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Chisum “the business man” Update!
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10 February 2023 - 5:44 pm
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Hello again everyone! Today is a very big milestone for my little tripawd business man. 

(sorry to yell we are excited!) 

our oncology team was amazing, gave him a goodie bag and the cutest picture on a certificate! we went to see our primary vet today as well for one of the cats and showed them his handsome pictures and tears were shed with everyone. 

I cannot say enough about the support the tripawd community has given us, we would have been lost without all of you. Thank you thank you thank you, all of you who have posted in the past, shared journeys, and special thanks to Jerry and Sally for responding so quickly to all of my concerns within the first few weeks of the amputation! 

I still haven’t quite figured out the picture posting, but I’m going to try! He was so happy today I just have to share!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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11 February 2023 - 6:55 am
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Wheeee! Yell it from the rooftops this is terrific news! Congrats to Chisum and you too, what a long road you've traveled!
So he did ok with it, no side effects?

I'm happy to help with pics, just message me. Can't wait to see the most handsome businessman in the Tripawds Universe! 😍


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13 February 2023 - 6:54 pm
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Well I'm YELLING   right along with you..CONGRATULATIONS CHISUM!!!     GREAT JOB!!!!   👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍

And yes, we must see pics!!!  We love being able to celebrate  Happy events like this, especially  when pictures are involved 😎  Along with Rene, I'm also happy to post pics for you.  I'll PM you my email and you can send them to me of you'd like.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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14 February 2023 - 5:03 am
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Jerry - he tolerated the chemo like a CHAMP! On the first round, they did CBCs every week to check the WBC on week 3 they dropped and had to have a round of antibiotics. So we did chemo every 4 weeks instead of 3 and dropped his dose down a bit. Other than that his remaining hind leg gets a little weak here and there, the little booty drops sometimes but we just made sure to get him resting more on those days! 

the oncology vet said it may be because he gained about 7 lbs… that’s a mom whoops. I guess with chemo I started unconsciously feeding him more thinking more nutrients during the process (LOL) so we are on a slight diet now hoping that helps the booty drops too lol 

sally, sent you and email. Hope you’re ready for a cuteness OVERLOAD! ❤️

The Rainbow Bridge

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14 February 2023 - 10:32 am
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That is fantastic chemo went so well. I'm happy to know he was a total rock star, and that the oncologists worked on his dosing and timing just as we would all hope. It's all about quality of life and Chisum sure has that!

Oh yeah the extra pounds are going to make mobility harder. Remember 1 pound of excess weight on a dog is the equivalent of 5 pounds on a human. Good thing is that dogs can lose weight really, really quickly. As the pounds come off, his butt drops should minimize and he'll get around easier. 

Can't wait to see the pics. Thank you Sally!


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15 February 2023 - 3:13 pm
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Drum  roll please....  ta..dum... introducing  Tripawd RockStar Chisum!!  👏👏👏This handsome fella's jist completed all his chemo rounds like a CHAMP!!  And clearly all the Vet staff adored  him and gave him all sorts of goodies and recognition.  Well deserved Chisum!!😎

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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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15 February 2023 - 7:20 pm
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Oh I am IN LOVEEEE!!!!! Chisum you are so handsome!!! Congratulations!

Thank you Techie Sally. This made our day!

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15 February 2023 - 8:11 pm
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My handsome tough boy 😍

Happy to have the help of Sally to get these posted! 

Yes, the staff at both vet’s office became very fond of Chizzy! He’s done so well with all the new places and vets, just melting hearts all over DFW 😎

Jerry, yes we are on a weight management food now to hopefully help and starting some longer walks around the yard when Texas isn’t frozen or flooding (lol)

it’s been a rough 4 months but WE MADE IT! On maintenance visits to keep an eye on his progress and X-rays of his chest to make sure the chemo did its job! 

Hopefully this happy, tripawd, chemo graduating boy brings some encouragement to other going on this journey with us! 💜 

The Rainbow Bridge

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15 February 2023 - 11:05 pm
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You have such adorable nicknames for your handsome boy! Yes, you made it! And he's got lots more living and adventures ahead. What a gift!

Yep, keep those pounds coming off, and spring will be here before you know it so he can get out and enjoy it with you. I can't wait for those pics too!

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25 February 2023 - 3:16 pm
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Sad news today… Chisum had to be put down today. 

This morning he wasn’t interested in food, drank tons of water, but couldn’t seem to get comfortable and was very weak. We gave him a little while to rest and noticed his tongue was pale, along with his gums.. then the inside of his ears were as well.. his paws were also very cold. So we then took him to an emergency clinic… he wasn’t doing well on the way there, panting very heavily and too weak to hold his head up on the truck. 

ER vet was worried with how anemic he was presenting.. blood work didn’t show much of anything only moderately anemic and low platelets.. the X-rays didn’t show any obvious tumors but the abdomen was showing signs of fluid. Vet said we could drive about an hour to another vet for a spleen repair because they didn’t have the blood supply in hand for a large dog.  Radiologist came back about 15 minutes later saying there were nodules in his lungs so they think the cancer was blood borne and very aggressive. So even with a spleen repair he wouldn’t have long. 

He wasn’t in pain yet just very tired from fighting. So we made the hard decision and spent some time scratching and rubbing all his favorite spots and told him he was officially off work.

RIP Chisum Radar.. my Chizzy boy. The best businessman and protector. 

thank you all for the support during all of this fighting. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 February 2023 - 4:38 pm
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UGGGGGGHHHH!!! NOOOOO! icon_cry What a horrible gut-punch! I am so very, very sorry. This is such an awful shock icon_cry

I am just speechless. Cancer is so damn mean!!! smiley7smiley7smiley7

Know that we are holding you in our hearts, and lighting a candle for your sweet Businessman. He may be off work but he will always be on duty, looking after his favorite humans.

You put his needs above your grief. He did not suffer, and he knew he was loved up until his last breath. You were amazing parents to him. What a dream life.

Please let us know if you want to talk, or share more photos of him, and honor the love and good times he brought to your life. You are always a part of our community. 

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25 February 2023 - 4:52 pm
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Yes, it was very sudden and shocking to be completely honest. His chest X-rays about a month ago showed nothing… we had our hopes up. 😕

We need all the prayers, good vibes, thoughts.. whatever floats your boat. We are struggling pretty hard with this.. we know he is looking over us, but what I wouldn’t give for one more face wash (excessive kisses) or even a rowdy boy bark session. 

I couldn’t watch him struggle anymore, I also didn’t ever want him to be in pain. He was my child and best friend… I just hope he knows how strong of a boy he was to fight so hard for so long. And how much he was loved by his moms.


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25 February 2023 - 7:08 pm
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It absolutely  breaks my heart to read this.  Shocked.  Stunned. The tears are flowing hard right now.  I'm just so very, very, sorry. 

I know there are no words.  Just so unexpected. But you saw the signs of things spiraling downward and you took immediate action and you  prevented a horribly painful  passing.  At some point you will find comfort  in knowing that and that you were with him.  To give the gift of release when his earthly body was failing him and to surround  him with your love as he transitioned  back to Spirit is a gift to him.

Chisum definitely  knew the joy of being so loved and adored.  He I deed was a strong fighter and he gained that strength  from his beloved hoomans.

Yes Mr Busunessman is officially off "work".  I'm sure he considered  being your protector  and best friend nothing like work at all.....just a labor of love.

I keep writing as though words will come.  They won't.   I do want to come back but for now, I'll just let some more tears flow and, at the same time, smile for the privilege  of knowing thos special boy.

Surrounding you with  love and light and the sounds of his rowdy boy bark carried across the winds.....

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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26 February 2023 - 10:00 pm
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This was sent to me years ago from long time member Martha of The Oaktown Pack.  I always found so much of this poem to be so true:

  Look for what is not there

Hear things

Feel the forgotten fur beneath your fingertips

Feel the forgetting begin

Hold a memory, any memory, bright and shining, soft and sad, smelling of wet fur and leaves, with a whisker there and muddy paw prints left on the stairs, of a walk of a hike of a trip to the park with a treat and a bone and a belly rub snacks stolen off the counter and tug of war and the squeaky toy a glance of complicity in play with your hand on head with tail wagging and breath misting in the morning light or the moon over the trees while an owl croons ears are pricked and nose to the ground sniffing, sniffing, sniffing following the invisible trail to its joyful finding

Put on your pajamas

Turn around three times before you curl up by the rope toy and find yourself chasing the echo of a bark into a night that will never end

Grow a tail

      Catherine Young 11.27.12

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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27 February 2023 - 11:49 am
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Aww thank you for sharing Sally.

Shelby how are you all holding up? We are here for you. 

I know what you mean about wanting just one more kiss, one more slobbery lick on the face. It's hard enough losing a dog under the most typical conditions, but when you get no notice whatsoever, it's a brain whiplash. I'm so sorry.

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