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Hello my mum is writing this for me. My name is Whiskey and I am a new Tripaw Dog.
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Member Since:
4 May 2012
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7 May 2012 - 5:10 pm
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Thank you so much for this brilliant website. It has really helped us all after this very traumatic and difficult surgery for Whiskey.
Whiskey is an American/English Staffordshire Terrior, with the most beautiful nature and he only gets better now showing us how much courage and determination he has to carry on. It has been nearly a week since his operation, and he is carrying on his normal routine and does not like it when we get sad or worried about him.
He is still sleeping a lot, eating well and trying to work out the best way to do his business in the back yard without falling over.
What a beautiful miracle he is, how fortunate we are to have him still. We have made adjustments to our home, thanks to your forum, to make him as comfortable as possible. Any other advice or sharing experiences with other owners of recent Tripaws, would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.

7 May 2012 - 5:35 pm
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Hi Whiskey and pack, welcome to Tripawds.

Your future posts will not require moderation.

Tell us more about the amp- front or back?  Cancer or accident?  He sounds like he is doing well, the first couple weeks are usually the hardest after surgery.

And we love to see pictures!


Karen and the pugapalooza

knoxville, tn
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12 February 2010
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7 May 2012 - 5:51 pm
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welcome whiskey (who's never said that before!!) and mum.  sorry you find yourself here among us, but glad to hear whiskey is doing so well.  as karen said, we love pictures!! and, we'd love to hear more of your story - how old is whiskey, where do you live, etc..  we are a nosy bunch!!!


charon & spirit gayle

Life is good, so very, very good!!! Gayle enjoyed each and every moment of each and every wonderful day (naps included).  She left this world December 12, 2011 – off on a new adventure.

Love Never Ends


Leicester, NY
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11 February 2011
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7 May 2012 - 5:58 pm
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Welcome Whiskey! Cant wait to see pictures we love pictures)

Spirit Samson was Spirit Tripawd Daisys four legged "brother" and ruled as the self proclaimed head of the Monkeybutt Federations East Coast Division. Lady Chunky Monkey stayed from Oct 2011 and left for the bridge in Apr 2012. Miss Perdy is left and has some big pawprints to fill.
Do you have what it takes to be a Monkeybutt? Find out more at the Monkeybutt Federation

Melbourne, Australia
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4 May 2012
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7 May 2012 - 6:04 pm
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Hi whiskey and her mum,
I'm also a new tripawd parent and I share your sentiments they are miracles, amazing gorgeous miracles and this website is the most useful resource. I'm glad to hear whiskey is doing well. Unfortunately I don't have any helpful tips for you because I'm just trying to figure it all out too, you're a bit ahead actually my girl just had her surgery yesterday. I'd love to hear more about whiskey, how he got to be a tripawd etc and how are you handling everything, it is very stressful isn't it but whatever the cause of his tripawdism ( lol making up words now) he will be better off without what must've been a very painful leg. Keep looking at how amazing he is, I think I've cried more tears of happiness since Molly's surgery due to seeing how well she is coping with it all, if I was in her place is be an absolute mess.
Keep up the awesome progress whiskey smiley

Amy and Molly

San Diego, CA
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29 October 2010
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7 May 2012 - 6:42 pm
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Welcome Whiskey (hmm, yes, think I may have said that a time or two before... In fact, I'm having some at the moment smiley ) and Whiskey's Mama,

Sorry you had to find us here, but you won't be sorry you did. As others have asked, we'd love to know more about Whiskey's story. (Age, cause, did you do a little dance the first time he pooped? We usually celebrate those things around here.) Knowing his age/the cause might help for giving advice. One thing for all tripawds is that it's important to make them feel secure if you have slippery floors. Lots of rugs/runners are usual. For us, our Abby was very young/agile, so she did fine on our hardwood floors until her cancer got too advanced. At that point we started using Musher's Secret on her pads and that helped with her traction (and didn't leave sticky little paw prints on the floors!).

You are so right about how wonderful it is to be a tripawd pawrent. It is an awesome thing! Welcome to the club.
Jackie, Angel Abby's mom

Abby: Aug 1, 2009 – Jan 10, 2012. Our beautiful rescue pup lived LARGE with osteosarcoma for 15 months – half her way-too-short life. I think our "halflistic" approach (mixing traditional meds + supplements) helped her thrive. (PM me for details. I'm happy to help.) She had lung mets for over a year. They took her from us in the end, but they cannot take her spirit! She will live forever in our hearts. She loved the beach and giving kisses and going to In-N-Out for a Flying Dutchman. Tripawds blog, and a more detailed blog here. Please also check out my novel, What the Dog Ate. Now also in paperback! Purchase it at Amazon via Tripawds and help support Tripawds!

7 May 2012 - 7:41 pm
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Welcome Whiskey and Whiskey's Mom. So happy to hear that Whiskey is adjusting pretty well to being a new Tripawd so far. He will continue to amaze you. What a blessing you have!

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7 May 2012 - 8:05 pm
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WOW. Whiskey and I are blown away with your kind and wonderful words. Krun15, etgayle, angel, angelabbeysmum, amylou, Sampson. Bless you all.
My apologies for not telling you more about our beautiful boy. Whiskey is 13 years old and we all live in Victoria Australia. Whiskey since we adopted him 12 years ago, always had issues with soft tissue lumps, that four vets could not work out what the cause of them were. Whiskey has always been healthy and active, and these lumps that appeared seemed to look worse than they really were. The Vet advised 12 months ago if they came back again on his front left leg it would need to be amputated, as all the surgery over the years had taken its toll. So we had to make the decision. We all cried for a week whilst he was at the Vet's, there is no family without him in it.
When we picked him up, Whiskey was happy to see us and glad to go home and a true inspiration to us all. He has always been a people dog, likes watching tv (especially singing along to the Simpson's theme). I would love to share some photo's with you all, when I get home.laughing

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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7 May 2012 - 9:12 pm
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Hi Whiskey's Mum! Welcome! It's pretty neat that another Australian has joined, we seem to have a lot lately, and that is super cool! We're so glad you found this community useful, and look forward to getting to know you and your pack.

All of us can all relate to making the difficult decision to proceed with amputation, especially for a senior dog. But it does sound like he's getting along well, which is terrific. You'll be in good company here as we have many dogs who are older and doing well as a Tripawd.

Let's see some video of him singing to the Simpsons!

Life gets very interesting when you join the Tripawd community. Suddenly you see that challenges that we might have though were impossible to overcome, are nothing to a dog. All that matters is having a good time and getting on with life instead of dwelling in the tough times. We think that's a fine way to live, don't you? 

Tripawds Rule! Welcome Whiskey!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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7 May 2012 - 11:19 pm
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Welcome Whiskey and of course, mum!


I'm sorry you have had to join us here but it sounds like you are doing great!  Feel free to ask any questions!

We have to see a video of a singing [3-legged] dog!! big-grin

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

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8 May 2012 - 3:53 am
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WOW. You guys are amazing. Thank you for all of your kind words. You all sound like very special and caring families and the lucky dogs that have enriched our lives.
Thank you so much.
He is happy and well today, eating treats and hopping around. Can I ask if it is too early to give him a bath? Or should I wait till the stitches come out?
Bless you all and your wonderful dogs 🙂

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8 May 2012 - 3:54 am
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PS. As soon as I work out how to add photos and video I will share them with you xo

Member Since:
25 March 2012
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8 May 2012 - 5:52 am
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Hi Whiskey and mum.  As it has been said many time before, sorry you had to find us, but glad you did.  Looking forward to seeing Whiskey.


Heather ans Spirit Shadow

knoxville, tn
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8 May 2012 - 7:38 am
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we think (and remember, i'm a knitter, not a vet) you should wait til the stitches/staples are out and the incision is all healed prior to giving your little man a bath.  you could wipe around with a wash cloth or such, but i'd wait on a full blown bath....  can't stop thinking about whiskey watching the simpsons...what a smart boy!!


charon & spirit gayle

Life is good, so very, very good!!! Gayle enjoyed each and every moment of each and every wonderful day (naps included).  She left this world December 12, 2011 – off on a new adventure.

Love Never Ends


On The Road

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24 September 2009
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8 May 2012 - 9:28 am
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I agree with the knitter, you should wait to give him a bath. Meanwhile you might want to try this pawesome dry bath product we just heard about:


[Image Can Not Be Found]

Fresh Dog Waterless Bath Foam Shampoo for Dogs and Puppies, 6 ounces

Just use care not to get it near the incision.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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