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Copper's story
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On The Road

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15 July 2020 - 12:53 pm
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Woooohooo for the WILD GIRL! She's such a clown and always makes us laugh. Looks like a great way to celebrate the big occasion, lucky pup 🙂

Thanks for inviting us to the pawty!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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27 July 2014
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15 July 2020 - 7:11 pm
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Awww, Copper sure made me smile. Thanks for sharing photos of his party. Did he eat the whole birthday "cake" at once?

I must say that dogs are a lot more fun than cats. I love my cats dearly but they certainly don't cooperate with hats or costumes. And they don't smile like dogs. However, I recently found a lost cat and was able to reunite him with his family after being lost for 18 months. When I took him to their house the woman wasn't absolutely positive he was their cat because he's now very lean. But he immediately rang a bell to get treats. icon_lol  Finally, a cat with party tricks. smiley_clap

Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona


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15 July 2020 - 8:47 pm
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Kerren!  Love that story about the cat who rang the treat bell as proof!  So cute!!  Good for you for getting  kitty back home❤

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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16 July 2020 - 11:49 am
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Woah that is really cool about the cat ringing a bell! YAY for your kitty rescue! What a beautiful thing 🙂

As for cats not cooperating in costumes, I'm not too sure about that .... 😉


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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16 July 2020 - 11:56 am
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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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27 July 2014
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16 July 2020 - 3:40 pm
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Now that is a fun cat in the costume! icon_lolI've never been successful dressing up my cats. The bell ringing is hilarious but I don't need to train Mona to ring for food - she just taps me on the shoulder for a snack at 2:00 am. smiley13 I still love her.

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19 July 2020 - 3:57 pm
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Oh no - cats have taken over Copper's Story! icon_lol She would be so excited. Seriously though, I once had a coworker who - when asked if he would rather be a pet dog or cat - he said: "Easy. A Cat." When asked why he replied: "Because cats get treated just as well as dogs - but nothing is asked of them." I think he likely had it all figured out. I'm sure Mona probably does too! And not to worry Kerren - Copper was given two ~30 minute shots at the "cake" and then it was disposed of. I didn't want that massive bone making her sick. Thanks for the birthday wishes and also for sharing that cute story about your cat rescue.

And Sally - thank you! Please feel free to laugh/giggle at Copper. I really think the only reason she tolerates costumes/hats/etc. is because it makes people smile and pay so much attention to her. 🙂 And thank you too Jerry! The wild girl greatly appreciates your continued support.

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16 August 2020 - 4:31 pm
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Another pupdate for lil' Hoppy Coppy. 🙂

Copper got her 2nd Yale Canine Cancer Vaccine on 8/5. Just in case it helps anyone - about 6 days after the 1st vaccine Copper got an abscess at the injection site that started draining about a week later. For a while it looked like she was growing a second head (haha) and is currently still present. When she went to get her 2nd vaccine last week - she got a really cute hair cut around it - and also around the area of the 2nd injection for me to keep an eye on it. At the visit they took a sample of the abscess (from the 1st injection) and there was some bacteria present, so she just finished a round of antibiotics. Surprisingly (to me) she got an abscess at the 2nd injection site within about 6 hours that started draining ~48 hours later. Dr. Mamula told me prior to starting the vaccine that about 20% of patients develop a sterile abscess at the site of the vaccination and that typically it is found in patients that make among the best immune responses to the vaccine. So hopefully her bilateral abscesses just mean her immune system is on high alert. I've attached some pics below of the abscesses in question.

Thankfully (despite not appreciating me whipping away the abscess drainage) Copper has continued to do wonderfully well. She wasn't able to go in the water at Rehab last week - because of her abscesses/infection - so instead she rocked it in a Gym session. I might be a little biased... 🙂 but I was very impressed by both her balance and stamina. She had a blast and certainly didn't miss the Pool! haha. She's due to go back and get her injection sites re-checked this Weds. and then on 8/31 she will go for her final blood draw for the vaccine and chest x-rays. I am anxious about the chest x-rays - but am hopeful she'll get the all clear so she can follow-up the vaccine with Auranofin.




New York, NY
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16 August 2020 - 5:00 pm
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Hi Emily!  I saw Copper's rehab videos on IG.  She is so incredibly agile and cute!  I agree with your assessment that she rocks the agility!  Thanks for the update on the Yale vaccine.  I guess I'll be hoping that Griffin develops abscesses now!  smiley2 Stacy

Griffin lived an amazing life for 11 years! Diagnosed with osteosarcoma on March 17, 2020, Griffin's right forelimb was amputated on April 2, 2020. Ten days later he was running and playing fetch! Lung metastasis discovered in July 2020 did not slow down Griffin and he lived joyfully for the next 7 months, passing peacefully at home on February 11, 2021.

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16 August 2020 - 5:08 pm
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Oh my goodness she looks fantastic! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought if an abscess as a pawsitive thing... imagine that!

I am thrilled that your girl is doing well, way to go Copper!!

I could just smooch that adorable face through the screen ❤❤❤

Jackie and Huck❤


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

On The Road

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16 August 2020 - 5:09 pm
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Hey thank you for stopping by and sharing her latest news! I always appreciate it and I know others do, because it's easy to miss her pawgress on Instagram. Watching her video just blew me away, she is soooo fit, balanced and light on her feet. The rehab is really paying off, good job! smiley_clap

Sorry you and Copper had to deal with that monster abscess. Yikes! But YAY that it is actually giving her more firepower to obliterate that cancer. I didn't know that about the vaccine, so I've updated our Yale Canine Cancer Vaccine Information post with her story. Thank you for sharing that knowledge with us.

Give your rock star a big smooch from us, she always warms our hearts and brings joy to our day!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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16 August 2020 - 5:38 pm
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Good going Copper, abscess and all. You hop through that contraption so smoothly. Impressive smiley_clap

Kitty cat kisses from Mona and hugs from me.


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30 August 2020 - 4:34 pm
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Thank you all for the very kind words. Y'alls support of Hoppy Coppy - abscesses and all - is very much appreciated. 🙂

Another pupdate - Copper's abscesses are looking much, much better - but are still currently healing. On the 19th when her Oncologist re-checked the injection sites (abscesses) she actually took a sample of the left one and sent it off to be cultured. The results came back as "no growth"/negative, so they are indeed sterile abscesses. Copper's Onco has still wanted her to stay out of the Pool/Underwater Treadmill to be safe though - so she has been continuing to do Gym sessions with her therapist. Which is fine by Copper - because she has a blast and doesn't even know she's working out (see the pics below). 

Cop goes tomorrow for full blood work, her final blood draw for the Yale Vaccine, and re-check chest x-rays... She's doing so well and i'm very hopeful for a good report - but am nervous as usual. Today we burned off any anxious energy she might have and had a blast on her weekly ~2.5 mile hike at her favorite park. They've been mowing the fields there and Copper, being the nosy pup she is, loves checking out the tractors.sp_hearticon2




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30 August 2020 - 8:19 pm
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I am sooooo loving everybo gle picture and video of Cooper!!   She just exudes  happiness and joy😊 

Watching her step effortlessly over the crossbars and then driving the Bush hog like a this dog!!!   This girl knows how to rock being a tripawd  with such flair😎

Thsnks for the smiles😁


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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30 August 2020 - 9:53 pm
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"Do you want to see how I got these scars?" icon_lolicon_lolsmiley_clap That's a good one! You'll have fun coming up with a Halloween costume for Cooper I'm sure.

She looks so happy at physio.

Does she receive just one Yale Vaccine injection or is there a "booster"?

Big hugs Cooper!

Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona

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