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Grovers Update
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1 August 2020 - 6:56 pm
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What a week but thanks to our amazing team G was back to taking independent hops again today! Video of the first steps captured <3 (I tried to add it but was unsuccessful ... technology is not my friend these days haha) 

He still isn't able to get up on his own which we are hoping to accomplish before heading home but remarkable progress given that 72 hours prior he was unable to walk/hop at all and required two people's assistance to stay up.

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1 October 2017
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1 August 2020 - 7:13 pm
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Yes! That's really good news♥️ Baby steps (again) as frustrating as that I'd but you're going in the right direction.  

Keeping you in our thoughts❤❤


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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1 August 2020 - 8:33 pm
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Shaking my head in disbelief  about what Grover, and you, have been through.  Talk about a roller coaster, geez!

Grover is an incredible  fighter,  a true Wwrrior!  His determination  to overcome this latest hurdle is amazing.  You also have a fighting  Warrior Warrior Spirit and that, without question, is what is helping to get Grover healed!  We'll add the power of pawsitive  healing energy being sent to Grover by your Tripawd Family into the mix.

Cheering for you Grover!!  You are our hero sweet boy!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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28 July 2019
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6 August 2020 - 12:03 pm
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I am so heart broken to share that Grover has crossed the rainbow bridge. 

I always wondered if I would be brave enough to make the decision when the time had come and the truth is that I don't think I would have been. He had been doing quite well - gaining strength and seemed generally happy and we were making to go home plans. Tuesday afternoon he developed neurologic signs (right facial nerve paralysis and circling). Tuesday night he became obtunded. Wednesday morning he seemed brighter - he clearly recognized us, accepted treats from us, and had meaningful interaction with us for about 30 minutes and then again became obtunded. MRI revealed a very large brain tumor invading both sides of his brain, cerebellum and brain stem. We had no options but to let him go. From a biological standpoint there is absolutely no reason we should have gotten our Wednesday morning time with him and for that I am incredibly grateful. We don't have any final results but it is unlike that this tumor is related to his osteosarcoma or to his cecal tumor. 

We are so heartbroken that he is gone and will miss him forever but want to thank everyone here for their encouragement and support over the past year. It was 13 months to the exact day of his osteosarcoma diagnosis - and although we were selfishly hoping for more - it was 13 more than we otherwise would have had. 

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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6 August 2020 - 1:07 pm
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Noooooooo! Oh my gosh what an awful shock, it just broke our hearts reading this sad news. Our deepest condolences, we are so sorry, what a great loss. Stupid cancer! smiley7 

It's not easy right now, and it won't be for a long time. Our dogs leave such an impact on our lives! And you were on a life-changing journey with him, that's something that isn't easy to let go of. But you will always have the feeling of knowing you did right by him up until the end. What a gift you gave him, to be pain free again. And although his body is gone, his spirit will stay strong as ever in your heart. 

Grover's story is the stuff legends are made of around here. He will never, ever be forgotten. 

Many, many condolences and much love coming your way.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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4 April 2019
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6 August 2020 - 2:12 pm
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I am so sorry to hear about Grover.  Still being in the grieving process myself, I do not know how you feel, but I do understand your pain.  Yesterday was Brownie's five month angelvursay, and it was hard.  When people say it gets easier with time, I can't answer that, but I do know it is different.  I think more about the good days, instead of the cancer.

The love you and your family had for Grover was crystal clear, and you did everything possible for him out of love!  And I do remember the video of Grover playing with his many many toys.  He was a very happy and loved boy!  Even though his life was cut short, he had a very good life with you, and he was happy!  

I am sure that Brownie and Grover are becoming great friends at the Bridge.  I can see Brownie sharing his cookies, and Grover sharing his toys!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

My Beautiful Beloved Brownie was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma on February 26, 2019.  With all odds against him he lived an additional one year and eight days with amputation, love, and prayer.  I was honored to be his mom, and I have never been so proud!  He will live forever in my Heart!

Brownie Bubba Bell

04/01/2007 - 03/05/2020

"March Saint"

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1 October 2017
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6 August 2020 - 4:58 pm
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Oh my god. Oh I am so sorry. I cannot believe I am reading this. Got tears flowing here, not what I expected, nor was it what you expected. I am thankful that the higher powers gave you the grace to spend just a bit more time with your boy.

I just cannot find the right words, but you are in our hearts and ... I am just not good at this, I am so sorry.

You gave Grover a wonderful life. He was so lucky to have you, and I am sure you feel lucky to have had him in your lives. Another person here just lost their furbaby in a similar and unexpected way and it is just so unfair. 

Sending you love. Sending you hugs (that's what I do) and keeping you in my thoughts. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss. You have my deepest condolences. You did all the right things, please don't doubt yourself. 

Jackie and Huck sp_hearticon2


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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29 March 2020
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6 August 2020 - 9:37 pm
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I am so sorry.  You loved Grover to the moon and back, that is very evident.  And don't you ever doubt that Grover knows that too!!  May he always be by your side in spirit....

Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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6 August 2020 - 10:55 pm
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I am very sorry you had to send Grover on ahead. This is not at all what I was expecting to read here today.

You did your very best for your boy, you gave him every chance, more importantly you gave him a wonderful life full of love.  These special dogs never really leave us, they become our invisible companions always with us.  Grover will live on forever in your heart and so will always be with you.

And about this:

I always wondered if I would be brave enough to make the decision when the time had come and the truth is that I don’t think I would have been.

I have no doubt that you would have made the right decision at the right time if things had been different.  You have gained strength throughout this journey and when the moment came the strength you gained and the love for your boy would have ensured you would have been as brave as you needed to be.

Karen and Spirit Maggie

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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7 August 2020 - 10:41 am
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Shocked by this turn of events.  Saddened and shocked.  

Grover is one of our sweetest RockStars who will always show new members what's possible.   This joyful  loveable  big fella's lived life to the fullest on three.2ith such gusto, such strength.

As Karen said, you had the depthmof love for Grover that gave you the strength  to release him to be free when he told you he needed to shed his failing  earth clothes.  He knew youmloved him that much.  Your love and dev never wavered.

We know all too well how rough these next weeks will be.  The void will make you feel like your world has stopped.  

We also know Grover left you with thousands  of Happy memories  to helpmpish the sadness further into the background.   We also know Grover will definitely  connect with you.   He will let you know he is still with uou and that he is pain free and running  like a champ.

As he got closer and closer to the Rainbow  Bridge he saw a gift waiting  jist for him.  He had the biggest grin on  his mug when he saw it.

Screenshot_20200807-122239_Photo-Editor.jpgImage Enlarger


Thank you so much for sharing Grover with us.  Please share more when you can.  He will continue  to inspire here.

Surrounding  you with lots of memories  of deflated footballs 

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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28 July 2019
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9 August 2020 - 11:00 am
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Thank you so much to everyone for your kind words. It's been hard. It never would have been easy but I think part of what is making it so hard is that we just thought, based on his recent clear CT that we had more time. We literally CT'd him from neck to tail ... except for his brain. When you have an 11 year old Great Dane with cancer it shouldn't come as a shock, but it just did. 

Realistically, looking back he has had this tumor a long, long time. When he recovered from his amputation he had some very transient uneven panting (right jowl didn't pull back as far) and that was realistically facial nerve paralysis from the tumor, but it went away and we never thought more of it. Part of me wishes we had known so that we could have tried to treat it with radiation ... part of me is glad that we didn't because who knows what sort of different decisions we would have made for a dog with osteosarcoma and a brain tumor rather than "just" osteosarcoma. 

Just another reason to 'Be More Dog ' and live in the moment - you never know what tomorrow will bring. Hopefully, one day his story will bring hope to people. You can be a gigantic dog, diagnosed with metastatic osteosarcoma, with terrible OA (and it turns out a brain tumor), have a forelimb amputation, live an awesome life ... and die with it rather than because of it. 

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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10 August 2020 - 11:50 am
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You are so welcome. (((hugs))) It's totally understandable that this came as a shock. Just when you think you've conquered one aspect of cancer, it hits you with another. It knocks the wind out of you and takes a long time to get it back. 

I agree that maybe it was better you didn't know at the time. I would probably feel the same way. There are lots of factors influencing treatment for a dog with multiple cancers and I'm sure it would have impacted everything from Grover's recovery to all those beautiful days you spent together just living life one day at a time. Would you have done all of them? Would more treatment time have stolen more time away from doing what he loved?

For example, when we found out Jerry had lung mets, it was 17 months post-op. We hadn't done x-rays until then and he could have had mets all along. If we had known about the mets, Admin and I might not have made the decision we did to start traveling with him. So yes, maybe there was a reason why that quirky behavior of Grover's just faded into the background at the time, maybe it was so that yes, you could learn how to Be More Dog and follow his lead. What a gift of a lifetime in so many ways.

For now, the heartache is heavy and real, and it will take time to feel normal again. In the meantime know this; Grover's life will forever touch members here on their own journey, and bring them hope for better days ahead. May this bring you some comfort as your heart mends. 

Much love and hugs coming your way, from all of us. xoxosp_hearticon2

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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