep. She was very zonked and it was amazing that I was able to get her to swallow her pills in the AM while funneling water into her mouth with a straw. 

Day 2- Took her back to the vet in the morning for the day for hospitalization (they don't have 24hr staff). I was expecting them to bring her out on a stretcher again to take her home, but she came hopping out. I immediately started bawling. Night two she was a little restless around midnight. Incision looks good, just a little bruising. 

Day 3- Took her back to the vet again, as she still had her IV in her leg and they wanted another day of observation. She did great and they said we didn't need to take her back the next day.

Day 4- We spent most of our day outside, as she hadn't pooped yet and I wanted easy access as we have a few stairs leading to both the back and front yards. She was sleepy during the day, but more perky in the evening. She was walking quite a bit and doing the stairs mostly by herself... deep down I felt like she was doing too much walking this day (even though it wasn't very much)

Day 5 (Today June 28th)- I noticed this morning that her good front leg and foot was swollen, which makes me worried and feel guilty. It might just be extra fluid, as she has a seroma today.

It's been a rough few days, but trying to stay hopeful. 


Member Since:
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29 June 2024 - 9:43 am
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Welcome to you and Indir I'm sorry you find yourself here but this is the best place to be for support and information. Your post has been approved and we look forward to helping you navigate through recovery.

I can certainly understand why all of this has been shocking and upsetting to you. Please know that you have done everything right! You had the fluid checked and you were told there was nothing scary. So there's no reason to think you it should have done a whole lot of other Diagnostics Etc at that point.

I may have confused myself, but it seems to me that the vet would automatically have the leg biopsied so just double check on that. It doesn't mean you have to do any additional treatment or anything. There are no guarantees with Chemo one way or another anyway. It just may be that there are some non-invasive things you can do to help extend her quality of life.

As far as they're being some swelling in her remaining front leg, that is not too unusual. You do want to make your vet aware of it but it is most likely just fluid trying to reabsorb. Very gently  massage her leg to help.  Additionally, it is very, very, important that you keep her activity level down to just short, very short least potty breaks and back inside. If there is any way to assist her with the stairs try and do that. It's a lot of pressure on that front leg right now in the beginning especially  going  down stairs..

For now, you want to make sure that Indie is drinking and peeing. Getting her appetite back made take a couple of days and it may be several days before she poops. Just give her any yummy food she will eat right now.

    What pain meds is she on? The dose and frequency?  How much does she weigh?

I'm so sorry your other dog has headed to the rainbow bridge. You clearly did everything to help that pup and you are doing everything now to help indie. Please know that.  

Sou ds like uoir Indie is a strong and fit gal for a "mature" pup.  Let her recover at her own pace (alow and easy).  

Remember that recovery doesn't last forever, it just feels like it right now.

It generally takes about 2 plus weeks to recover from the surgery itself and it takes about 30 days for a tripawd to develop good solid Mobility with good flow.

How is she doing today? Stay connected and know that we are right here by your side to help you navigate through all of this. Give her some extra yummy treats for us, okay?


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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1 July 2024 - 7:48 am
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Hi and welcome! Don't beat yourself up, you did the best you could at the time and we learn as we go. I'm sorry you are dealing with cancer again! How is Indie doing today?

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