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Max, osteosarcoma, nine days post-op
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2 May 2015
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19 May 2015 - 8:58 pm
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Oh no! I'm so sorry about Ada. It's heartbreaking. I will pray that she beats the odds as well. Miracles and exceptions happen all the time. Ada, too, is lucky to be so loved. 

Hang in there. Every day gets better. Max is blowing my mind with his relentless energy and heart. We are hiking about three miles a day (he could probably do more), he's playing fetch at full speed, he swims, rolls joyfully in the grass, he gets onto the bed himself, says hello to everyone he meets...  He even jumps off the dock at the lake. (It's not pretty and it makes me nervous, but he does it--clumsily.) At five days post-amp I NEVER imagined he'd be so restored at less than a month after, but he is unstoppable. Honestly, he's living with even more zeal than before, and I actually feel like he's grateful, like he knows he's been given time he might not otherwise have had. And he's deliriously happy to be free of pain.

We can't change what happened to our sweet dogs, but we can keep doing what's right and good for them and just hope for the best. We are giving them a real chance, and to me it was all worth it for even just these pain-free, happy days. 

Madrid, Spain
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3 June 2015
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9 June 2015 - 12:36 am
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Thanks for sharing Max's story. We're dealing with an extremely similar situation to what you described. We're currently 4 days post-amp (left rear leg) and definitely going through ups and downs emotionally. I won't know for a couple weeks if Lula is going to need chemo or not, but it's great to know that Max has totally regained his personality despite the surgery and treatment. 

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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9 June 2015 - 10:09 am
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mikeinspain said
We're currently 4 days post-amp...

Welcome, and best wishes for Lula's speedy recovery! Your future forum posts will not require moderation. Please consider starting a new topic to keep everypawdy updated about her progress.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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2 June 2015
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9 June 2015 - 10:35 am
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Max's story sounds just like our Molly's! This was so encouraging to read, even though Mollyis showing mets in her lung x-rays. It is wonderful to hear that everyone goes through the tough recovery period but comes out on the other side with your pup's joy and personality. We're holding tight to that thought! 

Kirbyr & Molly

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9 June 2015 - 5:00 pm
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Prayers for Lulu and Molly--and for Mike and Kirbyr as well! We know your heartache and anxiety all too well. ( I have become quite close with St Francis these days--always imploring him to intercede for out beloved pets...) From my experience and everything I've read here, Lulu and Molly will continue to amaze you. 

Max has improved to the point that most people only recognize him as a tripawd after spending a few minutes with him. It's not the first thing they see anymore. We are now up to six miles a day and I have no doubt we will get all the way back to eight. He is actually turning me into something of a runner because his pace is so much faster and I have to keep up with him. His clumsy dock-jumping is now graceful leaping. He does everything he did pre-amp now except jumping into the car (SUV), and we haven't tried returning to daycare yet but I'm thinking of giving it a half-day shot if the vet approves. And it has only been seven weeks since surgery. You have lots to look forward to!

Max's third chemo session is a week from Friday, and they are going to x-ray his chest at that time. I'm so scared about mets! But in the meantime this little fella of mine is eating up life and bringing me to my knees with humility and gratitude for him. These tripawds are such inspiring creatures. 

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