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Caring for a Three Legged Dog or Cat

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EllieMae's Story
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Member Since:
26 December 2017
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26 December 2017 - 9:42 am
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Hello, all- My name is Denise and I rescued a three legged Shiztu/Maltese she is approximatley three years old, she's black and white and for reasons I do not know she was amputated in April of 2017.  I rescued her in September 2017 and she was so small and frail and scared!!! She's been with me a little over 3 months and she's the happiest little thing I've ever known.  She's quiet and loves her "me" time but loves to play with her chew toys and is absolutely crazy for treats. The rescue agency I received her from told me she was severely matted when she arrived at the NY ASPCA which is where she was amputated. I truly believe she had an accident with a door because she is petrified when walking through doorways.  I love my EllieMae so much and she shows that she loves us too.  I pledge and promise to LOVE her unconditionally and I am so happy to have my little girl in our family. 

The day we rescued her, we went to an event at a local Pet store and all the dogs were cute but no one really touched me.  As my daughter and I were leaving the store and told the agency to call us for a next event. The director said wait what about this one.... and she was laying in a box in her bed under the same bench we were seated.  I had NO clue she was even there.  When she peeked her little tiny cute head out I instantly Awwwwwwwed and my heart melted.  The director said.. "there's just one probllem" "She's only got three legs" My hear dropped I thought to myself what do I do with a three legged dog!!! She put her on the floor and EllieMae RAN straight to my daughter! I knew then that she was mine and I had to have her.  Three legs don't care!!! I'll figure it out! It's been fine so far, good thing is she's not ever found on the couch.  She can't jump up there but loves it, we carry her on the couch and she sits there for hours on end. She knows how to jump down for sure the first time she did it I thought she would kill herself and she just jumped off as if nothing. Well Well Well that's how I figured out she can actually walk down the stairs... LOL I was carrying her up and down the stairs for 3 weeks.  

I Love my three legged dog and I am so grateful to the rescue agency for fostering her and putting her up for adoption.  She's the best thing that happened to me and my family.  claplaughingbig-grin

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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26 December 2017 - 10:42 am
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Welcome and thanl you for sharing EllieMae's story!

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Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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27 July 2014
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26 December 2017 - 12:49 pm
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Congratulations on the new love in your life! I have a tripwad cat who may be a little smaller than EllieMae but not by much. Some people buy or build a set a stairs for their small pet to go up and down to a couch or bed. It can help protect their remaining leg joints. You can see some examples of these stairs at Amazon or maybe even your local pet store.

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I look forward to seeing some photos of your little treasure. Thank you for adopting her.heartheartheart

Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona

Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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26 December 2017 - 2:06 pm
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Hello and welcome!

My current Tripawd is named Elly and I often call her Elly Bea!  Elly was hit by a car at 7 months old and lost her right rear leg as a result.  Elly is a Pug mutt- she also has some Shiztu and some Maltese.

Elly was afraid of pretty much everything that moved when I got her at 10 months old- I've spent lots of time and tons of treats on building her confidence.  We have also taken lots of classes which has helped.  Elly will be 3 years old this week.

I've had small dogs for years including a Tripawd before Elly and pugs who had mobility issues of one kind or another.  I have stairs or stools near all the furniture on which Elly is allowed. She usually uses them to get down as well but sometimes when she is wound up she goes flying off!

I also have a stroller, I don't use it that much with Elly as I keep our walks relatively short but when I want to go for a longer walk she gets to ride part of the way.

It's wonderful to hear how well Ellie Mae had fit in with your family!

Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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