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Lymph Node shows traces of Cancer
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28 October 2013 - 6:48 pm
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So my dog Dymond was diagnosed with Soft Tissue Sarcoma. I was told the cancer was invading her joints and crawling between muscle bellies. The only chance for a cure was amputation. On October 18, 2013 Dymond underwent an amputation and also had a lymph node removed.

Today the surgeon told me some terrible news - the lymph node shows signs of cancer. Honestly I was so shocked and don't remember much she said after that. I did happen to ask the likelihood that the cancer was removed with that lymph node. There is a possibility, but since the lymph node acts as a gatekeeper to organ and connects so many other places there is a high chance one bad cell got through. 

So my questions I pose to this Forum:

1) When your dog had an amputation did the lymph node get sent to pathology? Why/Why not? 

2) If the lymph node was positive did that change treatment options? Why/Why not? 


On The Road

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28 October 2013 - 7:07 pm
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Welcome, your future forum posts will not require moderation.

We have no personal experience with the lymph node concerns you address, but other members are likely to chime in soon. Also consider searching the forums using the button above, or search all blogs here.

Best wishes for Dymond!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

28 October 2013 - 10:11 pm
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My pug Maggie had mast cell cancer. After her rear leg amp the lymph node removed with the leg came back full of cancerous mast cells, so we did get a path report. Her prognosis was down graded to 6 to 9 months with chemo. We did chemo and Mag lived almost 4 years and did not pass from mast cell cancer. There is no way to know if the cancer had made it past the lymph node in her leg or if the chemo knocked it out. Honestly our oncologist was surprised that Mag survived. I don't know how mast cell compares of soft tissue sarcoma, mast cell cancer is quite unpredictable.
I still think chemo would have been recomended if the lymph node had been clean, but the prognosis would have been better.
Have you seen an oncologist?

Karen and Spirit Maggie

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28 October 2013 - 10:16 pm
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Hi. Thank you so very much for your response. I'm flipping out so bad. Prior to her amputation I did speak with an oncologist and I have an appointment to speak with one this Friday. What did you do to prevent or combat the cancer? Honestly I cannot recall the conversation with the surgeon regarding pathology results. I'm still waiting to hear what the exact cancer is. Also what type of Chemo did your dog have? Side effects? 

28 October 2013 - 10:46 pm
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I understand how you feel, I was pretty devastated when I got the news. Pre-surgery tests indicated the lymph node was clean. I understand now that a needle aspirate of the lymph node can be unreliable, but I went into the surgery thinking it was curative (naive I know now).
We did chemo, and she was on a good grain free diet. I didn't really do anything else. You can click on the 'Maggie's Story' link in my signature box below. There is another tab in the blog about amputation and chemo.
Maggie's little sis Tani also has mast cell cancer. We did not do chemo with her, I am treating with diet,supplements, and herbs from our holistic vet. Tani is 13 with lots of other health issues, aggressive cancer treatment doesn't make sense in her situation.



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28 October 2013 - 10:55 pm
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Hi Katrina and Dymond!

B.r.e.a.t.h.e........really......inhale deeply, exhale slowly......B.r.e.a.t.h.e.........again........B.r.e.a.t.h.e......

You are mot alne, okay? We are righthere beside you. This is such a scarey time.....not for Dymond but forus humans! She's not worried about a thing! She's just livingin the moment waitng for her next tumy rubor treat...or voth!

Hapoy Hannah just celebrated her eight mnth amuversary and continui g forward (kocking n wood!). Her rear leg was amputated dje to osteosarco a. "Supposedy" the surgeon sent the lhmph node in to the pathologist. The pathologist saidi i was NOT incuded. The surgeon decided to tell me sne thought it had gotten to the lhmph node...even though there was no proof!! Anywa,y, my research...and I'm NO vet...indicated that whether the ymph node was involved or not, didn't really change anything to any degree.

I proceeded with four rounds of Carboplatin (many onco. suggest five...this onco. just does four). and am still on the fence avout followingu with metronomics , an oral chemo.

And, I know this is hard, but try not to give too mich weight to statistics or diagnosis, okay? Every dog is different! No dog comes with a time stamp on their head. Dhmond doesn't care avout all this stuff!

One thing I did was take all those "reports" to my refular vet for thirty years snd get him to 'translate" for me! Our onco wasn't very hands on, so maybe you'll have a better relatinship with better communicatin.

Tell us more avut Dymnd. Hoe is ner recoverh going? Is she earng well? Is she getting arou d okah?

When you can, please post some ictures of her' we'd love to see her.

Se di g you and Dymnd lots of ealing hugs tpped off with a dose of calm! Now, dn't forget to practice the b.r.e.a.t.h.i.n.g ting! And then topitoff with chocolate! Eat lots of chocolate!


Sallly and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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28 October 2013 - 11:02 pm
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Thank you to the both of you. I'll know more on Friday when we see the surgeon and oncologist. I'll do everything I can. I'll try some holistic approaches too. I'm trying to figure out how to upload an image. 


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28 October 2013 - 11:04 pm
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Just wanted to add that side effects with caroplatin are very mnimal, if at all. Maybe a little lethargy for a dayor so, or a slight loss of appetite...but they give you meds for that.

HAPY Hannah had NO side effects. Actualky, I think ner first chemo treatment made her feel good! Really! K can tell you, once the surgery recovery took place, everyday has been filled withnso much joy and happiness it's unbelievable!!

Try not to let your mi d get too wonky! You'll have more answers Friday and then can develop a plan.

Hugs again!

Sallly and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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28 October 2013 - 11:04 pm
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28 October 2013 - 11:04 pm
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28 October 2013 - 11:06 pm
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@ Benny. Thank you. I suppose I need to stop worrying. For God sake she is still here. 

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28 October 2013 - 11:07 pm
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28 October 2013 - 11:09 pm
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