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Kellie's post-amputation update
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15 April 2008 - 6:21 pm
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Hello Everyone, Isabel here (Kellie's Mom). Just wanted to let you know that this morning we took Kellie to the vet to have her right front leg amputated. I glad to report that the vet called to let us know that the surgery went well and that even though she was still groggy from all the drugs she was doing okay and we that we can go ahead and go pick her up tomorrow after 10a.

It was hard to wait all day long for the vet's call but a relief when the phone rang. They tell us that we can go ahead and start her chemo (Carboplatin) in two weeks and we think that so far she will need 4 treatments.

I just want to say thanks to you, Jerry and your pawrents because without this website my journey with Kellie would have been much, much worse. To Charlie Brown I just want to say, to keep reading Jerry's website as it is full of wonderful information and lots of links that will provide you with knowledge you didn't think you would ever find.

I have "met" (through the website) all these wonderful pets and their pawrents (Darcy, Ben, Taylor r.i.p) and they are all an inspiration.


On The Road

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15 April 2008 - 7:37 pm
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Thank you Isabel! Comments like yours make all the work my people put into this site worthwhile. Best wishes to kellie for a speedy recovery.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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15 April 2008 - 8:03 pm
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Isabel. You can not imagine how timely your words are, and how much your support means. I am glad to hear that Kellie's surgery went well.

And to Jerry... I found this website as I frantically searched for information about amputation. My Lab is a huge swimmer and the videos of Jerry swimming have given us so much hope. I am so afraid to lose Charlie's personality along with the leg. It doesn't look like you lost anything but a limb. Thank you for sharing! Charlie's mom, Wendy.

Manchester, UK
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16 April 2008 - 6:28 am
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Hi Isabel - I'm glad that Kellie has had her surgery and will shortly be on her way home.  I would imagine that you will second guess everything over the next few days (I was at MY worst on day 3 after Darcys surgery and ended up in a dissolved, tearful lump on the phone to the vet on that day) but it WILL all come together in the end.

Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

***Darcy would love to be your friend on Facebook - just search for Darcy Deerhound***

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16 April 2008 - 10:27 am
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I hope Kellie gets home safely, and that she adapts quickly to the change.  If Kellie is depressed at first, don't worry, she will snap out of it after awhile.  Make sure there are no slippery floors around the house.  I had to go out and get a bunch of rugs for my kitchen so Ben could hop over to his food and water.

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16 April 2008 - 5:00 pm
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HELLO GANG!!!! It is me Kellie, I am happy to report that my pawrents came to get me this morning and I was sooo glad to see them Smile. I am doing very well (all things considered) and happy to say my Mom is too.

Kellie Dog After Osteosarcoma Amputation SurgeryImage Enlarger

Knut advice taken, my mom went crazy getting rugs for me and they are all over the place. They also got me some of those elevated bowls so that I can eat and drink comfortably and boy do they work.

I am feeling a bit woozy from the drugs as they sent me home with one of those fentanyl patches to manage my pain and I am in la la land. I have been walking on my own and whenever I get tired, plomp there I go and because they bought me all these neat blankets and beds THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!

I am eating and going to the pottie and the girls at the vet dressed me up very pretty. My bandage is hot pink with hearts on it. I wish my mom could figure out how to transfer the pictures she has been taking of me but you know how it goes with those humans.....they get lost. I go Friday to take my fentanyl patch off and to change bandages and then in 2 weeks I go back so that they can take off my staples and for my first round of chemo.

Whew! I am a bit tired now, so I will go find one of those plush beds that they got me and go snooze for a bit....thanks to all of you for your prayers and your beautiful notes. Love you all and lots of licks...NGU!!!! Thanks Jerry!



On The Road

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16 April 2008 - 6:02 pm
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Kellie you sound so hoppy! Yeay! Congratulations on your surgery success. Now just remember to take it easy and let those humans spoil you rotten. In no time at all, once those pain meds wear off and you gain strength, you'll be back to your old self again, just wait!

That is great news. Thank you for the update. Keep us posted OK?



Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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16 April 2008 - 6:52 pm
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Hey Kellie! Happy that you are doing so well.  You will have a speedy recovery for sure.

And how come you got such neat bandages?!   That's not fair. I was sent home half-naked with the incision exposed.  My mom almost cried when she picked me up from the hospital.

You might not feel like eating for the next little while because of the pain killers and all those stupid drugs; but remember not to let your pawrents worried, at least nip a bit; plus, you need calories, protein intake to help heal.  Be patient, things will get better and better.

Love, Genie.


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16 April 2008 - 7:03 pm
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We are so happy to hear about Kellie's successful surgery!  Really great news. My Mom is writing this for me since I am currently a few hours post-op.(I hope that I get a nice bandage too!)  I look forward to sharing our success stories!!  Many big kisses to all of you.


Charlie Brown and his mom, Wendy

Manchester, UK
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17 April 2008 - 4:12 am
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Hi Kellie - how nice to hear from you!  (And in your woozy state, too, LOL).  How come I never got a bandage which is hot pink with hearts on?  If your Mummy contacts her though her profile, I'm happy for her to send me your picture and I can put it on for you (so that we can ALL be envious of your bandage).  I think it's fabulous that you're already up and walking.  You are very clever.

Love Darcy Deerhound


Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

***Darcy would love to be your friend on Facebook - just search for Darcy Deerhound***

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19 April 2008 - 9:34 pm
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You are a beautiful girl! I'm so happy to hear you're doing well post surgery.  And your mom has learned so much from Jerry and his pawrents on this site, just like my mom and the rest.  This is the best site for information and support.

Love to you for continued successful healing!

Barney B (and his mom, Linda)  


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20 April 2008 - 10:33 pm
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Thanks Barney, for that great compliment.  I am so glad to have found all of you here.  You love and support have definitely been a big part of my successful recovery.  You are a handsome fella also.  Lots of beautiful boys and girls in this site.  Hummm....Take care and lots of licks for you, Kellie


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22 April 2008 - 1:17 pm
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Kellie. You are so.. cute! Love your pics!! How are you doing girl?  I'd love to hear!

Many wags,

Charlie Brown

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23 April 2008 - 5:31 pm
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Congrats Kellie. May your recovery be short, and the rest of your days numbered long.

24 April 2008 - 6:50 pm
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I second what everyone has been saying about the appetite thing. Taylor didn't want to eat AT ALL.   However, after a reasonable amount of time had passed, and he still didn't want to eat and was puking, the vets put him on Pepcid AC because they thought he had a stomach ulcer.  Worked like magic!

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